What has food shocked you?



  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I am shocked by the amount of sugar in those yogurt drinks and some yogurts. Some have the same as a can of coke.

    NOT WORTH IT :noway:

    TOTALLY AGREE!!! I eat Greek yogurt sparingly, but I stay away from all other yogurt unless it is a small amount used in a larbger recipe. Even the "no sugar added" plain yogurts have 15+ grams of sugar!!! No wonder the doctor told my diabetic mom not to ever eat yogurt.

    I eat Linessa fat free yogurt on breakfast. 100g has 40 Kcal, 6g of sugar, and a lot of calcium!
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    Nuts! love 'em but they are hugely calorific. I also love brown rice but you can only have a tiny amount if you don't want the cals to scare you.
  • I had a roast beef footlong subway on honey oat with heaps of veges & only honey mustard sauce! 800 calories later,
    I also had a bacon & egg pie then logged it in the diary to find out it was 500 calories!
    My niece use to have peanut butter on toast for breakfast, she doesnt now after logging it in her diary, we did spent quite some time laughing about it!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am shocked by the amount of sugar in those yogurt drinks and some yogurts. Some have the same as a can of coke.

    NOT WORTH IT :noway:

    TOTALLY AGREE!!! I eat Greek yogurt sparingly, but I stay away from all other yogurt unless it is a small amount used in a larbger recipe. Even the "no sugar added" plain yogurts have 15+ grams of sugar!!! No wonder the doctor told my diabetic mom not to ever eat yogurt.

    I eat Linessa fat free yogurt on breakfast. 100g has 40 Kcal, 6g of sugar, and a lot of calcium!

    Sounds good, but I exercise off 600+ calories a day...so my breakfast has to be at least 250 calories which would be at least 6 servings...which would be 36 grams of sugar for me. And adding fruit to a smaller serving would still be sugary for me because of all the natural sugars in fruit. Maybe I could have it on those days I DON'T exercise cause I only need 1200 per day then and could get away with a smaller serving.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    For me its only a part of my breakfast. I usually eat about 200 - 300g (which is a pretty big cup), a banana, and some bread. Today it amounted to 384 Kcal and 36 g of sugar (of which most was the banana..).

    I don't have any issues with sugar so I haven't been tracking it. It's just fast carbs and your liver is empty of glycogen in the morning so, I figure, the faster you have some in your blood stream, the better.. :ohwell:

    The major benefit in the yogurt is the calcium though. Milk is good too but it too seems to have quite much sugar in it. Lactose I suppose.. Isn't that a sugar? :ohwell: How about finding lactose free yogurt?

    I suppose the amount of sugar in milk is my newest shock! :laugh:
    Well. I knew it was a good option for a recovery drink which means, it has fast carbs in it so the sugar shouldn't be such a surprise..
  • With the exception of Dominos, surprisingly there aren't a lot of calories in a slice from Dominos, at least less calories than in a slice of the frozen rising crusts I enjoy so much.

    dominos is actually really bad lol go with the thin crust its the best bet and stay away from dominos pasta bowls 1600 calories in a primavera lol i used to work their

    According to http://www.dominos.com/pages/calculator.jsp#
    Most of their pizzas are about 200 calories a slice. I never said the pizza was healthy. I just said it's a lower calorie alternative than a lot of the other pizzas.

    If you want a shock. Check out Subway's nutritional information. EVERYTHING is loaded with sodium. The only healthy sandwiches or relatively healthy sandwiches are the veggie ones.
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    I'm shocked that a serving of pasta is sooo small!

    Shocked that a slice of deli tukey meat is only 30 calories

    I'm shocked that whole grain fiber bread is like 110 calories per slice and is even more calories than some white breads

    I'm shocked that Dannon's Lite & Fit yogurt is only 80 calories but is in a bigger container than the regular one and tastes exactly the same and doesn't have a weird diet flavor and aftertaste.

    Lots of my surprises were good though, in that some foods were a lot less calories than I'd imagine.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    carrot cake! i thought carrots were healthy :p

    no doubt! so my mom sent me our family recipe for her super delicious carrot cake. when i was preparing it, i realized that in total it had 4 cups (yes, FOUR) of sugar: two in the cake and 2 in the glaze. It also has pineapple and coconut, not to mention >> carrots << which are pretty sweet on their own.

    so i cut 1 cup of sugar from the cake, but it was still too sweet. next time, no sugar in the cake at all and half recipe of the glaze. that oughtta fix it. the number was so ridiculous, even at my modified version. my bf & i renamed it "diabeticake"

    i gave over half of it away just to get it out of the house. haha!

    i remember thinking it was the most delicious cake i'd ever eaten when i was a kid, but now it's really just too sweet to eat much of. i think the thing i like about changing my foods around the most is being able to taste food more sensitively.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    4 baby dill valasic pickles had 1120 g of sodium... half of the daily limit!!! I had to do a major water flush after seeing that
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    I was shocked by the pickles too. I love pickles, and I thought they'd be a low-cal crunchy treat.

    They ARE low-calorie, but the sodium is ridiculous! I guess it makes sense, as they sit in brine, but still . . . it was a sad day :(
  • beckywibberley
    beckywibberley Posts: 1 Member
    Salmon Nicoise salad from Nordstrom Cafe. Utterly disappointing and devastating. Between giving up that and Panera Bread, losing weight should be a breeze (sarcasm).
  • Bread!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Ramen noodles!
    In college we would eat them breakfast lunch and dinner bc they are only 10 cents a pack, then i actually looked at the back of the package.

    one whole package is 380 calories... and 1660mg sodium. whaaaa!! and i ate that multiple times a day.... *shivers* ha ha ha
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Good question! shrimp fettuccine Alfredo at red lobster 800 calories yikes!
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    Mine is Recees Peanut Butter Cups.. They have the same amount of fat as an 8oz tbone steak.. :S That scares me that 3 chocolate pieces can = a man's dinner...
  • Hobnobs! Why on earth are they so delicious?! Seven grams of fat in one little biscuit. You can have a whole row (5 chunks) of the big, 230g Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut for all that fat. Unfortunately, I'd rather have the Hobnobs. :(

    Oh, man...I love love love love love chocolate HobNobs....I have to eat only two, and break them up into tiny bites so it goes further...I could eat them all day long. (And did, before MFP!)
  • mtwd65
    mtwd65 Posts: 51
    I was pleasantly surprised at Arnotts Tiny teddies. I buy the packs for school lunches so they are packed for primary school appetites. I can eat a pack during the day without feeling guilty....but I have eaten a packet of biscuits! Psychologically a good choice.

    At the other end 1 tiny piece of Baklava OMG!!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    You know those fancy dipped apples that you can order from catalogs during the holidays? The dipped in caramel/ chocolate and then coated with peppermint bark or toffee or nuts or sprinkles kind? 6....yes SIX....servings listed in the nutritional info for one apple. That makes about 960 calories in an apple, mostly from fat as the poor apple probably has about 100-150 calories. I also just found out that one of the better burger places in town has a lettuce wrapped burger for 290 calories and 6 g fat. That is less calories than most salads, although obviously there is no bun or cheese or mayonnaise. However, this is a better choice for me than a cheeseburger and onion rings from the drive through. And the shake I like to get there has more calories than a candy apple, which I had no idea or I NEVER would have ordered one. That is almost my 1200 daily calories in 1 cup :(
  • I make a killer pecan pie. It is just the bomb. Yesterday I baked four of them along with a smoked turkey, a roasted turkey and half a dozen other things. After lunch I spent 9 hours making 7 gallons of a simply fantastic turkey soup. Today I built recipes for the pie and the soup. The pie contains 3,768 calories. I used to eat a whole pie in just one to two days with ice cream and whipped cream on every serving. That's right around 6000 calories in a couple of days on top of everything else I ate during that time. I am blown away by that info and I'm wondering how I only gained fifty pounds in the last ten years.

    The turkey soup however, is loaded with veggies and logs in at 87 calories per delicious cup. I have 40 cups in my freezer now which is less calories than one of the pecan pies. That's two and a half gallons of soup so thick and delish that it is almost a casserole. The broth has been reduced so much it is like jello in the fridge.

    Sure we know by instinct that pie has more calories than soup but my God, I didn't know to what extent.
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    I make a great homemade sweet potato pie and WOW!!! Over 550 calories in 1/8 of the pie. I guess I should stop eating it. Darn.... I really like it.
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