Where were you??



  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    When the space shuttle exploded I was 7 and I bet I was out making mud pies with my cousin who liked to bite. I don't remember much about it...I remember people saying that it happened, and how sad it was.

    When Reagan was shot I was like...2 yrs old, so I have nooo thoughts on that one..

    On Sept 11th 2001 I was 21 and in a College Computer classroom when someone said they heard something about it. We went to CNN online and watched but didn't realize what was happening.
    When I got home (Halifax Nova Scotia at the time) I was talking to my mom and watching it over and over on CNN and I just couldn't comprehend that it was REAL.
    I remember some of the flights were delayed and people were stuck in Halifax that wanted to fly home and I just felt so badly for the people that came in to the store where I worked....=o(
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    the Challenger....I was exactly 25 months old, so I was probably hungry.

    I wasn't even a gleen in my papa's eye for Reagan.....

    9/11....I was in my HUmanities class in Junior high. I didn't really understand what was happening, so I didn't feel anything. Until I got to art next period and watched over and over the buildings burn. I think I didn't start to cry until the first fell. I was terrified. Everyone was trying to figure out where they were going next. A few mentioned the Sandias in New Mexico (a stones throw from where I grew up and live) were on the list........even now I am crying remembering it all.....My brother joined the marines that Spring.
  • snelfk
    snelfk Posts: 151 Member
    When the Space Shuttle exploded, I had just pulled into the parkin glot at work. I just sat there, listening to the radio. When I finally went in, everyone was watching the reports on the tv.

    On Sept. 11, we were living in Singapore, 9/11 is my oldest daughters birthday, we had gone out to dinner and the girls were all in bed. I was flipping thru stations, which I never do, when I saw it. My husband and I tried to to get call thru to the US, to talk to our family on the West coast, just worried that it was the next target. The American school was open the next day, but within two day, all the buses had the logos painted over. On the 14th my sister called to tell me my Dad had colon cancer and would be operated on on the 17th. There were still no planes flying into the US. I finally got on to the first plane out on that Sunday.

    By late October, the American school had been fortified and there were Gurkha soldiers, (the ones trained in Nepal, supposedly the best trained in the world) at the gate of the school. With military plocie relieving them at night and doing walk throughs the school twice a day. There was also, miltary helicopter flyovers the school twice daily. The students had "lock down" drills monthly. We later found out in Dec. that a cell had been arrested in Singapore with possession of photos of the American School, American Embassy, American Club and a few other spots. I don't need to tell my daughters about this event, I'm sure they'll be telling their children...
  • back2beingme

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    I was in the 5th grade and was told by the 6th grade teacher..he was a HUGE NASA fan. I remember how upset he was, not so much about the rest of the world, just him...

    I was only 5 when Reagan was shot, so I only know about it from news...

    I was getting dressed and ready to go to my substitute teaching job for the day. I lived on an Air Force base at the time, and my DH was in the military, already at work. I called to see what was going on and they hadn't even heard it on the news yet!! I went to my job for the day and they sent me home, as most of the kids were military kids and were being checked out at a very steady pace. So sad...
  • Reesy
    Reesy Posts: 132 Member
    Wow, I seriously do not remember where I was and I was born. If you would have asked about September 11th. I could have given you that information. :happy:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    Sitting in a "Math for elementary school children" at Virginia Commenweath University (Richmond VA)

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)? I know I was a Jr in High School, but I can't remember exactly where I was...had to be home for school at that time.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    I will always remember this...sitting in my cubicle at work when the news hit the internet. I also remember freaking out because they said a plane went down south of Pittsburgh....my mom lives south west of Pittsburgh
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    for the Challenger I was 23 I think I was pulling in to the parking lot of the TSS stores in Elmont and Howard Stern was on the Radio - he said the shuttle just exploded and I thought what an animal to make up a story like that.

    When I went in to the store they made an announcement - people were walking around in a daze - I just couldn't believe it.

    1981 I had just graduated high school and quite honestly I don't think I remember much about it except - that is was squeaky La Fromme who shot him and she was part of the Manson Family.
    I remember watching the news and they replayed it was strange.

    9/11 - I was working in Miami Lakes FL for American Express Travel - my sister called and said a plane just flew in to the World Trade center they think it was a Cessna - the next thing I knew one of my employees came in hysterical crying she had been watching and saw the second plane hit.

    The phones were ringing off the hook as all the planes were grounded - really I had to hold it together to get the stuck travellers calmed down - my Brother in Laws are both Law enforcement in NY and one was missing for about 12 hours - so it was really hard to hold it together.

    American Express lost 11 employees that day in Tower 2 - we had an onsite office there
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    "Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)"

    Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
    Out in the yard with your wife and children
    Working on some stage in LA
    Did you stand there in shock at the site of
    That black smoke rising against that blue sky
    Did you shout out in anger
    In fear for your neighbor
    Or did you just sit down and cry

    Did you weep for the children
    Who lost their dear loved ones
    And pray for the ones who don't know
    Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
    And sob for the ones left below

    Did you burst out in pride
    For the red white and blue
    The heroes who died just doing what they do
    Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
    And look at yourself to what really matters

    I'm just a singer of simple songs
    I'm not a real political man
    I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
    The difference in Iraq and Iran
    But I know Jesus and I talk to God
    And I remember this from when I was young
    Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
    And the greatest is love

    Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
    Teaching a class full of innocent children
    Driving down some cold interstate
    Did you feel guilty cause you're a survivor
    In a crowded room did you feel alone
    Did you call up your mother and tell her you love her
    Did you dust off that bible at home
    Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened
    Close your eyes and not go to sleep
    Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages
    Speak with some stranger on the street
    Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow
    Go out and buy you a gun
    Did you turn off that violent old movie you're watching
    And turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns
    Did you go to a church and hold hands with some stranger
    Stand in line and give your own blood
    Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family
    Thank God you had somebody to love

    I'm just a singer of simple songs
    I'm not a real political man
    I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
    The difference in Iraq and Iran
    But I know Jesus and I talk to God
    And I remember this from when I was young
    Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
    And the greatest is love

    I'm just a singer of simple songs
    I'm not a real political man
    I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
    The difference in Iraq and Iran
    But I know Jesus and I talk to God
    And I remember this from when I was young
    Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
    And the greatest is love

    The greatest is love
    The greatest is love

    Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    At work at a Military contractor, working in a high security engineering wing. A small group was leaving for lunch and the guard on duty said that the shuttle has blown up and I thought he meant the bus that drives between the buildings. I was dumbstruck when he clarified, I went home, and watched news for the next 12+ hours. Horrible hearing mission control continue to call the flight post-explosion and then the realization that they had lost telemetry for a reason. Rest easy, Christa & crew.

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    I was in my English studies class when the teacher was pulled out and came back a few moments later ashen. Some girls cried, some inappropriate jokes were tried, most just didn't know how to handle it - what to do, or say. Relief when we found out he survived, and a new appreciation for the man's job.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    My wife (fiance at the time) and I were dressing for work with the news on and I caught the early news story and saw the impact live. Horrific, instant realization that hundreds (or more) of people had just died and , I swear, after the first replay I turned to my wife and said this was an attack, not an accident, and I specifically said Osama Bin Laden's name as a possibility. We sat on our bed, 1/2 dressed, for the next 30 minutes in shock, some tears, and we both called in (before we got calls saying "stay home"). As before, I watched the news non stop for the next 16 hours and saw all the tragedy and heroism on display that day, and in the days that followed. At dinner, we gathered as a family with no TV and were just quiet, thankful for the company, wondering what was next. I still have difficulty watching that footage today - such a pointless loss of lives. I still remember fondly the patriotism surge that swept the country during that time; it's a shame we can't seem to keep that alive without a crisis.

    On an interesting note, we were married in late October and went to Disneyland for a few days (yes, I'm a man-child), stayed at the Disneyland Grand Californian Resort and had the report, downtown Disney and the Parks almost to ourselves. The reason sucked (fear), but it was really nice to never have to wait in line.

    Good topic, thanks for doing this one......Mike
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded I was working as a maid at a motel in Kansas and pregnant with my son. I was so shocked, the tv just kept showing it. I remember being so horrified. :cry:

    I can't really remember where I was or what I was doing when Reagan was shot. Guess my old memory doesn't go back that far. 1981 though I would have been in Illinois.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon I woke up the the radio (my alarm clock is set to radio) and the first thing I heard was that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center and the first thing I thought was that it wasn't an accident. :cry: :cry: :cry: I couldn't believe it. I went to work in a state of shock and nobody at work that day got much done because everyone was listening to the radio or watching a tv that was set up at work. I think that was the worse period of my life. I was depressed for two or three weeks before I finally told myself, "You've (:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: ) got to snap ot of it Betty!! :cry: :cry: Oh this is so hard. :cry: :cry: :cry: And I didn't even lose anybody on 9/11. :cry: :cry:
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    At school. We weren't watching it I don't think but I do believe that we found out about it shortly after. Not sure of that. But I remember more of the footage from home than at school.

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    Not real sure, I remember seeing it on the news first. I was only 9.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    Living in S. Idaho and just getting up in the morning and getting the kids off to school. I am sure I was in shock like everyone else. But I also felt immensly thankful for being in a place that was safe from what was happening. Once I got the kids off to school I was riveted to the news for weeks.

    Another thing that I remember very clearly is when the first gulf war was happening. I was a senior in high school and we felt so impacted because there were many already signed up to go into the military and had friends going. It felt like our hearts dropped out of our chests. Then when I went to my job ( I was an intern for an attorneys office) my boss had the radio on in her office. When they came on she came screaming out of the office for us to listen to what was happening. I felt like we were in for some huge changes. I guess they really didn't happen till 9/11 though.

    My kids have never much asked about these particular things. So we will come to that when the time comes. They did watch a documentary on why the shuttle exploded though. It was very interesting and sad.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    not born

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    not born

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    at my aunties place, trying to deal with the fact my dad tried to commit suicide
    we woke up to find it all over the news, and my aunty had actually seen it that night on tv and just thought it was a joke or part of a movie coz it was really late and went to bed, it wasnt until the next day we found it wasn't
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    I was in NY and only 5 years old.

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    In NY. I was almost 10 months old.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    We were at home in CT. I had just came upstairs from taking a shower. I turn on the tv and there they were... smoke everywhere. I yelled at my husband to wake-up so he can see what's happening. It was so surreal.
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    Elementary School

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    Elementary School. There was only 1 TV in the school, it was set up in the hall. All the teachers had hushed voices.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    Home. I *never* turn on the TV in the morning, but had flipped it on for some reason. The first hit had just happened. I watched it all unfold. Then I took my kids to OMSI. My son was still very tiny and very sick. There were just a few people there. It was a beautiful, clear late summer/early autumn day. There was not a cloud or a plane in the sky. There were no boats on the river. It echoed the emptiness I felt. I was grateful for the innocent children with me. That night at work we have a very surreal moment of silence around the flag pole.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded I was working as a maid at a motel in Kansas and pregnant with my son. I was so shocked, the tv just kept showing it. I remember being so horrified. :cry:

    I can't really remember where I was or what I was doing when Reagan was shot. Guess my old memory doesn't go back that far. 1981 though I would have been in Illinois.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon I woke up to the radio (my alarm clock is set to radio) and the first thing I heard was that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center and the first thing I thought was that it wasn't an accident. :cry: :cry: :cry: I couldn't believe it. I went to work in a state of shock and nobody at work that day got much done because everyone was listening to the radio or watching a tv that was set up at work. I think that was the worse period of my life. I was depressed for two or three weeks before I finally told myself, "You've (:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: ) got to snap ot of it Betty!! :cry: :cry: Oh this is so hard. :cry: :cry: :cry: And I didn't even lose anybody on 9/11. :cry: :cry:

    Well I logged out and turned off the compter then remembered where I was and what I was doing when Reagan was shot. (Must be my alzheimers setting in.) I was living in Missouri at the time in a little bitty trailer behind my sister and brother-in-law's place. I used to save every single thing my daughter ever did in preschool, kindergarter and first/second grade and I didn't have room for it in the little bitty trailer so I was going through it all deciding what to throw away and what to keep and I was watching the tv as they were covering the news of Reagan being shot. I can't believe I didn't remember that before. :ohwell:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    ** Not even a twinkle in my pappy's eye yet... (born 1987)

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    ** I was at day care (age 3 1/2)

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    ** I was at school, they didn't tell us until about noon, because they debated whether they should tell us or not at school. When it happened, I was probably in homeroom. When I found out though, I was in Spanish class, and then my history teacher the next hour let us watch the news, even though he wasn't supposed to, and almost got fired for it. Love that man!
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    ** Not even a twinkle in my pappy's eye yet... (born 1987)

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    ** I was at day care (age 3 1/2)

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    ** I was at school, they didn't tell us until about noon, because they debated whether they should tell us or not at school. When it happened, I was probably in homeroom. When I found out though, I was in Spanish class, and then my history teacher the next hour let us watch the news, even though he wasn't supposed to, and almost got fired for it. Love that man!

    Jill, honey...

    How is it you were 3 1/2 in 1981, but were born in 1987???

    *takes bottle away from you* That's about enough of that for one night girlie....
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    The defining moment of our generation...

    I had worked night shift all night and had gotten home about 7am. Usually I never heard the phone ringing but I heard it when my Dad called me to tell me I needed to turn on the TV. I got up, woke my roommate and we watched both towers fall. Soon after that I was called in, and we worked riot control. There was so much confusion and fear that day. The college was crippled. I remember for weeks after that, if someone saw you in a police uniform they wanted to shake your hand or give you a hug or free meal. It was crazy.

    The sad thing is....I taught kids that have no idea why this was such a big deal.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    The defining moment of our generation...

    I had worked night shift all night and had gotten home about 7am. Usually I never heard the phone ringing but I heard it when my Dad called me to tell me I needed to turn on the TV. I got up, woke my roommate and we watched both towers fall. Soon after that I was called in, and we worked riot control. There was so much confusion and fear that day. The college was crippled. I remember for weeks after that, if someone saw you in a police uniform they wanted to shake your hand or give you a hug or free meal. It was crazy.

    The sad thing is....I taught kids that have no idea why this was such a big deal.

    That *is* sad Bunny.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    The defining moment of our generation...

    I had worked night shift all night and had gotten home about 7am. Usually I never heard the phone ringing but I heard it when my Dad called me to tell me I needed to turn on the TV. I got up, woke my roommate and we watched both towers fall. Soon after that I was called in, and we worked riot control. There was so much confusion and fear that day. The college was crippled. I remember for weeks after that, if someone saw you in a police uniform they wanted to shake your hand or give you a hug or free meal. It was crazy.

    The sad thing is....I taught kids that have no idea why this was such a big deal.

    That *is* sad Bunny.

    Some didn't even have a clue it happened. That we are sending people over seas just for fun.