Weight is not consistant. Loss is not linear.



  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member


    This actually almost brought tears to my eyes...
  • MarKayDee
    I weigh myself everyday with my wii, because if I had a normal scale I would weigh myself every time I went to the bathroom. I also love that it tracks my weight, BMI, etc for me. I give myself two shots, if I see an increase I can weigh myself one other time (center of balance can cause a slight fluctuation I have noticed) if it's still up on the second weigh I move on with my morning.
    This morning I was up 1.5lbs, because I had had a very light dinner two nights ago and a big one last night trying to make sure after a really hard day of work m body had enough of everything to repair itself. This morning I didn't poo until after my second go on the scale so I guess I will just have a prettier number to look at tomorrow.
    So long as the scale goes back down within a day or two, who cares if it goes up a little bit?
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    I weigh myself daily, I find I'm less obsessed with the scale than I used to be - I used to look forward to the weekly weigh in and be disappointed if it was up, I also found that I felt great about a loss but then the next day I was worrying about gaining back.

    I have a new strategy now, before weighing myself I tell myself that I'll probably be 0.5 kg heavier.

    This week I'm down a kilo but definitely not linear:

    Mon: 86.3
    Tue: 86.2
    Wed: 85.6
    Thu: 84.6
    Fri: 85.1
    Sat: 85.3
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    Wow, everyone should do one of these charts. It's really an eye opener to see the linear trendline. I weigh only on Saturday, so the weeks I'm "mysteriously" up and gained...it's hard to keep positive sometimes. Even though I know from experience it's a blip and not to pay any attention, it's still hard not to dwell. But my plot points and the trend line looks just like yours :) This is too cool! And so reassuring. I'm going to continue doing this and when I have that weird week where I've gained, I'll look at this for reassurance to just keep trudging along. :)
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    LOVE <3
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Here's mine, covering 50+ pounds of weight loss....


    More importantly, here's the relationship between what I did lose, and what CICO said I should lose. This accounts for "cheat" days, holidays, etc...

  • dacurtis29
    I experience a lot of the up and down weight, but what I don't understand is how for the last 2 months I have lost less than 5 pounds but have finally lost 2 clothing sizes. It was like overnight. I went out and bought this new suit - size 12, got home tried it on, and had to take it to be altered for the leg length. When I got it back a week later, it practically falls off but I didn't lose any significant amount of weight! Is this normal?
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    This was a really, really helpful reminder & illustration to me today. Thanks for posting it.