Any Optifast users out there?



  • Hi, I'm now in week 16 of Optifast and have lost a total of 31kg. I am no longer obese (having once been defined as morbidly obese) and have had many benefits from the weight loss. Blood pressure meds, gone! Fasting blood glucose levels, waaaaay down. Cholesterol, waaaay down. Joint pain, gone. Resting heart rate, down by 30. Energy levels through the roof. I'm walking 7km a day over hilly terrain and it's now easy.
    And in reference to an earlier comment by Septembergrrl, no, no incentives from or affiliation with the makers or sellers of Optifast. Mind you, I will be sending them a brilliant testimonial when I'm done.
    6kg to go to my first goal and it has never felt easier.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, I'm now in week 16 of Optifast and have lost a total of 31kg. I am no longer obese (having once been defined as morbidly obese) and have had many benefits from the weight loss. Blood pressure meds, gone! Fasting blood glucose levels, waaaaay down. Cholesterol, waaaay down. Joint pain, gone. Resting heart rate, down by 30. Energy levels through the roof. I'm walking 7km a day over hilly terrain and it's now easy.
    And in reference to an earlier comment by Septembergrrl, no, no incentives from or affiliation with the makers or sellers of Optifast. Mind you, I will be sending them a brilliant testimonial when I'm done.
    6kg to go to my first goal and it has never felt easier.

    Thank you for sharing your story! Congratulations on your excellent results. I'm on week 5 and down 23 pounds. I'm learning so much and I'm not looking back.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Tomorrow will be one week, my 7th day on Optifast medical weight loss. I think the evening hunger is getting better. I am drinking a TON of water. The first weekend was tough I just made a list of things to do. I did go to the gym a couple of times last week. I am also not sitting down too much because that is when I start thinking about eating. Hang in there!

    Hi! Way to go! The first couple of weeks are the most challenging since you're so far out of your normal routine with eating. I'm on week 5 and finally feeling like I'm settled into the program. I so happy that I started and I've met some great people who are also on the journey.
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    HI, I lost 90 lbs with Optifast under medical supervision. Unfortunately I did not make the lifestyle and eating changes necessary to support a person at my new weight. I gained back 70 of those 90 lbs. I then began to track my caloric intake and see my choices through tracking. I joined the Y and began exercising and over the period of a year or so lost those 70 lbs. I have about 45 to go and figure it will take me about a year.

    Optifast is extremely useful to lose a lot of weigh fast if you have co-morbidity factors like Diabetes or hypertension. Your numbers will fall into line pretty quickly and is a life saver. It is not good as a long term strategy because of the transition into the real world. If your medical support program is good, you may be able learn how a person 100 lbs lighter than your current weight thinks and lives and you will be successful. The mental aspects are a much harder thing than dropping weight. Losing weigh is fairly easy. The 180 degree shift in your way of living and thinking is the hard thing.

    If we think of obesity like cancer, than let's measure the 5 year "survival" rate to determine success. I got about 3 more years to go before I can judge the efficacy of my current work!

    Good luck with your work. We all hope that you become cognizant of the other aspects of your new life and add them to your plan. We want you to be successful.

    OP - listen to this. This isn't a "nay-sayer" for the sake of it, but clearly somebody who has "been there, done that". That is so valuable, isn't it? Good luck in your journey.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    I'm am also doing Optifast through Kaiser. I'm on Week 1 day 5 and I'm ready to gnaw off my arm! I'm really craving big time! We're supposed to go to a Super Bowl party today, but I'm thinking of passing on it because I think I'll just want to eat! I'm hoping I can do this program in the long run!

    Hi! I'm on week 5 and just starting to feel like I'm in the groove of things. Hang in there!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    This sounds like a serious waste of money. Just eat less and move more and you will be fine, your wallet will also thank you.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Just an update. I'm on week five of Optifast and have lost 23 pounds. I'm learning a tremendous amount in my Optifast groups and really working on the root issues of why I overeat. I understand the value of resetting my system through this fast, and I'm fully committed to seeing this program through all of it's phases - which for me will last almost a year, from the fast, through transition and maintenance. I'm also very grateful for all of the optifast bloggers and posters out there who have shared their experiences and journeys. It has really helped me stay motivated, and even examine some of my issues with eating. I've linked to some of them on my own blog. Let me know if you have a blog and I'd love to read it. Best of luck to everyone!!!!
  • Can't emphasize it more....................there are lots of weight loss shakes and eating plans, but unfortunately they all work the same way................calorie deficit (with some at LARGE calorie deficits).
    If you don't intend to eat with Optifast the rest of you life, the chances of weight regain is usually going to happen.

    I encourage you to save you money and utilize MFP's calorie counting system and learn how to change the way you eat for a LIFESTYLE change and not just a temporary change because of a large calorie deficit.

    Doing this for more than 28 years, you can trust that I've seen practically every diet plan out there and know that statistically only about 10% of all users maintain after the diet plan. The other 90% regain weight back because they return to actually eating whole food again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I totally agree. Optifast is what Oprah lost a lot of weight with back in the 80's but as soon as she stopped it all came back. Besides do you really need to pay someone to starve you? I'm able to do that all by myself.
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    I think it's also important to remember that everyone's situation...everyone's different. What works for one may not work for another. That's why there is not one single solution that everyone can rely on when they want to lose weight, get healthier. I'm 67. My metabolism is very slow, not uncommon in my age processing food and reacting to movement/exercise has also slowed. I look at this as a "jump start"...period. But I also know that I need some lifestyle changes. That's why I'm not stopping at the weight loss (assuming I get it!). I never have been a big eater...portion control has never been my's eating the wrong foods...junk food....that's been my achilles heel.

    To anyone struggling with their weight, I can only say to find what works best for you, hang in there, and think healthy!
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    I've been adding squeezed fresh lemon to my water...and drinking it warm to hot. I NEVER thought I'd enjoy such a thing, but frankly in this very cold weather, I'm loving it!. Anything that helps us drink more water is a good thing!
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    Christy...that's AMAZING! You go girl!!!!
  • SamAthelete
    SamAthelete Posts: 1 Member
    Losing weight shouldn't be as hard as many people try to make it. People who are desperate to achieve weight loss are often prone to take more risks. The only reason most people fail in their fitness goals is that they have good intentions at first to adopt a new lifestyle, yet after a few weeks or months, they abandon their good intentions and slip right back into their old bad habits that gave them the excess body fat in the first place.
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    I just finished 3 weeks of Optifast and have lost 13 lbs. I have tried and tried to lose on my own but have not been able to. The accountability of the weekly weigh-ins, the doctor visits, and the $$$ are what keep me in check. The only reason I decided to go this route was because I was desperate! I have been gaining weight over the last 25 years and now have over 100 lbs to lose -- I am extremely motivated to work on keeping it off. I really do see this as a treatment for a severe medical condition and that I will have to manage it my whole life.

    I'm not sure why people come on this board who are so against Optifast -- in my opinion, they don't belong here. The program has been updated and is constantly changing due to new studies that have been done. For instance, the most recent study says that the people who exercise 30 minutes/day during the weight loss phase have a much easier time getting their metabolism back up during the transition phase -- for those who don't, it's a 6-year fight. So....I am definitely motivated now to do 30 minutes of walking a day - not only now but for the rest of my life. I am eating 1130 calories/day which I do not consider a starvation diet -- but if I had to do that myself, planning and preparing all my meals, with no one to be accountable to, I would not succeed (I know because I've tried a hundred times).

    So congratulations to all of you who are trying to get healthier -- however you are doing it -- but if you are not on Optifast or considering it then I believe you should take your opinions to another board.
  • Hi everyone. This is my first post here on myfitnesspal :)

    I'm on day 5 of Optifast and I'm doing ok...however, the weekend is hard! Im not at work being busy so I kind of slept through the day and doubled up my drink intake. I am on 9 meals a day, hoping for a decent first week weigh in on Tuesday.

    I'm vlogging every tuesday, so maybe you could subscribe and follow my journey? :)
  • Hi, I'm interested in joining the group (Optifast USA), how do I do that?
  • seamom
    seamom Posts: 18 Member
    Norcalgal, you are so right! I know the challenge is really yet to come and that is keeping it off. Although I am excited about losing 10 pounds in the first two weeks, I have lost that amount before, just not in that short period of time. I know that the wok is in the maintenance and making major lifestyle changes. I know that exercise HAS to be a part of every stage and for the rest of my life. Journaling also has to be an essential lifestyle change - that is keeping track of the calories I consume. At this point, week 3, I am finding that I don't even want the candy that is lying around the staff room, I don't want the bagels and cream cheese, and donuts. Any lamenting I am doing right now has more to do with the routine of eating certain things on the weekend. I am managing with the help of the tools available to me and the strategies I am applying.
  • HI, I am on day 10 of a 24 week Optifast Program. I have three shakes and three bars a day. I have lost 13 pounds out of total goal of 50 lbs. The challenge I am facing now is that I sick of the shakes and bars. Not craving any foods but I am having to force the shakes and bars down and get queasy. Anyone else experience this? If so, how did you deal with it.
  • I did Optifast in the past and it didn't really work well for me. I lost about 1-2lbs a week and should have lost more. But with a thyroid condition the soy made it really hard to drop weight. I did this plan with my doctor and you think he would have told me about it. So just be aware if you have a thyroid condition then it might not work well even if you do it perfectly the whole time.
  • seamom
    seamom Posts: 18 Member
    Nothumgry585, That is a great progress in such a short period of time! I also get six products a day. Our program allows for different flavors of shakes (vanilla, strawberry and chocolate) and six different flavors of meal bars (only two allowed per day) plus we get a choice of two soups. I find that if I use the sugar free Torini syrups for the shakes it gives a different taste. In the soups I often add herbs such a curry, oregano, pepper I can get more of a variety. The weekends are difficult because there is less structure than when I am at work, so I am trying to deal with that through journaling, distracting, drinking more water, and exercise. I also am not looking at the long weeks ahead, but only on one week at a time. Good luck.:happy:
  • I just started Optifast 3 weeks ago through a doctor's office Have lost about 15 lbs. I do a lot of exercise so that probably helps me but sometimes I get really really hungry. Like today I want to go eat more...... I can eat 2 cups of vegetables a day and that does help. Just joined myfitnesspal today!