why people shy of sharing their diary?



  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I agree people don't want to be judged. Some eat nothing all day.
    My diary is open to my FL but I never 'Complete This Entry" because I don't care to post it on my wall everyday. Same with my exercise. Judge away. Unless I ask, I don't care what others think.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Because I don't know the caloric and Macro specifications for an 8-Ball.

    Also, if the MFP people ever found out that my entire caloric intake is based from 750Ml of Grey Goose Vodka and one pepperoni hot pocket that expired last month, they would think less of me... My delicate psyche just couldn't handle that kind of a blow right now... :frown:
  • Personally.... I don't share my diary because I write personal notes in the Exercise and Food Notes sections of the diary that I do not want to share... the food log is ok, but the notes are just for me. Since you can not separate the food and the notes... I do not share my diary. Simple. :ohwell:
  • I hide my diary however after reading everyone's entries I really shouldn't be self conscious about it. It does keep me accountable and will hopefully help me make healthier choices because it's accessible.
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    Mine's private because I find it incredibly invasive. I don't want advice or comments on my eating, good or bad. It's one thing to be like "Good workout! that showed up on my activity stream" and another thing to be like "Oh, I did the extra click to nose into your food journal and see what you're eating and I found your calorie count to be [judgement]." Really? Why do people even want to read other's food diaries other than nosiness and a chance to judge?
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    Mine is open to my friends list but I turned off the feature that posts to my wall. I don't need the good day posts on what I eat. I got tired of the comments on what I should be eating too. Some once gave me a lecture for eating cashew butter instead of peanut butter. A big lecture on why peanut butter was a better choice. My response back was allergic to peanuts, thanks.

    I do like to get ideas from friends diaries but I won't tell you hurrah for staying under and I won't scold you for going over either. I don't know your situation that day it's not my place to judge you :)
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    Mine is open for my friends. Don't have that many friends, and I highly doubt that anyone would get that lost and end up in my diary :laugh:
    Would like to get more friends, but I guess time zone difference makes it more difficult :indifferent:
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Because I don't believe random strangers on the Internet need to know that much about me. It's one thing if you're on my FL and you kind of know me, but I don't need such a big part of my life being public to everyone. I'm not afraid of being judged, I just believe having personal connections with people is important before they know all about me. I don't post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for similar reasons - I like my life being private and only shared with the people I choose to share it with.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I've never been accused of being shy but it's MY diary. Why would anyone else care what I'm eating?
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Because I don't know the caloric and Macro specifications for an 8-Ball.

    Also, if the MFP people ever found out that my entire caloric intake is based from 750Ml of Grey Goose Vodka and one pepperoni hot pocket that expired last month, they would think less of me... My delicate psyche just couldn't handle that kind of a blow right now... :frown:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's awesome! You're my kind if dieter!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I opened mine up for a few days, and while I didn't receive any judgmental remarks (which would not have been undeserved) just knowing someone might be looking made me think about fudging my numbers and not being truthful. Just a personal failing on my part.I decided it was better to stay private and stay honest! I figure my diary is NOT inspirational in any way. I keep a blog where I post my daily total ... just not exactly how I got there.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Mostly my diary i keep for my own personal use and tracking. I don't think its anyone's business what im doing or eating unless i ask for help. I think too many people "over share" on the internet. But hey if you want the entire world knowing your business so be it. They dont need to know mine :D
  • Because I woke up at 2PM and had a Pot Noodle for "breakfast" that's why.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Because I don't believe random strangers on the Internet need to know that much about me. It's one thing if you're on my FL and you kind of know me, but I don't need such a big part of my life being public to everyone. I'm not afraid of being judged, I just believe having personal connections with people is important before they know all about me. I don't post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for similar reasons - I like my life being private and only shared with the people I choose to share it with.

    Beautifully said. I write personal thoughts in my blog and I am uncomfortable with my friends knowing that much about me, why would I want random strangers knowing my thoughts? Which brings me to the question: Why would random strangers WANT to know that much about me? That's why I don't have a pic of me on this website, either. My loved ones and friends already know what I look like, no one else matters.

    My facebook account is private, too, and I don't post on Twitter or Instagram, either.
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    Honestly, when I first started on my journey, I was very large. I was able to eat a large amount of calories, and I was embarrassed by it. I'm still able to eat 1450 calories even though I've lost 60 lbs. Plus, I follow the Herbalife system, and I get so sick of people bashing me for the lifestyle I have chosen. I know people say Herbalife is a scam, but I've lost 60 lbs since July with this lifestyle, so it works for me. I finally developed thicken enough skin over the course of my journey to handle the bashes and the negativity from others that I was finally able to open my diary about 2 weeks ago. It took a long time for me to be able to open my diary.
  • I can understand some of the reasoning behind not making it totally public, but if it's set to friends only and you're getting harassed/unsolicited advice/annoying posts/etc.... why not just remove the offending person(s) from your friends list instead? I personally think there are a lot more benefits to having an open diary (mostly accountability) than negatives, but keeping it private because you're getting nasty posts from people you willingly added is just... strange, to me.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Mine's private because I find it incredibly invasive. I don't want advice or comments on my eating, good or bad. It's one thing to be like "Good workout! that showed up on my activity stream" and another thing to be like "Oh, I did the extra click to nose into your food journal and see what you're eating and I found your calorie count to be [judgement]." Really? Why do people even want to read other's food diaries other than nosiness and a chance to judge?

    My question exactly!!
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I opened mine up for a few days, and while I didn't receive any judgmental remarks (which would not have been undeserved) just knowing someone might be looking made me think about fudging my numbers and not being truthful. Just a personal failing on my part.I decided it was better to stay private and stay honest! I figure my diary is NOT inspirational in any way. I keep a blog where I post my daily total ... just not exactly how I got there.

    I closed mine for the same reason. Mine was open to my friends for quite some time which was fine when I was doing great, but when I would slip up I was reluctant to log truthfully because I knew some people might see it and I was embarrassed. I ended up closing it to encourage myself to be 100% truthful in my logging. I might open it up again in the future when I feel more comfortable with my eating habits.

    As for people who are wondering why anyone would look at someone else's diary - I know some people like to get meal ideas from looking at what other people are eating.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I don't need anyone's two-cents on my food choices. Comments like "you ate too little" "that's too much sodium" are annoying.
  • GothicaAdore
    GothicaAdore Posts: 82 Member
    Mine is open. You are all strangers who I will never meet. Why do I care if you approve or disapprove of me?

    As a trade off, I won't put up any pictures.

    We all have our quirks.