Do you put on make up for the gym?



  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Putting on makeup for the gym would mean that I would have had to put it on in the first place!

    I don't even know how to put on makeup. I can do lipstick but that's about it.

    I have to admit I'm just plain lazy and not a makeup person. My daughter always wants to do my face and I come up with all kinds of excuses! lol

    I'm just not girly... lol...
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I normally do not wear makeup and have a great complexion so no need to whether at gym or not. lol
    Makeup is not all about "complexion"...


    Because he is rockin' that manliner.

    Ok. Well Ill say I do not need to because I think I look good without it. Is that better and sufficient for you?
    No! :angry:
    Cause he's pretty with it! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I can't see him! lol

    Maybe if I could see him I could take some makeup tips from him! lol
    Crud, the image went missing. Hold on hahaha

    Edit: 90c56f.jpg

    Okay. Okay.. Im convinced. I will wear eyeliner everyday and Ill even throw in mascara and a little lip gloss... lol

    I have seen the light!

    Lmao.. But srsly, that guy can ROCK that manliner XD bahahaha.
    Never liked it on anyone before until Once Upon A Time haha.
  • Just moisturizer and maybe a little bronzer/blush/mascara, but I don't take off makeup I'm already wearing if going after class or something.
  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sure do! and perfume ....sad I know but it has to be done :glasses: :tongue:
  • Making_changes7
    Making_changes7 Posts: 194 Member
    Only if it's from the night before and I didn't wash my face :P
  • I'm usually coming to the gym from work, so the makeup has already been applied. Just a little eyeliner, lipstick, and rouge. It's funny because sometimes my lipstick matches my workout attire.
  • CittiB
    CittiB Posts: 25
    If I already have make on, which is most of the time, then I keep it on. Otherwise I'd almost have nothing - just concealer on a few spots.
  • Another non-make-up wearer here, so definitely no for the gym. The only time I bother is if I'm going someplace really, really fancy, at which point I'll dab on some lipstick and eye shadow.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Never. That has to be bad for your skin. I do wear a bit of lipgloss though.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Duh. Yes. How else am I supposed to get hit on?

    Notsrs. If I have it on its because I was already wearing it, but I don't judge people if they want to or not. Don't even care.
  • Nope, no makeup...the only things I wear are gym clothes & my fat burning attitude.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I always wonder why anyone cares.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I don't even brush my hair for the gym.
    But if i had make up on already, i don't take it off for the gym either.
  • serenity56
    serenity56 Posts: 79 Member
    I used to wear makeup to the gym because I was self-concious about my skin, but that stuff takes no time to make your face feel disgusting once you get sweating, haha. I don't wear anything anymore, though, gym or elsewhere. I'm still a bit self-concious, but I'm not going to wear gross makeup and make myself physically uncomfortable because I'm worried about strangers checkin' out my acne, haha. ;)
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    yup.. i do.. always have on my usual.. but I normally don't wear a lot.. just light blush and eyeliner. ;) thats all ;)

    i don't want to sweat and have it pour off..thats yucky.. ;)

    i don't judge tho.. to each there own ;)
  • BreatheAshley
    BreatheAshley Posts: 130 Member
    Hell no. I barely wear make up as it is.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
  • HugeBum
    HugeBum Posts: 47 Member
    It depends, if I'm doing nothing else in the day and just going straight from home then no, but I normally go on my way home from uni anyway, so I've already got it on.
  • Yeah, but not as much as I used to. For some reason I used to put a lot on. This was in like, 8th grade. But I'm a sophomore now so I know how much is appropriate. I don't go to the gym all that often (though I should), but I play tennis. I sweat a lot when I play tennis. I usually wear concealer, a powder (sometimes), waterproof eyeliner (only on the tightline) and waterproof mascara. I might put some blush on, but I make sure to be careful because my face will get red eventually.
  • Mewcenary
    Mewcenary Posts: 66 Member
    Never. Got to stop all those gym women hitting on me somehow, right?