The Ugly Truth About Diet Soda

By now you know that I like titling things in a way to draw people's attention, critiques, criticism and comments. I'm a glutton for a good debate. Anyhow, this is more of a personal observation. But as I've been seriously trying to respond to my body's needs rather than my wants these past three months, I have noticed something very peculiar: whenever I am drinking a diet soda, I have stronger urges for junk food (esp. sweets) than when I drink water. The same is not true of me drinking a non-diet drink. Now being a self-proclaimed scientist (and self-proclaimed pretty-much-everything-under-the-sun) I have read quite a few studies in the past linking diet drinks to poor food choices, over-eating and poor portion control but I never really noticed it in myself until today. In fact, I had not been craving anything at all until I started washing down my ridiculously unhealthy diet with diet soda today.

Has anyone noticed anything like this at all? Something you eat, drink or do that triggers your desire for something you'd rather not eat, drink or do and weren't even thinking about before you ate, drank or did that thing? <--Could this poorly stated statement masquerading as a question be any more convoluted?

Happy Sunday everyone.


  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I believe the diet soda is getting the bad rap in this case. What is more likely happening is diet soda, for you, is a trigger of past bad eating behavior. Your brain associates diet soda with junk food you use to eat when you drank diet soda.

    For me it's sitting in front of the TV. Not even 15 mins after sitting in front of the tube, I get urges to eat...chips, pizza, etc because that's all I use to do in the past when I sat in front of the tube for 4-5 hrs a night.

    That's why it's called a BAD HABIT.:ohwell:
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Well, I apologize for stating the obvious Mr. Scientist, but diet soda is CRAP that your body does not need and has zero nutritional benefit for your body, period. Sure you feel good about cutting calories and sugar by switching to diet brands, but um... HELLO you're drinking CARBONATED CHEMICALS! I never understand why people who put in so much effort to live a 'healthy' lifestyle and change their eatting habits, etc. will continue to drink soda, diet or not. It makes me feel sick thinking about it. I picture someone taking their glass of water and adding an entire container of thick maple syrup then a bunch of gas. Pretty much the equivilent.

    To answer your question: yes, if I eat chocolate I want more. The science behind that craving is the endorphins released in the brain and the spike in the blood sugar - but I'm sure you know that already. So, I just avoid chocolate all together. Not saying I will NEVER eat it again, but just not in the near future.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Well, I apologize for stating the obvious Mr. Scientist, but diet soda is CRAP that your body does not need and has zero nutritional benefit for your body, period. Sure you feel good about cutting calories and sugar by switching to diet brands, but um... HELLO you're drinking CARBONATED CHEMICALS! I never understand why people who put in so much effort to live a 'healthy' lifestyle and change their eatting habits, etc. will continue to drink soda, diet or not. It makes me feel sick thinking about it. I picture someone taking their glass of water and adding an entire container of thick maple syrup then a bunch of gas. Pretty much the equivilent.

    Yikes. There isn't anything wrong with drinking a soda every now and then, the same reason you can have a cup cake every now and then. Do you eat french fries? Sometimes restaurants don't change their oil for months and you are putting that poison into your body. We can sit here all day long and say don't eat this, don't eat that, but if people are realistically going to lose weight, they still have to be able to enjoy the foods they love. Diet soda really isn't the biggest evil.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I'm glad diet drinks don't make me get the same reaction you do :P

    I drink diet pepsi all the time, more than I do water, yes that's bad but it helps me keep my fluids up in anpther way :P

    I have really got to start drinking more water though LOL
  • SandraMay1982
    I actually did the HORRIBLE thing today. I had KFC. instead of getting the normal pepsi. I got the max. I never drink the ****. I read the can and really. I drank it. But. I don't think I ever will again. I logged it here. and you know what it gave me? Sodium. That's it. Nothing else. I wonder how they give it taste, does it have acetone or something in it? *L*

    There's a reason I always called fizzy drinks gut rot. ha. Because really. That's all you're doing.
    I am glad I have never been big on it. I haven't missed it. I'm more or a carb addict.

    But. I have noticed that being a WoW (World of Warcraft) addict, with the new expansion coming out. I have haven't reverted to the "bad habit" I have when sitting here. I haven't been putting my hand to my mouth with food all week while gaming. Which. I think is an awesome habit to break.

    So. It's probably all just the power of association. As said above. I associate gaming with food to mouth. Mindless eating of chips and chocolate.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    But. I have noticed that being a WoW (World of Warcraft) addict, with the new expansion coming out. I have haven't reverted to the "bad habit" I have when sitting here. I haven't been putting my hand to my mouth with food all week while gaming. Which. I think is an awesome habit to break.

    So. It's probably all just the power of association. As said above. I associate gaming with food to mouth. Mindless eating of chips and chocolate.

    Dude I am so excited for that expansion!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    weird, double post.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Yeah I read these studies that focusd on diet soda years ago and that was one of my main criticisms, which is that any habit associated with a certain behavior would condition you to perform that behavior in response to stimuli. However, my diet soda drinking thing is relatively new (last couple years) and my exclusively diet or zero calorie drink thing is newer still. I should think that regular sodasor diet/zero calorie non-soda should have had the same effect but it doesn't seem to. Not that I've noticed anyway.

    One of the biological explanation for the zero-calorie sweetened beverages encouraging overeating was that the brain responds as if the body is receiving nutrients but the body is not confirming that signal which leads to dissonance in that feedback regulation system thereby dulling your brain's ability to control your appetite. Which could partially explain why the United States, one of the largest (if not the largest) consumers of diet beverages has some of the worst problems with obesity. I'm sure someone less lazy than me can find some links to some of these studies.

    But anyhoo yeah, I like the feeling and energy (and lack of chest burn) I have after drinking water anyway. I'm pretty much committing to weaning myself off the soda throughout the new year.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    P.S. Love being called Mr. Scientist. :laugh:

    And yeah I score myself a B/B+ for the fitness but like a C- for my nutrition. These habits will take some time for me to break.
  • SandraMay1982
    But. I have noticed that being a WoW (World of Warcraft) addict, with the new expansion coming out. I have haven't reverted to the "bad habit" I have when sitting here. I haven't been putting my hand to my mouth with food all week while gaming. Which. I think is an awesome habit to break.

    So. It's probably all just the power of association. As said above. I associate gaming with food to mouth. Mindless eating of chips and chocolate.

    Dude I am so excited for that expansion!

    haha. I am working on the new loremaster. I have only played since March. So I didn't have the old one ANYWAY. a bit peeved that it took away most of my quests completed and I had to start ALL OVER again with most of them :(

    (off topic nerd speak *gets back in box and goes to bed now*) haha.
  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    You're right. Diet soda can be deceptively sneaky. It can have a whopper of a bad combo. It has the carbonation which can make you feel full and bloated when really you're not. It has the fake sugary taste that tricks your brain into thinking you've satiated some sweetness desire, and when your body realizes what you've done to it, it wants something else to fill that void. Like the aforementioned junk. Plus, you have that food memory joy sensor in your brain that may equate food happiness with diet sodas plus other junk, just as a rule for your own body.

    Still, with all that, knowing better and all, I have one every now and again. How can you help it? For me, it's more a matter of restraining myself from knocking back a six pack in one day/sitting. I keep trying to retrain myself that what my body wants when I'm thirsty is water, but I think my body listens to my mind as well as i listened to my teachers growing up - stubbornly.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    For me, it's more a matter of restraining myself from knocking back a six pack in one day/sitting.

    It's funny how a 12-pack every exam cycle can really help one to blow up over 4 years of college.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    By now you know that I like titling things in a way to draw people's attention, critiques, criticism and comments. I'm a glutton for a good debate. Anyhow, this is more of a personal observation. But as I've been seriously trying to respond to my body's needs rather than my wants these past three months, I have noticed something very peculiar: whenever I am drinking a diet soda, I have stronger urges for junk food (esp. sweets) than when I drink water. The same is not true of me drinking a non-diet drink. Now being a self-proclaimed scientist (and self-proclaimed pretty-much-everything-under-the-sun) I have read quite a few studies in the past linking diet drinks to poor food choices, over-eating and poor portion control but I never really noticed it in myself until today. In fact, I had not been craving anything at all until I started washing down my ridiculously unhealthy diet with diet soda today.

    Has anyone noticed anything like this at all? Something you eat, drink or do that triggers your desire for something you'd rather not eat, drink or do and weren't even thinking about before you ate, drank or did that thing? <--Could this poorly stated statement masquerading as a question be any more convoluted?

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    Some of these studies fail to differentiate between *coincidental* and *causal* factors. The fact that behavior "x" is associated with outcome "y" does not mean that "x causes y".

    The biggest problem with topics like this is that it is extremely difficult to control the powerful effect of auto-suggestion.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    LOL! Ok, then from now on your name is Mr. Scientist :wink:

    And, to answer the other poster - No, I do not eat french fries. I understand that many people can't give up all of these things, but if we start making excuses for this ONE thing, or that other thing, well before you know it - you're right back where you started from, eatting poorly. For me personally, if I'm going to put in the effort to eat healthy and to work out, then I want to maximize my potential, not fill my body up with crap. But, I really don't care if others do it, their bodies - their choices. I just said that I don't understand it, that's all.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Some of these studies fail to differentiate between *coincidental* and *causal* factors. The fact that behavior "x" is associated with outcome "y" does not mean that "x causes y".

    The biggest problem with topics like this is that it is extremely difficult to control the powerful effect of auto-suggestion.

    Yeah I know! That's like a whole other post altogether. People (i.e. researchers) so often use epidemiological, observational or otherwise non-experimental data to draw conclusions that are truly not supported by their methods. But the one I'm thinking of wasn't done in humans and it had something to do with some levels of hormone and attraction to sweet water. Or something like that. Seriously someone, look this article up for me. I'm clearly too busy posting on MFP forums to do it myself.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I think I read or heard somewhere that artificial sweeteners trigger the insulin response without the sugar present, and that really screws your system up.

    I was talking with some doctor somewhere while drinking a diet coke and all I remember about that was the guy was telling me something about nerve toxins and stuff. And that I drank regular for a while after that.. :laugh:

    Now I have noticed that the healthier I make my diet, the less cravings for any sodas I seem to have. I still do buy them sometimes but nowadays I can have a half full bottle for a week before I remember to drink the rest of it. Never would have happened before!
    I have noticed more craving for water and milk, with some chocolate powder in it, though..
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Idk, about whether it's association or not, but the other day I was at my parents house and they had a bag of Doritos and I couldn't believe they didn't have any pepsi around. For me that's like a requirement, you can't have Doritos without Pepsi, that's like having apple pie without ice cream - that's why I buy neither.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I did read a study that show people who consumed diet soda, on average, ate more calories than people who drank regular soda. I could go find the study, but I am feeling particularly lazy today.
    From a personal standpoint, if I am dragging, I will grab a 44oz diet mt dew on my way to work. What I have noticed is I will drink less water throughout the day when i do that. idea.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I never drank soda before I discovered the skinny *****. Haha! I might have one once every couple of weeks.

    With that being said, I know the reason I gained weight was because I was eating way too much of the "healthy" stuff. Olive oil, walnuts, avocado. All soooo healthy but pack quite the calorie punch.

    It's all about moderation. If you don't enjoy the foods and feel like you're not missing out, awesome. But if you don't include the foods you love into your life, many of us will fall off the band wagon because it just becomes unrealistic.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    But. I have noticed that being a WoW (World of Warcraft) addict, with the new expansion coming out. I have haven't reverted to the "bad habit" I have when sitting here. I haven't been putting my hand to my mouth with food all week while gaming. Which. I think is an awesome habit to break.

    So. It's probably all just the power of association. As said above. I associate gaming with food to mouth. Mindless eating of chips and chocolate.

    Dude I am so excited for that expansion!

    Me freaking too! I don't play but bf does and I get LOADS of extra gym time when he has something else to occupy him!!