


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Stop looking for magic pills and get to work.

    Exactly. Even at 40+ now it is not needed. Just another marketing scam to get people's money.

    NONE of them have that great an effect, except in your mind.
  • CarlHelgesson
    I agree with the answers you got here.

    You shouldn't need - or benefit - for a test booster at all.

    If you feel you have a problem with you T production, do a blood test and check it out.

    If the result shows you have an extreme low testosterone production, you will probably get HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).

    Eat more calories from protein, carbs and fats, eat more healthy fats, get your eight hours of sleep, drink plenty of water and go all in for your weight training, and problem should be solved.

    D vitamine, zinc before training, magnesium before bed time, DAA and Arachidonic Acid (ARA) are supplements that science have backed up, but not for a young man like you.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Anyone know of any good testosterone boosters? I've used a couple over the years and I used them correctly but they never seem to have a very significant impact on me. Im trying to gain about 10-15 lbs of muscle mass in the next 4 months or so and have big gains on my lifts. Any insight would be greatly appreciated

    10-15lbs of meat in 4 months... not unheard of but extremely difficult. Why do you want a test boost at 20 though. At that age test should be oozing out your veins. Best thing you can do to gain that weight is to eat, eat, eat... and then eat some more. And by eating not just junk food but wholesome food packed with cals from protein, carbs and fat. Beef works best and whole milk.
  • ismar16
    If you are serious about gaining muscle you would know how much your calorie intake should be. None of this range crap 2500 to 3000. Also, since you are running you and lifting you are burning more then what you eat so you can't gain any..If you want to stay lean and put muscle on its very hard to do both at same time.. And if you do want to, then think of a goal that is a year or more. However, the better aproach would be to concentrate on muscle first then switch to burning after. So lift heavy and that will help. You need to have carbs in your diet,, and that should be 55-70% of your calories. This number you have to figure out on your own (i am not certified to tell you whats good for you) but clean carbs will give you what you need. You also need protein, but i could be wrong, but I think you taking too much of it. over 200g of it a day is too much. What you don't use you piss it out and its hard on your kiddney. You also might need to lower your fats. I don't see you talking about carbs and that is one main source you are missing. I am in no shape to say I am expert, but currently I take 3208 calories, with 400g of carbs, 220g protein and 90g of fat. I get my protein from food and shakes, I get my carbs from vegies, fiber like oatmeal, fruit. And I keep an eye out on my intake depending on my time of work out. Just eat eat and eat more,, then combine it with lifting.. You lift for 3% of time and 97% of time is eating and resting. If you don't get the 97% correct what is the point of lifting?
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    When you say you eat a lot, how many calories is that? By the looks of your profile pic you have low body fat level which means you are probably not eating in a surplus. Cant grow muscle from thin air.

    About 2500-3000 calories a day give or take. Usually around 200g of protein and around 130g fat daily. I do a good amount of cardio which may attribute to that as well

    That is part of the problem there. You need to either up the cals if you wish to continue the cardio or up the cals and cut down on cardio. Cardio can kill weight gains goals. IMO since I dont know how much of your cal intake is coming from carbs I would look at that macro. I am only 5-9 and for me to gain I need 3500+ cals a day.... so for you to be as tall as you are you should prolly be consuming 4000+ to gain. Also you need to lift HEAVY. Dont do those isolation lifts like curls and such much. Do the big 5 lifts... Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Standing Press, Rows. Look up some strength programs like Starting Strength, Strong Lifts 5x5 or 5/3/1. Mark Rippetoe's (Starting strength author) secret to success is the 5 big lifts and drink a gallon of milk a day. Bottom line is at your age take advantage of the natural test that you have, eat BIG and lift BIG. I like to take a look at how collegiate football players train. For the most part they all train on the 5 big lifts and add in some power cleans and look at how much beef those 18-22 year olds just pack on the meat.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Anyone know of any good testosterone boosters? I've used a couple over the years and I used them correctly but they never seem to have a very significant impact on me. Im trying to gain about 10-15 lbs of muscle mass in the next 4 months or so and have big gains on my lifts. Any insight would be greatly appreciated
    Anabolic steroids work best. If you don't want to go that route, then lift heavy, high volume, eat in surplus, keep protein high (2 grams for every pound of weight) and get lots of rest, along with no cardio. You may gain 5-8lbs of muscle in 4 months doing this depending on your age.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    D aspartic acid. Nothing works as well. It will increase LH and FSH and increase testosterone by 45%. Also stack it with activate extreme. I got crazy results with that.
    Broscience applied with anecdote isn't actual evidence it works.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mjgiggs
    mjgiggs Posts: 3 Member
    Biggest challenge I ever had making gains was because I was working out TOO much. Like you in my 20's I used to work out 5-6 times a week and my metabolsim was jacked through the roof. I had to cut back to 2-3 workouts/week and just make sure that the resistance workouts I did effectively tore my muscles down. the only other thing I would suggest is creatine...do a load phase. You'll pick up 10 pounds easy. Wont be all muscle in fact alot will be water (unless you use the alkalyn creatine) but if youre lean the extra water wont hurt. just my two cents, everybody's different and you gotta find what works for you. good luck.
  • Daisyisacat
    I mean I'm not new, I do workout alot- about 5 times a week lifting and cardio. I also eat alot and my protein is all natural-no powders or anything. I was just looking to try this because for the last 4-5 yrs ive been lifting, my gains have been slow and I notice I plateau often. I switch up workouts/reps/sets and am looking to increase my gains. I understand what you guys are saying though, so what would be the best way to gain weight and strength?

    Based on the age in your profile, the period of time you are looking at is from 15 years old to 20 years old - during that period you were transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. Strength generally peaks in the mid-twenties. Time is on your side, at least for now.
  • PureAdamic
    Anyone know of any good testosterone boosters?

  • PureAdamic
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    You guys need to seriously stop it with the Tren and Tes push here! This kid is 20 and can do just fine natural.