Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Im doing abt 30 minutes walk and 15 minutes cycling is this enough.... im in third week after surgery and on liquid diet..... thanks
  • Opps 30 minutes
  • surgery was on the 20th Jan home feeling good, not getting all my shakes in feel full told myself today I am getting them in , walked 9 blocks yesterday little sore by my rib think need to tape it up or something when walking . when weighed in hospital 303 on there scale when I left for hospital was 310 on mine here at home this morning 304 it is going down. so excited for this new journey hips and back will feel so much better not caring extra weight around
  • Well I am excited to get the sleeve. I have researched until I am blue in the face. I have a set of twin sister-in-laws that had it done 2 years ago and oh my from 300ish to size 8 in two years. I am tired of being overweight and I have been incorporating the protein shakes into my lifestyle for about a year for breakfast. I am determined to do my pre-op diet a little longer than I have to, because I am tired of being overweight. I would like a facebook group to be added to I tried finding the gastric sleeves - no judgement group but it didn't pop up when I typed it in. I was my mother-in-law's caregiver last year and I am not sure the exact numbers but she has dropped over 70lbs in about 9 months. She looks great. I have been putting it off for 2 years and actually put a deposit down last year and had to ask for it to be returned due to finances. I have seen 3 very close people to me shrink with almost no issues at all. I do have acid reflux and I really bounced back and forth of whether having the sleeve vs. the RNY but I just really like not having the RNY absorbing issues. I am scheduled the same day as a friend of mine on 3/28/14. I worry about the head hunger and I know I will need a lot of support.
  • maybe I'm expecting too much but I feel like I'm not loosing any weight the scale doesn't move in fact went up today am I not eating enough or to much I'm confused make's me sad I walked 2 times yesterday 15 minutes each, I stayed busy I sat in chair took a nap yesterday afternoon for 2 hours but then I didn't stay home I got out and was gone til 10:30 I know maybe I am expecting too much right away I just want to hit my first goal before I go back to the doctor and it was only 2 pounds away yesterday today its 4 there is something about that number tthat my brain has a fear of and I can't figure it out
    Any suggestions
  • I was sleeved one week ago. I'm not hungry. Still sore and low energy. I'm getting 40 G protein in but pushing for more today. I have lost 7 lbs since surgery. I am able to drink water and veg broth well. I'm not hungry. Heading out to find protien powder today. Still have another week of liquids before the two weeks of soft food diet. Doesn't bother me yet.
  • THenry8
    THenry8 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Kelly! That is a wonderful story. I had the Gastric Sleeve almost eight months ago in June 3, 2013. So, I am almost eight months post op from my surgery. Before my surgery, I have lost about 65 pounds to get my liver to shrink in order to get the surgery. After my surgery, I have lost over 100 pounds in almost eight months. Throughout my Gastric Sleeve Adventure, I have lost a total of 150 pounds altogether. My highest weight was almost 430 pounds. Now, I am about 260 pounds and still losing the pounds as I grow.

    I am sill able to eat not as much as I want to, but I am getting the hang of this new and healthy lifestyle that I am now living in. If actually feels like god is giving me a second chance to make a fresh start. I still have the flabby arms, but I am taking care of the weight training and the resistance bands to help me to become more stronger. Drinking the protein shakes was the hardest part for me, because I could never find a flavor that I would enjoy. Eventually, I finally found one in a few weeks after my surgery. Going to these Bariatric Support Groups are also kind of fun once you get to know the other surgery patients and their stories.

    We still have a long way to go to achieve our dreams and health goals; however, if we support not just each other, but every other bariatric patient, we can achieve anything that we feel like achieving. I know that I will have your support and hope that we can become friends. I wish you all my hopes for you and your current healthy life.
  • I was sleeved on 1/10/14 and I feel better than I have in years. I was a bit skeptical since I'm 64 and wondered if it would work as well. Well I have already lost 29 lbs. I'm a little tired of broth, jello and protein drinks. Today I had the chicken and veggies in Panera chicken noodle. I chewed it very well and stopped before I was full. For the first two weeks I thought I was lactose intolerant because I just couldn't keep food in...not vomiting though. This past week things fell into place. It was all because I was sipping my soup too fast. The two hardest things are slowing down and not drinking any beverage with the meal. My surgery was a breeze. I have had very little pain and I'm so happy I did it. Hang in there and keep a positive attitude. It will be worth it. And remember it IS avtool, not a miracle. :
  • Hi everybody! I'm Roma.
    I actually just got approved for the gastric sleeve through my insurance. Thus far, I went to the initial orientation to meet the surgeon, nutritionist/dietitian and another physician. Today, I had my cardiology appointment where I got the EKG done. My sleep study appointment is on the 12th and my psychiatric appointment is on the 24th (still calling every day to find an earlier appointment). I started my pre-op diet on the 2nd of February (yesterday) which I only obtain fluids-- light yogurt---nutrigrain and fiberone bar --- which by the way kept me full. Today however, I ate two turkey burgers because I missed my morning homemade protein shake and bought a muscle milk (nasty) due to the cardiology at five pm, although I had the muscle milk, it didn't curve my hunger like my homemade protein shake--so since my husband was cooking, I forced him to make me two turkey burgers. Now I am paying it off because my stomach feels weird.

    Anyway, its better to make these mistakes early, rather than make the mistake during my two week restriction, and being denied of the surgery after all of the hard work...right?

    So it looks as though I may get the surgery mid March, I'm looking at using my PTO up at my job and then quitting my job because it is very stressful and I don't need the unnecessary stress.

    My husband is worried about the excess skin (flab). Working out hasn't been one of my stronger area's although we have a home gym (his gym)... My cousin sell these wraps, and I just wanted to know has these wraps worked for anyone who have excess skin from bariatric surgery?

    OH YEAH! Please add me as a friend!!! My food diary is OPEN!
  • Hi,
    I was sleeve on 01/07/2014. It has been an experience. I had a slight setback, but everything is good to go now. I am moving onto soft foods soon and I'm so excited. I can't stand to look at another can of broth haha. Drinking the protein shakes have gotten a little easier. It actually been easier than eating believe it or not. Sorry, I don't know about the wraps (i haven't seen that on any forums that I go on), not sure it will work. If you have excess skin, surgery or a tuck might be your best bet. Good luck with your upcoming surgery. It will be life changing for sure!
  • JLScriv50
    JLScriv50 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone! I was sleeved on Tues Feb 4th. I have to tell you besides being a little sore and stiff,I feel great! Small sips of fluids, pills cut in 1/2 or even 1/3rds go down easily. I am home and relaxing after a shower. I was mentally and physically prepared for this surgery. My doctors were awesome and I had complete confidence in them. I read all the information that I was given about 100 times, so I was ready for everything they did. So, I guess if I can make any suggestions..just be prepared and take small sips no gulps and you will be fine. Walk, Walk, Walk even if just a little just move you will bounce back quicker. What a wonderful thing I have done for myself, so looking forward to the rest of my life, Best Wishes all.
  • hp523
    hp523 Posts: 1
    Hi all!
    My boyfriend is contemplating the gastric sleeve. We are going to the seminar next week for more information. Can you guys offer any advice for him? And any for me? what can I do to support him? (aside from eating bad stuff also and encouraging exercise with him?) :) I want to be helpful and supportive without overbearing. Any suggestions welcome. Thank you all so much :)
  • Hi all!,

    im getting sleeved on the 17th of Feb... very excited! i can't wait! i've been dealing with weight since forever, and after 3 years of constant dieting and exercise, i have decided that this is going to be the most help for me.. i understand i have to educate myself on what to eat and how to eat it.. any specific tips or info for me?

    many thanks!
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    you all look great! I am considering the sleeve. any advice is helpful. I had the lapband in Jan. 2009 but having problems now after 4 years. regain most of the 100 lbs lost now, with gas reflux and can't hold any food down. going to see Dr. Sharp in Raleigh on the 27th of this month to talk about this. Can anyone relate to this and any advice is helpful.
  • i had mine sleeve done last may and have lost 46 lbs since then. i am 240 pounds know but i still have a long journey. sometimes its hard to not graze but i want to be healthy for my kids.
  • JLScriv50
    JLScriv50 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my suggestion is to buy portion sized dishes. For example- buy a pretty tea cup (4-6oz), a child's size glass 6-8 oz, childs size plate, childs size bowl, fruit bowl. I bought mine at Target. They are plain red and pink. I use the tea cup for tea, the glass for juice, the bowl for broth, and the fruit bowl for the jello. It all works out- perfect sizes.
  • stonew68
    stonew68 Posts: 1 Member
    I have my surgery next on 2/19/14. Little nervous and really excited at the same time. It has helped to read everyone's story. I pray everything goes well and I am excited about being a dad that can do more active activities with his kids and wife. Besides me losing weight and becoming more active, they are why I am doing this. What are the best protein shakes that you have tried? I have tried the whey strawberry protein shack and I can force it down, but if their are others that taste better, I would like to try them.
  • Hi everyone im jessica and im new to this site. I am scheduled to have my sleeve done on Thursday the 13th. Im a little nervous about the procedure and the outcome. well as how I will mentally control my "head hunger". Im a mother of a 2yr old active little boy and im worried about how long it will be before im able to interact with him. Are there any parents out there who have had the sleeve and can give me some advice on this matter? Hope to make some friends on here soon.
  • Im sure as u have read the sleeve is only a tool but if he is serious about it I think he should go for it. He must make sure his insurance covers it and he will see a pa and a dietitian a few times as well as meet with a therapist to be cleared for surgery. The time frame for all this is different for everyone. I started my journey in October. In the meantime tell him to research as much information as possible and it may help to watch the actual procedure on youtube before making a final decision. Best of luck
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    I would love to know this question about how long it will be before im able to interact with my twin boys for they are 4 yrs old and love to climb on me.