How many calories do i need to eat to lose weight.



  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    I had a similar issue and found that for me it wasn't so much the total calories I ate but where my calories are coming from. I kept tweaking my macros (lowered carbs and increased protein) until I started seeing weight loss. It has been coming off more slowly but I am also seeing my body changing shape so I know I'm progressing even if the scale isn't moving as much.

    I'm following TDEE minus 20%....feel free to add me, my diary is open to friends.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    yes yes I just recently, the past three days, started tweaking my protein way up there & I have a good feeling I will see results. I am reading the Eat More to Lose More article and it's very enlightening building on my knowledge. Thanks for responding!
  • A pound is 3000/calories

    Actually around 3500+ calories
    not criticizing, just wanting to be helpful as that makes a big difference in the bottom line!

    Also to OP, if you're relying on MFP to calculate your calorie burns, it's probably giving you a higher number that what you actually burned, and are therefore eating back more calories than you theoretically should for weight loss. Look into getting a Heart Rate Monitor with a chest strap. It'll more accurately calculate what your burn is.


    Forever worth noting that weight loss in NOT linear, and 2 weeks is not enough time to see serious changes beyond what you weight normally fluctuates between. Give it a minimum of a month to catch up with what you're doing and then start identifying what you need to adjust.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    ok my calories would then sit around 1500-1600 but today I ate a bit more because I put in an hour at the gym and then eight miles on the road running and walking...and more protein and lots of water...I'm ready for some changes! Yay!
  • Mollypol
    Mollypol Posts: 8 Member
    I have been eating between 1500 and 1900 calories and usually loose at least a pound per week. I don't really do exercise, but I am fairly active with my job which seems to help. Will try to set some goals for exercise though.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    what do you mean 3500+ calories? I typically since I began this journey have not eaten back my calories because I'm leary of exercise being miscalculated but everyone is saying to eat them. I think somewhere in between since not eating the calories back is just making me the same weight. It's just extremely puzzling that I have added such an extraordinary amount of daily exercise to my life the last month and no weight loss or difference in appearance so that is why I am seeking some changes...I am definitely goingto increase my protein..continue with lots of water and I guess the jury is out on how many calories still but 1500-1600 doesn't seem to be doing the trick. I started at 1200 because I want to hit my goal weight on my birthday in May. But 1200 was ridiculous as I am tall and kinda big boned. Man I just want to lose 25 pounds by May 10th. It would truly make my year. I am just being so dedicated on all levels and wouldn't it just be a shame if I am doing something wrong? All I can think is it the number of calories..what oh what is the correct number? Everyone gives me different answers bless all their hearts. Oiy
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Who or what is OP?
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    okay I will give these suggestions a month for sure. I will begin the search for a heart rate monitor...suggestions on a brand anyone? I love the idea of using one if it helps to more accurately calculate calories burned and I can more effectively meet the challenge of losing weight. =)
  • what do you mean 3500+ calories? I typically since I began this journey have not eaten back my calories because I'm leary of exercise being miscalculated but everyone is saying to eat them. I think somewhere in between since not eating the calories back is just making me the same weight. It's just extremely puzzling that I have added such an extraordinary amount of daily exercise to my life the last month and no weight loss or difference in appearance so that is why I am seeking some changes...I am definitely goingto increase my protein..continue with lots of water and I guess the jury is out on how many calories still but 1500-1600 doesn't seem to be doing the trick. I started at 1200 because I want to hit my goal weight on my birthday in May. But 1200 was ridiculous as I am tall and kinda big boned. Man I just want to lose 25 pounds by May 10th. It would truly make my year. I am just being so dedicated on all levels and wouldn't it just be a shame if I am doing something wrong? All I can think is it the number of calories..what oh what is the correct number? Everyone gives me different answers bless all their hearts. Oiy

    Who or what is OP?

    My comment about 3500+ calories was in response to another person who replied. She said that a pound of fat is 3000 calories to burn off, and I corrected her that you need to burn over 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat.

    OP = Original Poster, which is you! :flowerforyou:

    Do you take body measurements and progress pictures? That's always been a MUCH better indicator of my progress than weight. As it is in the last month I've lost zero weight, but my waist has gone down a half inch, as have my hips, chest, and arms.
  • Oops! Forgot to add that when you start new fitness regimens, often times you body retains fluid needed to help repair microtears in the muscles. This can also make it seem like you aren't losing weight or are actually gaining a few pounds. Like I said before, your body just needs time to adjust :)
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you..I'm just reading that exact thing on the Eat More to Lose More on google and it addresses that issue. I always do better with compliance on anything when I understand why so thank you!
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    I was just thinking today I should do that. The numbers depress me and so do pictures but then how will I feel if I actually DO get to be a great AFTER person and have no Before pics! So I have many reasons to do these measurements, etc. I try to insert notes in my diary as well about the other ways I am benefitting from my new improved life style. I have more energy, improved mood and am gaining strength and having less pain in my body. I wish it would help me sleep...I am such an awful sleeper even with all this extra exercise! It really does help quite a bit to "talk" with others and learn on this site. Thanks again and good luck to you!
  • OP, I just checked out your food/exercise diary and noticed that you might be way overestimating calories burned. It's GREAT to see that you're eating back some of your exercise calories, but, taking yesterday for example, you "burned" 973 calories with 185 minutes of walking at various speeds. I don't know the difference between our weight/height, but I don't even burn 973 calories with 185 minutes of strenuous activity (trail running, sprint intervals, cycling above 18mph w/o drafting, etc.) I suggest investing in a good heart rate monitor as others have suggested.

    I was also wondering if you weigh your food (I didn't see mention of it in this thread) because there are some very small portions of calorically dense foods in your diary. Even "healthy" or "clean" foods like fruits and veggies can be calorically deceptive. If you're eating back a lot of your exercise calories, you need to be very accurate about your input and output. I don't have a food scale at home, but was surprised when I started weighting my produce at the grocery store... what I thought was a "medium" apple was actually heavier than a "large" apple, and equated to over 30 extra calories. I was underestimating my produce calories by about 200-400 calories/day. Combined with overestimating caloric burn... well, you get the picture.
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    Dont expect crash diet results from a lifetime health plan. Eat enough calories to meet your BMR, and enough calories to fuel your exercise. Accept that you will, at times, burn fat while building muscle, resulting in 0 change on your scale, or worse, a slight rise. Stick with eating enough calories, stop think enough is too much. Feed your body, eventually it will adjust to the new reality of this much activity and that much food. You will be strong enough to exercise more efficiently, and your BMR will increase as well, eventually your clothes and your weight will reflect all of this.

    But don't expect crash diet results from a lifetime plan.
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    I don't know how to start a "new thread" .... I have been working out really really good and diet journaling and eating has been 25 long days and no weight loss...maybe a pound! How disappointing!!!!!! =( I know the positives are increased health but gosh how longggggg does it take to start losing weight? I have made such great improvements it just seems I would look different or at least lose some weight! I can see why people get discouraged. I am shocked.

    Forget the scale! Can you run longer, farther, faster? Lift more weight or more reps? Are your clothes fitting differently? Even just a little? Is your sleep improving? Are your feet and hands warmer or your skin clearer due to better circulation? Are your food cravings for better foods? There is more to improving your health than a smaller number on the scale.

    just curious, what is your starting and goal weight? (Or, less specifically: what number of pounds do you aim to lose?) Were your clean eating and exercise habits new when you began with MFP? As a casual observation, those with amazing drops are often working from a larger abundance, so if you are past that stage already, you may really need to move beyond just weight/clothing size as a goal, and toward specific fitness goals like running times etc. and let the weight changes happen while pursuing those goals. Make the mental switch from attention to food and exercise because 'route to slim' to food and exercise because food and exercise.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    So a quick review of your diary over the lat several days and 65-80% of your protein comes from Life's Basic Pro Protein Isolate. When I first reviewed the container label I thought the 35.7 grams per serving/ 112 calories/ and 25 grams of protein seemed quite high relative to other protein sources. See link below for non-vegan/vegetarian/vegan protein sources.

    Before changing any numbers it seems the diary(your food intake) may need a review by a registered dietician or professional. I am a lay person and your protein intake primarily from one source seems to be out of line with other data available for protein and your intake. Protein provides for repair of muscles and retention of LBM(lean body mass) so having accurate numbers in your intake would be a good first step. Hope this helps.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    I will invest in a heart rate monitor. I measure every crumb neurotically that goes in my mouth. I have done this for year. I carry a scale in my purse with measuring spoons as well. So the only things I can see amiss would be, as you mention, miscalculating (innocently) the calories burned. Yesterday was an anomaly as I never ever eat my exercise calories back but honestly I was starving as I walked and ran a total of 8 miles in addition to lifting weights in the gym for an hour. But honestly I measure everything nut down to 5 grams! I even measure a tablespoon of lemon juice to go in my water! Oh now I can't see the rest of your thread to respond...I will read it again and try to get the heart measure thing today. My TDEE is 1936 so I multiplied times 20% and that gives me a daily caloric intake of around 1549 calories, which I have been eating for a week or so. At any rate it has been 30 days and now I have gained weight from last week...but maybe I am hanging on to water with gained muscle as I have really stepped up my workouts as I am feeling stronger and more energy overall.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    In response as to whether I weigh my food...YES YES YES as I didn't want to waste my time and energy but not being a good historian for when I hit a problem on my journey. That is the one thing I know I am very very good about. I am never satisfied entering "one medium banana" ..I will measure that to the gram! =)
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    yes, I can run and walk longer, farther and faster but, of course, I could only improve because I was in kinda rotten shape from some physical issues I was dealing with along with some depression over being a fatty. Clothes are not fitting differently yet unfortunately and my feet are cold..even my boyfriend noticed that which surprised me. I have always eaten extremely clean so cravings are nonexistent. I am a plant based eater for over a year .. vegan and I eat no processed it has always amazed that after a year of eating so pristine I am not svelte! haha! I realize there are other indicatosr for success than the scale but honestly I need to lose 25 pounds and eventually I WANT THAT NUMBER TO START GOING DOWN. It just really is discouraging. I AM looking at all the other benefits but gosh after a month I thought I would see some numbers dropping on the scale ..gosh at least 5!

    I want to lose 25 pounds by May of this year.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, yes, those are the numbers on the container for the protein supplement and they are accurate. It is challenging to get the high numbers of protein grams required without no meat source. I suppose I should eat more beans. I don't really enjoy eating in general and never have so I have to force myself to eat. but you bring up a good point that perhaps I should seek varied options for protein intake. I want to see a dietician and had one consult already but right now I do not have a car and no way to get to her and it's so frustrating as I really want/need her guidance and help on portions and protein sources and all those other wonderful helpful things a science based dietician can help with. Thank you for your input!