What do you eat between breakfast and lunch?



  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 501 Member
    I have a piece of fruit and that seems to do me. If you are really hungry add a few nuts or a piece of string cheese along with the fruit.
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    Try eating nuts or nature valley protein bars only has 10 grams sugar with 10 grams of protein only 200 or less calories. Make sure

    you eat enough breakfast. eggs are high in protein but only 90 calories only. l

    Myself I eat oatmeal with peanut butter and almonds it lasts me until I have a snack
  • wkhauser
    wkhauser Posts: 25 Member
    I eat breakfast at 0600, lunch at 1100, and supper somewhere between 0530-0700. I if i get hungry before lunch i may eat an orange or granola bar, or even part of my lunch then finish it at 1100. i always have a snack around 1400 to get me through to supper since I workout when I get home and need the energy. once it warms up and i can take walks at lunch i find myself eating lunch at my desk around 1030-1045, so i really need that mid afternoon snack.

    overall, I find myself eating small amounts every 3 hours or so throughout the day. it keeps my energy levels high and blood sugar from crashing.
  • alexlovesgym
    Sliced apple with peanut butter or greek yoghurt. And loads of warm water with lemon :)
  • MissSarahAllison315
    I normally portion out a serving size of breakfast cereal and munch on that throughout my morning. That way I'm not starving and tempted to approach the snack machine at 11!
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I eat a banana, an egg and a handful of pistachios :)
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    I like either a small gala apple, usually around 154 grams, or 10 almonds. It always does the trick for me.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Try a protein bar (usually less than 200 calories)

    This is usually my choice. Protein fills me, keeps away headaches, and helps me reach my protein goal for the day.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    For me, breakfast and lunch are the same meal. There is no in-between.
  • Brisketgirl71
    A Trader Joe's Fiber chocolate granola bar :-)
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member

    I started my first job 2 weeks ago. My life has changed from being an active student, to sitting all day, and waking up early, and fitting exercise into my schedule with my long commute.

    I have to wake up at 6AM, eat breakfast around 7AM (2 eggs, and 2 toast). I find myself lightheaded at work by 11AM. It is too early for lunch, but a snack doesn't seem enough. Sometimes I end up eating my lunch at this time, but then get hungry again by 3:30-4PM. And then I feel lightheaded during my commute home. To avoid this, I end up eating chilli and bagel around that time. But then, I am not really hungry for dinner, and do not end up eating much (maybe 1/4 cup rice and some veggies)

    My question is, what can you eat between breakfast and lunch that is more than a snack, but not unhealthy? I was thinking oatmeal? Anyone else have this issue of waking up early, and getting super hungry before lunch time? What do you do?

    Everyone's different, of course, but oatmeal gives me a blood sugar drop that makes me lightheaded. I usually go for protein + fiber. A couple of my favorites are: Triscuits with cottage cheese or Laughing cow wedges; 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, and fat free greek yogurt with fruit.

    I tend to overeat if I let myself get too hungry. I know that about 10 I will be shaking with hunger, so I try to eat between 9 and 9:30, that way I'm not eating my snack, then foraging for extra food.

    Hope this helps.
  • dizzylizzy213
    dizzylizzy213 Posts: 18 Member
    I usually eat low fat Greek yogurt, or 100 Calorie packs of almonds.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I usually eat either cottage cheese with fruits in it (mostly pineapple or mango), greek yogurt, a protein/fiber bar, or chocolate/chips.
  • Gemmz2014
    Banana or nuts.
  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    Sometimes I eat greek yogurt, fruit, or cheese and almonds. (Today I brought a Naked Juice Green Smoothie with Kale).
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    a cup of chex cereal
    cucumber & hummus
    rice cakes & peanut butter
    FABRICWOMAN Posts: 539 Member
    Hi - it seems to me that you need to stretch out your breakfast a little more. Why not 1 egg, 1 piece of toast, pat (tsp.) butter/margarine, piece of fruit, glass of fat free milk. This is what I eat in the morning and keeps me full until lunch. The time when I want something is between 2:30 and 3:00. I keep a box of BelVita breakfast bars (4 in a pack) and/or Fiber One Lemon Bars (delicious). I eat either one with a cup of hot tea. It fills me right up, because for one the Belvita is full of fiber. I use to have the worse time when I got home. I wanted to eat the door off of the refrigerator. Now I find that I am not so anxious to eat when I get home. Interested in knowing if this works for you, if you are interested in trying this. Good luck!
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Yoplait greek yogurt, only 100 calories and 10 g protein. Pineapple mango is delicious.
  • rob043055
    I slowly eat some unsalted almonds. about 15 are enough to do the job. at 7 calories each that is 105 calories. I bring them to work in a small Tupperware. That stops the weakness and growling stomach thing. Also if you want you can add some apple slices.