How to not look like fattest person in gym?



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Thanks for input. I guess I only feel like everyone is looking because that is all I am doing it looking around at all the different people the whole time and what they are doing. I can't help myself.

    Get a trainer, they will cure you of that real quick and keep you focused on what you are doing.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    Any tips?

    I want to leave right after walking in most times.

    How do you go about not look like fattest person in gym? Maybe baggy clothes or something?

    Go to the gym frequently.

    I mean really that's got to be at least part of the reason you're going right? So if you go and it works...mission accomplished.
  • thegilly6
    thegilly6 Posts: 137 Member
    The hard bodies look at themselves, mostly. I do it and I'm not a "hard body."
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    I have been in your shoes many times... Im the big guy in my gym (World Gym) and there are some muscleheads and some hotties!

    I put in my mind that they have to be saying....hey look at that big guy.... he is cool because he is not sitting on the couch at home and eating McDonalds.... at least he is in here...

    now if you do find someone who is worthless and does look at you and snicker or say something to their buddy.....

    just walk by them and stop.... and ask them if they just farted???? tell them you heard it and would appreciate them not doing that in YOUR gym.... I did that one time and havnt stopped laughing yet...

    people can be dang and I know that for a fact...skinny people can give you their opinion and sometimes it is valid but us big guys know from experience....

    get in YOUR gym and get healthy...who cares what they think....they have nothing to do with you living....


    this is for you... HARD WORK!

    would love to friend you and talk more to are going through what i have gone through many many times...lets beat this thing into the ground..
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    You probably won't be the fattest person at the gym; even if you are, who least you are the fattest person at the GYM...and not the fattest person sitting on your couch.

    Most people will, yes, notice you and notice that you are large; BUT, the majority of the people at the gym are either going to think nothing about your size OR will have positive thoughts, like "good for him."
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    If you are kidding-
    Answer- Get the Tommy Boy DVD and watch how Tommy Boy flexes walking by the hot girl in the pool. Just practice that

    If you are serious
    - Do not worry about it at all, I think you be surprised how people think. It really fires me up watching someone overweight change their life. Go in the fattest, its cool, you will be firing people up you aren't even aware notice you

    Join the battle, you can do it
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    Your not a girl but I think this blog sums it up best
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    So our gym has a PPA each winter(Project Pounds Away) the guy who lost 78 pounds in 2012 went everyday; and at age 73 looked amazing each day I saw him; not because he was skinny or fit, but because he showed up, got it done, and rocked. Get thine *kitten* to the gym.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Just go. I used to be really self-conscious when I went to the gym. I used to hardly really workout because I thought everyone was judging me and that I looked out of place amongst all the fit bodies. Especially when my PT was yelling at me to go harder.

    And then one day, I realised I was being silly. I was there to get fitter and healthy. Just like everyone else. So I stopped being a silly goose and got my workout on. Haven't looked back since. I don't care if I look disgusting or slobby while working out, I'm there to better ME. End of story.
  • phenom0217
    phenom0217 Posts: 8 Member
    Dear mfp buddy,
    If you already have in your mind that you are the fattest person, wearing baggy clothes will make you look even bigger! Working out starts with the mind. Change your thoughts, change your life. Wear what makes you feel good and look good working towards being your best! Go at "odd" hrs if the rush hr crew is too overwhelming. When i first started zumba i was in the back and always worried about what others thought of me because i was the biggest girl in there. guess what? I blocked my own blessing by having a limited mentality. - Get in there and WORK!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Take an even fatter friend?
  • jadey_lady
    jadey_lady Posts: 32 Member
    I am easily the biggest person in the gym when I go, and you know what? I don't care because I'm proving to those people right there that I think I am good enough to be just like them and that I won't let judgement from them (which honestly, they probably don't even judge you as you think they do) stop me. If anything, I prove to them just how amazing I am. They don't think I can do 60min on the elliptical? I prove to them I can.

    You do the same. Prove to them you are there for a purpose and that purpose is to care about yourself and your goals.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Stop caring what other people think and do whatever it takes to make you truly happy with yourself. That's the opinion that matters most.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    It's simple really. Move more while you are there and eat less while you are not. And with time you won't be close to the fattest and will be getting closer to the fittest ;) Best of luck to you!
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Just do it. I promise 99% of the people in the gym don't care about your size. When I see a bigger person in the gym working out, I feel proud of them for starting their weight loss journey. Then I go back to my own routine and stop thinking about it.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I felt like that for sure when I started. And maybe for awhile I even was. I talked my husband into going with me the first couple of times, even though he didn't have much interest. Gradually though I've gotten smaller and more people have joined (with the new year), and now I'm not the fattest. And what is even better is that I can tell that I'm in better shape than some people half my size, and that feels pretty awesome.

    It does get to the point where you are just really focused on what you are doing, and you just want to get it done and over with so you can go home and don't take it personally if people there don't seem overly friendly. They are just self-absorbed.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member

    now if you do find someone who is worthless and does look at you and snicker or say something to their buddy.....

    just walk by them and stop.... and ask them if they just farted???? tell them you heard it and would appreciate them not doing that in YOUR gym.... I did that one time and havnt stopped laughing yet...

    You are my hero! I think I'm going to do this to "Let's sit on the this bench for 30 minutes while holding the 20lb barbells and talk about how we're going to warm up" guy. I swear, this guy.... he's always at the gym where I lift, ALWAYS, and good god he spends more time chatting with his friends on the equipment than I do working out. Last week, I spend 40 minutes in there lifting. He came in with me, and by the time I left, he and his pals had only just begun set 1 of their warmup. I kept having to ask them to move. Politely, I invited them to "work in" with me. But they never "worked in" (this is where they lift while I rest, and I lift while they rest). They never worked in because they never even worked.

    So, OP - nobody cares about whether you're a fat guy at the gym. Other gym members want to work out with "good citizens". And this means:

    1) Wiping down the equipment after you're done.
    2) Give people the space they need to do their workout. Walk well around someone who is currently lifting.
    3) Put any weights you use back where you found them
    4) Pay attention to whether others wish to use the equipment. Don't use the machine next to you as a place to store your stuff, and try to cooperate if you're lifting weights.

    To the extent that anybody is eying over the "new guy".... it's likely NOT your size or shape, but they're scoping you out to see whether you're following the rules. And that will happen no matter what size you are.
  • frecklesandfries
    frecklesandfries Posts: 32 Member
    I imagine it must feel really intimidating to approach a gym when you hold the belief that you are the fattest in the gym. I just want to let you know that its a huge first step that you are even walking in and just know that the community here is very proud of you! I think what might help is to focus on the cognitive distortion that you are the "fattest in the gym" and consider reframing how you see the gym For example, look at the people in the gym and think "this is what I can accomplish" as opposed to beating yourself up. But most importantly, know that this is a very common feeling felt by a good percentage of people at the gym regardless of their size and you are not alone in this. I hope things start to get better, love for you to keep us updated!
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    There are a ton of people of all shapes and sizes at my gym. If anything it just motivates me more to see non-fit people there. It's what the gym is for :)
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Go in, lift like you need to, do your work and leave. Even if you're not lifting as much as them, the odds are, if they're paying attention at all (which they likely aren't) they'll see you consistently kicking *kitten* and will respect you for it.

    Go in, do your business, forget the world exists. Just be sure you wipe down your equipment, rerack your weights, and you're good to go