DIY Slimming Wraps??



  • ZoeOnly
    ZoeOnly Posts: 12 Member
    preparation h + saran wrap

    This and ONLY for an occasion type thing, say for a special occasion that you want to fit into a slimming dress for, like a HS reunion, wedding or something like that. Other than that, they do nothing long term for the body.

    PS: Dont buy a super tight dress and drink a bunch of water.

    People actually DO this??? Not EVEN for a special occasion. lol

    Right?!? If I'm going to a wedding I'm going to wear a nice flowy dress so I can eat the free food and drink from the open bar and still be comfortable sitting down or dancing!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You can probably save a lot of money if you just buy sauna suit. It does the same thing buy dehydrating your skin. There is no benefit outside of that.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thank you! Yes, I do believe in the herbal ones as well. They really help get those extra toxins from the body. I currently use apple cider vinegar and vitamin e oil (to help with my scarring and healing of my stomach)... and it works great. I will look into this link as well. Thank you :)

    Can you define these toxins? Name one? JUST one?

    From air, food or water?

    Food=any pesticide that is sprayed on it AND FOOD COLORING
    Water=Chlorine and then there is the whole hexavalent chromium thing (ever heard of Erin Brockavich?)

    Our bodies do hold onto toxins, our liver does what it can to clean it but it takes some time, I mean if it did not, then no one would have to worry about waiting 28 days to pass a drug test now would they?

    And another toxin is alcohol believe it or not, but the body works hard to try and take care of it first, that is why our bodies store other things while consuming alcohol.

    And then there is mercury.....would you like me to name more?

    And wrapping yourself in saran wrap gets rid of methane, food coloring, pesticides, and chlorine.


    Nope, those things are useless. The girl asked for a toxin to be named, and I granted her wish.

    She asked for one of the toxins that the wraps help remove.

    "They really help get those extra toxins from the body?"
    "Can you define these toxins? Name one?"

    No one is disputing the existence of toxins. We are disputing the idea that there are toxins a body wrap "helps the body get rid of."

    Then I will admit I read the question wrong. I read "Can you define these toxins? Name one?". There are so many people that claim that the body does not hold onto toxins here and that the liver immediately cleans it out and there is no other way to rid the body of toxins. I do not believe the wraps work but do believe things like exercise, massage, epsom baths and some herbal teas can assist your body in removing these toxins. Since I have IBS and low HCL, I feel a good colon cleanse does my body good as well.

    Now I am going to back out of this thread because I have no desire to be called illogical and told I have a low IQ. But yall can argue about it all night long if ya want. :flowerforyou:

    THESE toxins. Not any toxins. The ones the slimming wrap gets rid of.
    Start your own thread.

    Huh? The claim was made that "slimming wraps" help your body remove toxins.

    We are having a discussion on what these toxins are, if there are any.

    Why would I start my own thread? It goes directly to the purpose of this thread.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    From what I can tell, water could be considered a toxin.
    (Enough of it and it will kill you - in drinks like Coke Zero it's probably the most lethal ingredient by proportions in the can.)
    And YES, wrapping yourself in cling film WILL probably get rid of some of it!
  • jnnfrch
    jnnfrch Posts: 65 Member
    I use the Universal Contour wraps (at home and in salon) and I know they don't make you lose weight but they make my skin super soft and smooth and give me a mental boost when I see inch loss!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Oh and meant to say; yes, with the thread title my first thought to reply was "well, wraps aren't THAT low in calories, maybe consider some slices of small bread instead? :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    THESE toxins. Not any toxins. The ones the slimming wrap gets rid of.
    Start your own thread.

    Huh? The claim was made that "slimming wraps" help your body remove toxins.

    We are having a discussion on what these toxins are, if there are any.

    Why would I start my own thread? It goes directly to the purpose of this thread.

    Clearly, logic has NO place here. Cuz the wraps suck out brain matter too.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Has anyone tried their own at DIY Slimming Wraps?

    I have found quite a few different "recipes" and infact have done it twice with some success. I just didn't keep going with it after the first/second wrap.

    I cannot pay the amount of money It Works wants for their wraps, hence the reason I started researching what was truly in them to make a change in your fat.

    Please do not reply to this with "workout, eat clean, it'll have better affects, blah blah blah" because I know!!

    I am a mom of three that works out religiously, lost 50lbs (gained 5lbs back in muscle) and have done just about everything to tighten up that loose stomach skin from pregnancies.... I know how to "tighten & tone"... just looking to see if this may help with the skin that working out hasn't yet finished off.


    Thank you in advance :)

    OP - already knows everything but posts a thread seeking a miracle fat burning cure? OP, methinks you do no know as much as you think you know if you are posting this topic...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't like all wraps, (not into the heat wraps or the tight compression wraps). I do like the herbal body wraps. They contain beneficial herbal extracts and help you get rid of excess water, cleanse the tissues, encourage circulation and metabolism to areas that may be lacking that. I've done one at home, makes my skin feel and look amazing. I found the product here, it's super concentrated, lasts for MANY wraps. I just use the liquid and plastic wrap and relax for an hour. gel
    Every fall they have a 50% off everything sale, you can time your purchase of their products then (that's what I do, I'm on their email contact list).

    LOL rigggghhhhht everyone knows the herbal wraps are legit, and all the others are just fakes...
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This threads always have me questioning our educational system.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Edited for redundancy.

    Best of luck!