How to not look like fattest person in gym?



  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I like this screen shot...


    Look forward to seeing your success thread in the future OP.

    OMG I love this this almost made me cry ROCK ON OP :flowerforyou:
  • shannova
    I guess by reading a lot of the replies that it's easy to see that you are not the only person who has that fear. I joined the gym for the 1st time today and you would have thought I was going to the dentist or something the way my heart was beating so hard. And that was going there to JOIN! I went tonight for my "personal training assessment" and afterwards did the treadmill and once I was on there I realized that no one really pay attention to everyone else. Of course, once I get on the real equipment tomorrow I'm sure I'll feel a bit self conscience but I am just going to keep those earbuds in and pretend like no one else is there. :)
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I used to feel really self-conscious on the treadmill. It seemed everyone else who used them could run like a gazelle, while I could barely manage a slow jog. I was sure they were all judging me and criticizing me.

    Eventually I realized that those other gym patrons didn't care that I couldn't run as fast as they could. They are there to focus on their own fitness and well-being, so I should just stop feeling bad about myself and be proud that I'm doing my best.

    Your workout is about YOU. Do it for YOURSELF. Be proud of what you ACCOMPLISH each and every day.
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    I'm overweight, in the process of changing that by eating less and lifting heavy, and if I catch someone gawking at me at the gym I give zero ****s because I just remind myself that I can crush their skull between my thighs. Thankfully, my local gym is super great and there's all types of bodies working just as hard in there. We're all so busy sweating that we just don't have time to judge.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I was 340 lbs and was the biggest person at the gym - I still went ... who cares? Just do you and what you need to do...
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I am sure this has been said...I didn't read the replies.

    But, when i am at the gym, I really don't notice others. I am focused on my workout.

    And if I were to pay attention and saw someone overweight, I'd think great for them. Everyone needs to start somewhere.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have been on MFP for a little over a year and this is the most inspiring thread I have ever read! I have happy tears rolling down my cheeks and I am inspired by everyone who has posted, We all started out at some point. Starting out and then repeating. Yay for this thread! :drinker:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Seriously I wear the shirts that used to fit me. Baggy as hell I get in there and bust my *kitten*. And if someone cares to look im sure they can see how baggy my shirt is. It's not by accident. I've worked my *kitten* off. But no one cares, just put your headphones in and do work!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    screw that. just go in and do your workout.

    i'm a fat girl who wears compression gear so i'm sure i look like the michelin man, but i crush my workouts. anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my fat (although shrinking in size) a**

    and yeah i've caught people gawking at me, especially when i'm running on the indoor track or doing plyo jumps, but most of the time those people are doing level 1 on the bike peddling at 70 or doing a zillion tricep kickbacks with 3 pound weights, so who cares what they think
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Who cares what other people think? For example, you shouldn't care that I think you shouldn't care what other people think. Lol
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Everyone is too busy worrying about themselves and if people are looking at them.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    The only person judging you is you. Lighten up on yourself and go have some fun at the gym. Before you know it you'll be admiring yourself in the mirror.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    :flowerforyou: OP please please pluck up the courage and go. I know its scary, I know its intimidating and I know how embarassing it feels. I was the biggest woman and am still one of the larger ones. I started swimming and walking on a treadmill. Swimming, whilst I was big I could kind of hide as I'm a decent swimmer. That and I'd swim twice as many laps as most people - to the extent that one day when I got out and walked past the spa pool one lady commented that I made her feel guilty and to keep doing it.

    I started lifting weights (still on the machines not free weights yet though) and kept getting positive comments off some of the guys lifting about how good it was to see a woman lifting as much as she could. Slowly walking on the treadmill turned into me puffing and panting, gasping and wheezing through C25K. One of the ladies commented on how much my running was improving. Then someone else made a similar comment, then someone asked if I didn't mind them asking how much weight had I lost. They then told someone else and suddenly I was getting positive comments about my fitness and my weight loss from a few people. Now I get asked if I beat a PB or did a longer distance in my weekend runs. The encouragement from complete strangers has been unbelieveable and fantastic! In all this time (10 months now) I have had only 1 bad experience from one rude and ignorant lady who I think thought she was back in school and could bully the fat kid - she soon learned she couldn't when I told her to wind her neck in. She's since dropped out of the gym, I still go 4-5 times a week (and now run outside twice a week).

    Its easy to hide behind being fat to stop you doing stuff, I did it for years and in the process got fatter and more unhealthy. The first few weeks feel weird and scary, like starting a new job or new school. But then you realise you have a routine, that there are newer faces than yours in the gym, you're losing weight and not blowing just walking up a flight of stairs. its worth the initial discomfort. As for clothes I wear a compression top & shorts to reduce the wobbles with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that fits over the top.

    Good luck
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    Have confidence.

    Just mad dog anyone who looks at you, easy way to win friends - promise.

    On a serious note: anyone who would bemoan an unhealthy person trying to better themselves is a cretin and worthy only of our collective pity. The truth is some people at the gym will make comments about you to their friends etc, but most people who are in good shape know the work they put in to achieve it and will respect you for turning up and doing your thing.

    Arseholes are everywhere, you won't avoid them by not going to the gym.
  • seh43
    seh43 Posts: 4 Member
    I would buy some nice gym kit. You might end up sweating a lot and functional gym t-shirts are so much more comfortable than cotton. I would also shop around. Some gyms are much more friendly than others. The gym I go to sometimes is full of retired people. They obviously get on with their workouts but also stop for chats. It can be much more motivating to be at a gym where you can be sociable as well as focus on your workout.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    You need to keep going to the gym in order to not be the fattest person at the gym. Use it for motivation instead of letting it discourage you.

    Losing weight isn't easy, it takes discipline and commitment. You also need to let go of any sort of negative self image you have of yourself and just focus on what actually matters.

    When I look at the heaviest person at the gym I see myself many years ago. If I look or stare it's not because I'm judging or think they shouldn't be there. It's because I think it's awesome that they're even there in the first place because I remember how difficult it was for me.
  • AllOnMeWOL
    AllOnMeWOL Posts: 26 Member
    I'm ALWAYS the fattest person at the gym weighing over 400 pounds. Who cares. I'm not there to worry about what everyone else is thinking about me. I'm there to get fit and healthy. And hey it's kind of amusing when you're out working much thinner people. Just cause they're skinny doesn't mean they are in shape!
  • helen8328
    helen8328 Posts: 36 Member
    I to the gym in school hours and most of the people there at that time are mothers trying to loose their baby weight and older people. Sometimes there are also carers bringing in the special needs people they look after. This would probably be the best time of day to go if you're feeling self conscious.

    You should also remember though that most of the people in the gym are there to work out, not judge everyone who walks through the door. Unless you start annoying people by grunting loudly they're not really going to pay you that much attention. Personally, whenever I see an overweight person in the gym I just see a work in progress and its amazing to see people change over a period of time. Remember that its better for people to see how you are when you started the gym as you'll gain a lot of respect from them as they see you improve and share your journey with you. Good luck x
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Hey! Do NOT worry about this at all haha =-) I understand why you would....I was the same. I used to get nervous that people were watching me or that I would be doing something wrong etc. My PT told me that actually people have a lot of respect for anyone who is going to the gym, whether that was someone in great shape or not! Go for a while and you will see that everyone is just focussed on them. x ps. when I have a fat day I wear black shorts and a white top ;-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    so random- but my music theory class last night teacher/friend is talking about what we are learning and how it's knowledge. not just stuff- i thought it was so poignant - I have been saying that for so long- but this just really nails it I think.

    Knowledge crushes fear.

    if you know- you won't be afraid.-
    you may not be GOOD at it- but you will be confident you know where you are going.