green tea



  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    A lot of people are not liking their green tea in tea bags (no wonder!). There are now premium green teas on the market that are much fresher, tastier, and easier to digest. Tea has the reputation of dissolving fat in Chinese medicine circles, but it's effects are very subtle. Don't expect it to work on your body like some kind of weight loss magical pill.

    My favorite is organic white full-leafed green tea.
  • HealthyU92

    I'm starting green tea today! I heard a couple of tips and tricks that could help you make it a little better experience!
    If you like you could add honey to the tea or some type of sweetener(not sugar). Also to make it work better you should only drink it half an hour to an hour after you eat. Don't eat it on an empty or completely full stomach. It wont work. Then you'll be wasting your taste-buds and your time!
    Start with green tea slowly don't go straight into the deep end.
    Also please remember to only drink it a couple of hours before you plan to go to bed because its kind of like a stimulant and you wont have the best sleep if you drink it right before. If your looking for something right before bed instead of green tea that wont keep you up, Lemon,Honey and some water also helps with weight loss and wont keep you up!!
    Hope this helps
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    I've been drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea for years and I have never noticed it having any impact on my energy or metabolism. I drink it mainly because I like it and I can drink it without milk and sweetener. My favourite brand is Twinings, but Lipton is pretty good too. The korean sejak green tea from David's Tea is great too.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Ooo i have to try that :)
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    To the cinnamon flavour lol
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    I used green tea to wean myself off coffee. Then I switched to decaf green tea in the mornings. I like having something hot first thing in the morning, but caffeine any time of the day messes with my sleep. I'm a special snowflake, aren't I?

    I like plain decaf Trader Joe's green tea, no sugar. I've tried black teas in the morning for a change, and I like them well enough, but again, it has to be decaf.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member

    I'm starting green tea today! I heard a couple of tips and tricks that could help you make it a little better experience!
    If you like you could add honey to the tea or some type of sweetener(not sugar). Also to make it work better you should only drink it half an hour to an hour after you eat. Don't eat it on an empty or completely full stomach. It wont work. Then you'll be wasting your taste-buds and your time!
    Start with green tea slowly don't go straight into the deep end.
    Also please remember to only drink it a couple of hours before you plan to go to bed because its kind of like a stimulant and you wont have the best sleep if you drink it right before. If your looking for something right before bed instead of green tea that wont keep you up, Lemon,Honey and some water also helps with weight loss and wont keep you up!!
    Hope this helps

    Help thanks this is really helpful. i just had one cup so far so ill kind in mind not to have it with food
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks everyone. Got some really great tips.

    Im also coffe and soda so im hoping to changing to from drinking crap to something healthier :) x
  • geeberscreepers
    geeberscreepers Posts: 19 Member
    I used to drink 2-3 cups a day when I was thin, it is meant to have health benefits and is quite refreshing.

  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    I just tried the mango flavour one yuk yuk yuk. Ok i think ill stick to the normal one taste a heck of alot better.
  • tanfit4life
    tanfit4life Posts: 43 Member
    I Love green tea-I use decaf cold tea-it help me shred my body fat-and it get ride of toxins in body-so good luck
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I drink green tea steeped with another tea (usually a chocolate mint flavor) with a little honey in the morning. I can't drink coffee before I go to the gym on cardio days. Coffee makes me feel ill. The green tea does not.

    I usually drink tea in the evening too after dinner. It helps me feel like I've had something sweet, and reduces my cravings for dessert.
  • tropicaltiger
    I drink green tea atleast 2 16 oz diet decaf everyday-along with my water-and I take abottle n the gym with me-I been doing it for 5 years-when I took a lot of weight off and kept most of it off-I believe it is like a miracle drink-it is clean refreshing-I also just started drinking it hot -thanks for this topic right my alley:laugh:
  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
    I can't enjoy plain green tea, but I'm a huuuuge fan of flavoured green teas. Green earl grey, mint green, and superfruit are my favs. Love love love them! A great way to get your water in, and keep your mind off more food :tongue:
  • chocolateandbutterscotch
    I take it in pill form along with cayane pepper and biotin.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I drink it all the time because I like it. Don;t think it actually does anything though