Running Questions



  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    definitly running outside is a lot better..i hate the treadmil. its far to boring...

    plus on long runs there is an almost zen like feeling when your pounding away on the road
  • nh38318
    nh38318 Posts: 124 Member
    bump to read later!
  • GBPackerFan14
    GBPackerFan14 Posts: 55 Member
    1. Yes after logging many miles, you will be able to go longer little at a time. Perhaps shoot for an increase of 10-15% mileage per week.
    2. Hitting the wall is variable, but once you have a solid base built up nutrition plays the biggest role in this. I can't say a certain time where I hit the wall, because I have gone for over 3 hours w/o hitting and also hit it in less than 90 minutes.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    I like running any where...treadmill....or outside. I like the ability to compare speeds and change paces on the treadmill but I also like the fresh air and change of scenery outside. You will find that running outside will be an adjustment as slightly different muscles will be engaged.
    Running came as a surprise to 5th grade daughter started cross country 3 years ago. At the end of the season they had a parent/child run. The 2 miles nearly killed me. Decided that I was going to change that for the next year. Started a couch to 5k which really just prescribed running/walking at slow paces to engage the body and also build the aerobic capacity up. Using the treadmill was great for this because I would use the same slow pace every time, and I could gauge my improvements each time. Some of the couch to 5k weeks, I would repeat when I didn't think I was ready for the next week. Running really is so individual so it didn't phase me to repeat or skip ahead.
    Anyway, 3 years later, my daughter is not doing cross country any more, but I am still running. I have built up my running so that I am running 25-30 miles a week (indoors or outdoors depending on time and safety). I am planning on running a half marathon on in March and a full in May.
    I have also started using a heart rate monitor while running and when it is in 60-70% zone (sometimes this zone is a 9 min mile and sometimes it is a 10 min mile depends on incline, environment...etc), I think that I could run forever.
    Good luck.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    I like running any where...treadmill....or outside. I like the ability to compare speeds and change paces on the treadmill but I also like the fresh air and change of scenery outside. You will find that running outside will be an adjustment as slightly different muscles will be engaged.
    Running came as a surprise to 5th grade daughter started cross country 3 years ago. At the end of the season they had a parent/child run. The 2 miles nearly killed me. Decided that I was going to change that for the next year. Started a couch to 5k which really just prescribed running/walking at slow paces to engage the body and also build the aerobic capacity up. Using the treadmill was great for this because I would use the same slow pace every time, and I could gauge my improvements each time. Some of the couch to 5k weeks, I would repeat when I didn't think I was ready for the next week. Running really is so individual so it didn't phase me to repeat or skip ahead.
    Anyway, 3 years later, my daughter is not doing cross country any more, but I am still running. I have built up my running so that I am running 25-30 miles a week (indoors or outdoors depending on time and safety). I am planning on running a half marathon on in March and a full in May.
    I have also started using a heart rate monitor while running and when it is in 60-70% zone (sometimes this zone is a 9 min mile and sometimes it is a 10 min mile depends on incline, environment...etc), I think that I could run forever.
    Good luck.

    Good response, thank you.

    I plan on getting a HRM as soon as income tax return comes through. I think it will only help as well!!
  • amandalj
    amandalj Posts: 28 Member
    Let me put it to you this way - I've run 2 half marathons, (my 3rd will be in May) and one full marathon (my second will be in September) and I can't even run for more than 45 minutes on the treadmill.

    It took me YEARS to really make running a routine mainly because I would get so frustrated with myself and give up. Don't do that!
    Once I started consistently running, and following a plan, rather than just trying to GO, it got much easier! Couch to 5K is a great program for beginners and what I used to give me some guidance.

    I'll be honest - I've been running for almost 2 full years now and running on the treadmill never gets easier (for me). I can always run faster and longer outside than I can on the treadmill. I use the treadmill as more of a "mental training" aspect, as opposed to actually using to train for any kind of distance.

    Don't worry about speed or comparing yourself to someone else. Use them as motivation, and to give yourself goals but don't ever beat yourself up because someone else is faster than you.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Suggest not comparing yourself to other runners. Compare your results to your own previous results. You will see improvement.

    I keep a log of my runs. And I steadily am trying to improve against my previous workouts. For instance, if I do a treadmill incline workout, I might increase speed, or increase incline by .5%.

    I have a number of "go-to" treadmill workouts. I do 2 different incline workouts, and 2 different tempo workouts. I also ran 20 miles on a TM last week. Prefer to run outside, but I use TM to my advantage and try to push myself.

    Good Luck!
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    I think if you inserted word "treadmill" into any thread, on any topic, that thread would eventually devolve into a discussion about why people hate treadmills. It's like runner's street cred. lol! Maybe it's because I have done a fair amount of sitting meditation and have a high tolerance to "boredom", but it really don't see what the big deal is. Running outside is way, way better than running a treadmill, but it's not like you are going to die or something. Strap on some tunes, hop on, push start. No problem. Boredom is completely a mental fabrication. It isn't actually boring, we decide it is or it isn't. Don't believe everything your mind tells you. There is plenty to do on the TM. Check your form, watch some tv, check out the chicks/dudes at the gym, whatever. If you don't mind, it don't matter! lol!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I know it's easier said that done, but definitely don't compare yourself to others, and don't feel like you have to run fast all the time. That was the key to me really getting into and sticking with running a year and a half ago when I started.

    I used to not even be able to run for 5 minutes without stopping, and have now run a marathon (last month!).

    That being said, sometimes I do have to stop and walk occasionally. My marathon went awesome - felt great the whole time, did walk through the aid stations so I could drink without spilling, but did the whole thing at an average pace of 10:11 minutes/mile. Then last weekend I went out for a 22 mile run, and it went horrible. Miles 18-22 I had to walk at least half of every mile. There are good days and bad days! But the point is that you stick with it and you will get better!

    I generally start taking gels at about 8 miles, if I know I'm going to be going for a long time. If I'm just going for a 10-12 miler, I've found I don't really need them anymore. But will still take Gatorade or other sports drinks if I'm in a race setting!

    Good job getting started! You will get there!

    And there really is no shame in walking a bit during a run. It took me awhile to realize that - but now I am comfortable considering myself a "runner" even if I walk occasionally.
  • JMel86
    JMel86 Posts: 124 Member
    Wow! This whole thread has been so helpful. I have never heard of 10/1 for distance runs. I have not been able to get pass 5 miles. I am going to try this tonight. I thought it was a mental block coz I went from jogging outdoors to the treadmill. I am hating the treadmill. Great advice, here :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Do you guys think the treadmill is easier/harder than running outside?

    Wont be able to run outside ATLEAST for a few weeks. Still snow everywhere and too cold. I can't handle running in the cold. It hurts my chest way too bad.

    How long have you guys been running for?

    It's a lot easier to run the hampster wheel. Put the incline up a point or so and it will help add in some difficulty. At 9 minutes a mile, even for one, you're pounding hard, good for you. I'm a bit slower, granted... I haven't run since August.

    Speed will come with time and conditioning, distance will come with conditioning. I can run a 5k without feeling like hell man, granted, my heart rate over the run is an interesting curve, but I feel strong the whole time. I've been doing 5ks for a little bit, but not a lot.

    Just take it easy for a bit, you have to build up your legs, otherwise you can fall victim to some injuries.
  • charleyreedto175
    charleyreedto175 Posts: 60 Member

    Running a tread mill is different than running on hard dirt. You should start running for 10 to 20 minutes if you can at the pace you are comfortable with. The incline should be set at 1.5 for you to start. This will help you run better to offset the dip in the machine. As for the rest build up to what you want and just run. Look at my running charts on here. I am a old man and I can out run my kids any day. But I have been running forever. Take it slow and bump it up when you are ready but slowly!
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone. I wish there was a way to sticky this thread. I guess I can add it to my favorites???

    What exactly do the gel's do??
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone. I wish there was a way to sticky this thread. I guess I can add it to my favorites???

    What exactly do the gel's do??

    Gels are simply quick-digesting carbs and electrolytes - think of them like super concentrated gatorade with the consistency of the inside of a jelly donut. They are unnecessary for workouts <2hr, but to each their own. A year ago, I would take them if I ran ~5mi and now I don't take them at all with no noticeable difference.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    I figured it's all in your head.

    When I race quads, some people swear by having some gatorade mixed in their camelbaks. I can't do it. Makes me sick. I will just stick with water. Thanks!!!