Hi! Geeky girl here looking to make some pals.

Hey there! I'm looking to make some pals on here to keep me dedicated and using the app! If I seem like someone you could jive with then feel free to send a friend request my way!

Me: I'm a college student who works 2 jobs and I'm a huge nerd. Not in the cute ironic way, more in the watching a 5 hour marathon or Star Trek: Voyager on a Friday night kind of way. I'm a gamer, part time comic book collector, anime fan, and I love reading and all things sci-fi. I am outdoorsy and love to travel and experience new things.

Fitness: My current stats are 5'2", 116 lbs. I'm hoping to lose 10-15 pounds permanently, before the summer, as well as tone up. This is new for me as I've never tried to purposely lose weight before, and I have an issue with binge eating greasy junky food followed by laying about doing nothing. I also hope that I'll have more energy and motivation this way, which is super tough for me to have during the winter.


  • cjec21
    cjec21 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! I log in everyday, so I can bug you to keep logging if that's what you're looking for haha

    I like anime and games too, but I've been more of a casual watcher/gamer due to work and other stuff.

    Feel free to shoot me a message!
  • manierata
    manierata Posts: 3 Member
    i promise im nerdier than you! add me!
  • beebeewho
    beebeewho Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there! I log in everyday, so I can bug you to keep logging if that's what you're looking for haha

    I like anime and games too, but I've been more of a casual watcher/gamer due to work and other stuff.

    Feel free to shoot me a message!
    I hope you do bug me cause I'm a serial slacker! And yes life makes it tough to be anything much more than a casual geek!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hey all feel free to add.. happy to support
  • briannashaw_
    briannashaw_ Posts: 59 Member
    I log in everyday as well and offer encouragement too! I'll shoot you a friend request, definitely!
  • SageDrow
    I'm a online gamer 2 and I'm crazy for Anime! I am allot more over weight than you thought hahaha. Im looking to lose 60lbs and have lost 10 basically. I meassure in KG's so not sure if amounts are right.

    I know with online gaming and freakwint lans that binge eating junk food and smoking like a crazy persone is normal. I smoke twice the amount i normaly do when gaming. I tend to also forget the time so end up sleeping allot less than i should so losing weight isnt all that easy with sitting, eathing, smoking and very little sleep.

    I'm more into the Mythical rather than Sci-Fi. I'm a big dragons, wizards, vamps, lycans type fan. My nick name on here is actually my gaming name and my favouret carrecter of my gaming combined hahaha.
  • AnneeeLicious
    AnneeeLicious Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there!

    Not really a gaming geek, but almost all of my friends are, gamers and geeks seem to be the kind of people I feel comfortable around, haha! I'll add you :)

  • Jurow
    Jurow Posts: 20 Member
    i can relate to the greasy foods gonna try get through this weekend with out any
  • Limebird
    Limebird Posts: 19 Member
    That's a great post :) used to be a gamer but like got to busy. Now just do tech related stuff for work. Add me if you are looking for supportive friends. I am too.
  • winter_berry
    Hello! I'm a bit of a nerd, too. I'm a hobbyist programmer, and was a collector of retro computers until my parents cracked down on having my collection in their house. I'm 5'3" and 110lbs (maybe higher).
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Please feel free to add me.

    As you're all nerds - anybody else a member of nerd fitness?
  • beebeewho
    beebeewho Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a online gamer 2 and I'm crazy for Anime! I am allot more over weight than you thought hahaha. Im looking to lose 60lbs and have lost 10 basically. I meassure in KG's so not sure if amounts are right.

    I know with online gaming and freakwint lans that binge eating junk food and smoking like a crazy persone is normal. I smoke twice the amount i normaly do when gaming. I tend to also forget the time so end up sleeping allot less than i should so losing weight isnt all that easy with sitting, eathing, smoking and very little sleep.

    I'm more into the Mythical rather than Sci-Fi. I'm a big dragons, wizards, vamps, lycans type fan. My nick name on here is actually my gaming name and my favouret carrecter of my gaming combined hahaha.
    Yeah that sounds like a tough habit to get out of! Have you ever tried quitting smoking? And it sounds like you've made a big first step on your journey so that's awesome!

    I'm so happy with all the responses I've gotten, I hope we can all bug each other and stay on track together!
  • beebeewho
    beebeewho Posts: 27 Member
    It's so hard! That's why I give myself a "cheat day" on Fridays. It's still a gym day and I still put in everything I eat to help me not go too crazy, but it's good to tell yourself "no, today I'll be good I can have some of this on Friday"!
  • Nimue108
    Nimue108 Posts: 110 Member
    Nerd/geek girl here!! Feel free to add me. I am on here everyday and try to be super active.
  • Jurow
    Jurow Posts: 20 Member
    my cheat days have a habit of becoming cheat weekends then some occasions they become cheat weeks.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Nerd/geek girl here!! Feel free to add me. I am on here everyday and try to be super active.

    SUPER nerdy - loving your style! :smile:
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    a room fully of sexy, nerdy girls....I've died and gone to heaven
  • Negative_X
    Negative_X Posts: 296 Member
    Hey there! I'm looking to make some pals on here to keep me dedicated and using the app! If I seem like someone you could jive with then feel free to send a friend request my way!

    Me: I'm a college student who works 2 jobs and I'm a huge nerd. Not in the cute ironic way, more in the watching a 5 hour marathon or Star Trek: Voyager on a Friday night kind of way. I'm a gamer, part time comic book collector, anime fan, and I love reading and all things sci-fi. I am outdoorsy and love to travel and experience new things.

    Fitness: My current stats are 5'2", 116 lbs. I'm hoping to lose 10-15 pounds permanently, before the summer, as well as tone up. This is new for me as I've never tried to purposely lose weight before, and I have an issue with binge eating greasy junky food followed by laying about doing nothing. I also hope that I'll have more energy and motivation this way, which is super tough for me to have during the winter.

    Yes, an actual Voyager fan! lol... not sure why so many had beef with it. I felt like Voyager got back to its roots with actual exploring instead of a space soap opera like DS9. (all tho I still enjoyed DS9)

    Anyways, good luck on your weight loss journey. I made mine a few years ago (240 down to 165) and it has stuck with me ever since. Best decision I ever made in this fellow nerd/geeks journey. :)
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I was watching the last Next Gen episode the other day (all good things). Can you believe that was recorded 20 years ago!!!!:smile: