Does anyone know how to watch TV without eating?



  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    I agree with the water.
    Whenever you feel the need to snack, drink a glass.
    Instead of bringing food with you to watch tv, drink water.

    At the movies is a different story for me, I need popcorn, being surrounded by that smell pumped through the vents... its a drug.
    But you can always just settle for the small.

    Lastly, you need to empower yourself and just say that you don't need a snack, sometimes you can fake it until you make it!
    The body is easily fooled with mental games.

    Like others were saying, don't watch tv so much. I go from work to the gym, so its another couple hours Im not lounging with easy access to my kitchen. No gym is no problem, go for a walk, or do something active. Anything distracting like reading or crosswords, puzzles. Try to do things that aren't food-centric. You can do it!
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    Using a ball gag.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I knit or spin wool when watching television.
  • I tend to snack to, and every time I have the urge to get up and grab something to snack on, I ask myself which would I prefer? Being my ideal weight and fit enough to keep up with my son as he grows up? Or the short term satisfaction of whatever it is I'm craving?
    It usually helps, and gives me the motivation to do something while I watch, such as planking during commercials, steps with the WiiFit or jogging in place.
    Also, to help if you're thinking you're hungry but not totally sure, you might just be thirsty. Have a glass of water and see how you feel afterwards.
    Hope it helps :)
  • sir_randall
    sir_randall Posts: 16 Member
    That's easy, don't watch TV, problem solved. Go for a walk, or to the gym, besides, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, except The Walking Dead.


    I couldn't have said this better. DVR everything too. 60 min show reduced to 40+ mins gives you more time to be outside or in the gym. I am not sure I really understand people who still watch live TV.
  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    I realize that question sounds ridiculous, but I really do have a problem watching a TV show (or going to a movie) without munching my way through it.

    Even worse, unless I'm working, I tend to want to eat whenever I even sit down!

    I know I'm not the only one. Have any of you had this problem in the past and found a solution?

    You have an oral fixation. It's quite common. Just replace it. Either with healthier snacks (celery anyone?) or maybe hot tea or water.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I only watch TV while cuddling or in my bed right before falling asleep. If I don't know what to do after dinner I'll play videogames, read or knit.
    I'd really love some popcorn at the movies, but the smell is too strong and it makes me somewhat nauseous, I guess I'm very lucky.
  • I exercise while watching TV, Wii Step, body weight exercises, dance. Am I the only one that does this? :huh:
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I stand up while watching TV sometimes. That helps. I often do my nails while watching TV as well. It used to drive my hubby crazy but he's used to it now. I am to the point where I almost CAN'T watch TV without having my manicure kit out filing my nails :) I also agree with the crochet/knitting idea. I would do that but I have carpal tunnel syndrome so bad that it's not worth it.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    In the commercial breaks, do exercises. If you do jumping jacks or burpees, you're not going to want to eat because all that crap sloshing around in your digestive tract while you're bouncing around... well, let's just say... YAK CITY!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I realize that question sounds ridiculous, but I really do have a problem watching a TV show (or going to a movie) without munching my way through it.

    Even worse, unless I'm working, I tend to want to eat whenever I even sit down!

    I know I'm not the only one. Have any of you had this problem in the past and found a solution?

    These are just habits...while habits can be somewhat difficult to break, it's really just about thinking before you act and not doing whatever it is. It doesn't really take long to break a habit...about a week. I used to have all kinds of weird eating habits...front of the t.v. was a big one and so was eating candy while I was reading in bed. Ultimately is about setting ground rules for myself and just not doing those things. I only eat at the table now save for movie nights with the family when we watch a movie and eat popcorn.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I knit or crochet when watching TV. Plus learned to eat at kitchen table with no TV on. Now if I could figure out how to read without eating.......:grumble:
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I'm totally with the knitters.

    It helps keep my hands busy in the evenings.

    Also, a glass of water, and if I'm not hungry to eat an apple or some carrots and celery, then I'm not really belly hungry.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I stand up while watching TV sometimes. That helps. I often do my nails while watching TV as well. It used to drive my hubby crazy but he's used to it now. I am to the point where I almost CAN'T watch TV without having my manicure kit out filing my nails :) I also agree with the crochet/knitting idea. I would do that but I have carpal tunnel syndrome so bad that it's not worth it.

    I also do my nail whiles watching long bouts of tv. I'll set up a small workspace in front of me of nail colors and brushes and whatnot and go to town. Very helpful!
  • Samquentin1
    Samquentin1 Posts: 23 Member
    I have a water bottle by me, and drink my water instead... You could also take up crocheting. :D
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    In the commercial breaks, do exercises. If you do jumping jacks or burpees, you're not going to want to eat because all that crap sloshing around in your digestive tract while you're bouncing around... well, let's just say... YAK CITY!

    On this note.............

    Deck of cards workout: Hearts = cardio, Diamonds = upper, Spades = lower, Clubs = abs. Play: draw the 8 of hearts - do 8 jumping jacks, draw 10 of diamonds do 10 push ups .... etc.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I find that I have to do something with my hands. I either make it my cross-stitch time, or I use the computer while I'm watching TV. I've gotten pretty good at not snacking all the time while watching TV. Unfortunately, I still haven't conquered snacking forever while reading.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I agree with the people who save room for it in the day. There's no reason NOT to eat while you watch tv if you have calories enough at the end of the day to do so. I sit and munch veggies and hummus....popcorn WITH crisp or chocolate while i watch Dr. you can see by my ticker its worked just fine for me
  • Sit down, cover yourself in a blanket, place two dogs on your lap and then you won't be inclinded to get up and go to the fridge or pantry because you certainly don't want to disturb sleeping dogs who are all comfy. And you can't eat with them on your lap because they will be all up in your face or stealing your snack.
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    I've picked up knitting... keeps the hands occupied and you do something productive! Granted, I've made a lot of scarves as they aren't too complicated! :wink: