Can someone review my diet plan for me?

Hi there -

I have maintained about 1200-1600 calories a day for the last three weeks. I workout 6 hours a week, 4 days cardio & 2 days strength. I have lost 14lbs in 60 days and now have maintained for the month of february but have lost inches. Can someone review my normal diet below and tell me if theres something i can change that may help me lose?

Breakfest -
coffee with artificial sugar zero cals
1 cup low fat cottage cheese
1/2 greek yogurt with zero cal sweetner
60g trail mix

Lunch -
1 cup brown rice with seasoning

Afternoon snack -
herbal tea
1/2 cup natural unsweeted applesauce cup


Dinner -
Some sort of cauliflower casserole
(the last two weeks have been this one
1 serving in g of PB2 dehydrated peanut butter
1 cup blue bunny ice cream sweetened with artificial sweetner
1 tbsp sugar free chocolate syrup

I chew gum all day long and drink 60+ oz water a day.
Intolerant to gluten, eggs and soy.

Thanks for reading!


  • kimid123
    kimid123 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not a nutritionists OR a trainer, but I see a definitive lack of protein in your diet. Might want to look at adding a serving to each meal?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Your whole lunch is rice? I don't see much protein, fruits, or veggies
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    Actually this adds up to around 70gs a day......
  • jigenigma
    jigenigma Posts: 19 Member
    I would be concerned at the lack of vegetables in your diet. You need salad or cooked greens in there--both for fiber and for nutrients. Maybe add in a smoothie with kale or spinach to breakfast? Or add some grilled veggies to your lunch?
  • STC1188
    STC1188 Posts: 101 Member
    Kind of hard to say much without macros, but I would say you need to eat more protein and fat (though I guess that depends on the cheese/meats in that casserole dish). Your lunch sounds inadequate. My recommendation would be to drop the trail mix from breakfast and eat protein and fat with your lunch. Your calories are a bit low--don't plan on maintaining at that amount. I would recommend maybe taking a week or two off to see how you feel, since prolonged periods of large deficits (which I imagine you might be creating) can have averse affects on your body.

    Otherwise, it looks okay. If you are losing inches, you are doing it right.
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    Is that 1200 to 1600 net or before workout calories? Are you creating a huge deficit every day? Are you using what MFP gave you for total calories to consume? Most people suggest eating back at least half your exercise calories... are you doing that? What is your BMR and TDEE?

    My guess is, you're not eating enough, especially after looking at the meals you posted. (Might be easier for people to help if you opened your diary.)
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    I got rid of the artificial sweetners and dropped another 10lbs...we are kinda doing the same routine for diet and exercise... artificial sugars can make you bloat and raise cortisol levels, omit them ...I know its hard at first ...try stevia (gross) i know. I just go wth the natural flavor of whatever im eating...when it comes to adding sweetness.

    add more veggies and protien ....Fish is great ...very inexpensive and chicken also
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I don't see a lot of protein in your diet... do you choose to stay away from lean meats as a choice or by medical necessity? If so, I would consider eating proteins through nuts, beans, soy, etc. There are some great protein powders and protein bars out there that help me boost my protein. Just an observation... I lose more when I make sure I eat my protein and keep my carbs under control.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Seems like a lot of artificial sweeteners
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    to kellicaruther - when you gave up artificial sweetners did you go back to real sugar or just stevia?
  • kimid123
    kimid123 Posts: 16 Member
    I don't see a lot of protein in your diet... do you choose to stay away from lean meats as a choice or by medical necessity? If so, I would consider eating proteins through nuts, beans, soy, etc. There are some great protein powders and protein bars out there that help me boost my protein. Just an observation... I lose more when I make sure I eat my protein and keep my carbs under control.

    THIS!!! I am currently dieting for competition and eating about 200grs of protein a day. Every meal (all 6 of them) include a protein of some sort. Also as another user stated its tough to tell without the macros listed.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Not much protein, fruit or veggies, and lots of artificial sweetener.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    to kellicaruther - when you gave up artificial sweetners did you go back to real sugar or just stevia?

    I gave it all up , I am still in the weight loss journey....down 32lbs now...I am a coffee addict so I just use a slash of non dairy creamer and no sugar...I drink flavored coffee, hazelnut is my fav!
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    I can't eat anything really that's processed. DId you read my comment of being intolerant to gluten eggs and soy?

    eating 200gs a day - do you ever poop? eating 70 is making it already very difficult for me...but i have intense GI problems.
    I don't see a lot of protein in your diet... do you choose to stay away from lean meats as a choice or by medical necessity? If so, I would consider eating proteins through nuts, beans, soy, etc. There are some great protein powders and protein bars out there that help me boost my protein. Just an observation... I lose more when I make sure I eat my protein and keep my carbs under control.

    THIS!!! I am currently dieting for competition and eating about 200grs of protein a day. Every meal (all 6 of them) include a protein of some sort. Also as another user stated its tough to tell without the macros listed.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Actually this adds up to around 70gs a day......

    70g of protein is still low, IMO.

    I'm not a trainer or a nutritionist, but I would suggest more lean proteins. Most recommendations aim for 1g per pound of lean body mass (so, upwards of 100g). That is especially important when weight training (gotta feed your muscles).

    TBH, it actually sounds like you're doing good. If you're losing inches, that's progress. You've lost a good amount of weight since you started, and weight loss is not linear.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Sounds extremely boring to eat the same thing all the time.
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    I agree there is a serious lack of protein. Not to mention you are consuming quite a bit more sugar than you probably realize especially if your only proteins are dairy(they all contain sugar).

    Protein, veggies and healthy fats are your main concerns. Everything else should come after those things have been satisfied. You should focus on every meal containing protein and a veggie. Try to eat something with protein every 3-4 hours; this will keep your metabolism moving as well as keep you feeling fuller and more satisfied.

    Vegetables seem to be the next big deficit. A good portion of your carbohydrate intake should be coming from vegetables. Start with committing to a MINIMUM of 4 vegetable servings a day. If you aren't a veggie person you can always get creative (like your Cauliflower pizza, which is great!)

    One good trick for people who struggle to get adequate protein and veggies is to blend spinach in a protein shake. You can make whatever shake you would like and just throw a handful of spinach in there with it; I swear you cannot taste it!
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    There is an approach to eating that I am trying to adopt. its called PFC. eat protein, fat, and carbs, with every meal to help you feel fuller longer and give your body what you need to thrive and hit your macros.

    breakfast: ditch the artificial sweetener.. it just makes your body crave more sugar later...but other than that looks like you are getting good protein....
    lunch: wheres the protein, and where is the fat?
    snack: I would add protein and fat somehow, maybe stir in a little peanut butter??
    dinner: again... sugar free... low fat? try the dreyers slow churned..., not too high on the cals, and it has real sugar. don't be afraid of real sugar in moderation.

    in all, ya you may be hitting your calorie goals, but there are some things in here that aren't "real" foods... artificial sweeteners etc, and it seems like you aren't quite balanced in each of your meals. its like all carb, no fat, or all protein, etc.
  • Hi,
    I just want to say that you might want to consider eating actual proper meals
    Breakfast; GF oatmeal with almond milk + peanut butter + banana/ smoothie
    Lunch; GF bread + turkey + salad, or quinoa salad/ soups
    Dinner: chicken breast + GF brown rice/quinoa + veggies/ fish + sweet potato +veggies etc
    Snacks; nuts/ nakd bars/ fruit/ trek bars

    That's usually what I eat and I usually consume around 1100-1300 calories per day (These aren't NET calories)
    It genuinely comes down to portion sizes because you can eat proper meals such as above and still maintain a deficit in calories.
    My calorie intake isn't very healthy but I am recovering from an eating disorder so it's difficult for me to eat loads. Plus, I always feel full and satisfied so I don't need to eat excess amounts so my calorie intake in lower.