Can someone review my diet plan for me?



  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    My problem with all of you wanting to invest my calories into bigger meals is that i am an obcessive overeater. That's why i am over weight. I constantly need to eat, chew gum or drink water.

    - Eating small things over the day help me get through more.
    - Money is also an issue and dairy is much cheaper than meat.
    - My GI is already struggling with the amount of protein i consume a day

    * i am going to give up artificial sweetner this week, but what do i do with my yogurt and gum?

    If anyone has any ideas after this...that would be great!
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    My problem with all of you wanting to invest my calories into bigger meals is that i am an obcessive overeater. That's why i am over weight. I constantly need to eat, chew gum or drink water.

    - Eating small things over the day help me get through more.
    - Money is also an issue and dairy is much cheaper than meat.
    - My GI is already struggling with the amount of protein i consume a day

    * i am going to give up artificial sweetner this week, but what do i do with my yogurt and gum?

    If anyone has any ideas after this...that would be great!

    I would be willing to bet a LARGE sum of money that your GI problems have nothing to do with your protein intake (its super low)! And has everything to do with Sweetners! Especially if you chew gum all day. If I chew to many pieces back to back I always get stomach cramping. Keep your water bottle nearby and teach your body it doesn't NEED something all the time. I undrestand its not an overnight change but you can do it!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you chew sugarless gum all day, that can cause major GI issues, plus you are adding additional artificial sweetener on top of all the gum. Are you sure protein is the cause of your GI problems??? You are more prone to overeat if you dont fuel your body well.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    Greek yougart High in protein is great with Honey/ optional and or Fruit eat lots of fruit and vegg...Its not crazy expensive if you get seasonal items
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Dairy could also be part of the GI problems.
  • kimid123
    kimid123 Posts: 16 Member
    I can't eat anything really that's processed. DId you read my comment of being intolerant to gluten eggs and soy?

    eating 200gs a day - do you ever poop? eating 70 is making it already very difficult for me...but i have intense GI problems.
    I don't see a lot of protein in your diet... do you choose to stay away from lean meats as a choice or by medical necessity? If so, I would consider eating proteins through nuts, beans, soy, etc. There are some great protein powders and protein bars out there that help me boost my protein. Just an observation... I lose more when I make sure I eat my protein and keep my carbs under control.

    THIS!!! I am currently dieting for competition and eating about 200grs of protein a day. Every meal (all 6 of them) include a protein of some sort. Also as another user stated its tough to tell without the macros listed.

    LOL! Yes ma'am I do - but I also eat a lot of fibre and take fish oils. They help that stuff move along.
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    Greek yougart High in protein is great with Honey/ optional and or Fruit eat lots of fruit and vegg...Its not crazy expensive if you get seasonal items

    Honey, Dairy, fruit.... All high in sugar! The point is to rid the body of this so she can get over some of the compulsive overeating.

    Lean proteins, and veggies as your base, fill in whats leftover in your macros from there
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I fail to see an issue if you are losing inches. Isn't the goal to fit in some awesome clothes, look better in the mirror, and be healthier? Or is the goal to reach a magic number on the scale that no one except you and your doctor care to know? I'm not trying to be rude here, but I do want to put things in perspective for you.

    I don't know what causes your stomach problems, but dropping artificial sweeteners isn't going to help you lose weight. I do agree to raising your protein will help fill you up more. Don't listen to anyone that says eat a bigger breakfast/lunch/dinner, or whatever. As long as you're eating enough in a day, it doesn't matter when the majority of those calories are consumed.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can't eat anything really that's processed. DId you read my comment of being intolerant to gluten eggs and soy?

    eating 200gs a day - do you ever poop? eating 70 is making it already very difficult for me...but i have intense GI problems.
    I don't see a lot of protein in your diet... do you choose to stay away from lean meats as a choice or by medical necessity? If so, I would consider eating proteins through nuts, beans, soy, etc. There are some great protein powders and protein bars out there that help me boost my protein. Just an observation... I lose more when I make sure I eat my protein and keep my carbs under control.

    THIS!!! I am currently dieting for competition and eating about 200grs of protein a day. Every meal (all 6 of them) include a protein of some sort. Also as another user stated its tough to tell without the macros listed.

    LOL! Yes ma'am I do - but I also eat a lot of fibre and take fish oils. They help that stuff move along.

    Why are you eating so much protein? Unless you're a bodybuilder or over 6' tall, your kidneys are likely filtering out half of that.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    I got rid of the artificial sweetners and dropped another 10lbs...we are kinda doing the same routine for diet and exercise... artificial sugars can make you bloat and raise cortisol levels, omit them ...I know its hard at first ...try stevia (gross) i know. I just go wth the natural flavor of whatever im eating...when it comes to adding sweetness.

    add more veggies and protien ....Fish is great ...very inexpensive and chicken also

    this, dump the artificial sweeteners. I've stopped using splenda by going back to 1-2 teaspoons of sugar in my coffee.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    1) There's nothing wrong with artificial sweeteners

    2) At a protein intake of 70 grams a day you are likely losing more lean mass than with a higher intake

    3) Protein powder is cheaper than almost any meat in existence

    4) Your GI problems probably have nothing to do with protein

    5) Many newbies think that a bunch of smaller meals helps them stay fuller but ultimately figure out that fewer large meals actually keep them more satisfied and help compliance.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member



    Sums it up!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    less cauliflower, moar protein.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Greek yougart High in protein is great with Honey/ optional and or Fruit eat lots of fruit and vegg...Its not crazy expensive if you get seasonal items

    Honey, Dairy, fruit.... All high in sugar! The point is to rid the body of this so she can get over some of the compulsive overeating.

    Or, I don't know, say learn moderation? There is nothing wrong with sugar.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    And artificial sweeteners are not the best choice, from a chemical standpoint. You are much better off with a naturally derived sweetener like Xylitol (a sugar alcohol derived from glucose, with some interesting features in terms of improving dental health as well, although it is a known toxin for dogs!). Although there have been some debates as to the merit of using Xylitol, I know that it has no toxicity level in humans (testing involved the consumption of large quantities with no ill effects detected!)
  • mscharf1414
    mscharf1414 Posts: 2 Member
    You are missing protein for breakfast and lunch! Protein helps increase your metabolism, if you wait until dinner to eat it you are missing out on prime time for your body to boost metabolism! You might be craving food all day because of the artificial sweetners. I used to drink 6-8 Diet Dr Peppers aday, I replaced it with Advocare Spark and I don't crave sweets anymore. I still eat them occasionally, but I don't crave them!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You are missing protein for breakfast and lunch! Protein helps increase your metabolism, if you wait until dinner to eat it you are missing out on prime time for your body to boost metabolism! You might be craving food all day because of the artificial sweetners. I used to drink 6-8 Diet Dr Peppers aday, I replaced it with Advocare Spark and I don't crave sweets anymore. I still eat them occasionally, but I don't crave them!

    Nice Advocare plug. <Eye roll.>

    I'm pretty sure protein doesn't increase metabolism, and it definitely doesn't need to be eaten at every meal. Just make sure eat enough per day.
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    I too have GI problems and have been hospitalized with bowel obstructions. It always seemed to follow me going on a diet. The fatty foods and sweets always go down so lovely and as soon as I would try to incorporate a whole grain high fiber approach (which in the normal world is supposed to help you go poop) I end up with trapped gas, constipated and in a pain far worse than labor. My surgeon told me the fiber was making it worse. My veggies and greens were also adding to the problem and so were my nuts and beans. Go figure. What I was told to do was stick with a low residue diet. (Low fiber). Basically I get around 90 grams of protein a day, use regular white breads instead of whole grain or whole wheat. I gave up things like trail mix and almonds, and brown rice was switched to white. And I have to make sure my veggies are cooked to help break down the components that make the fiber in them difficult to digest. Oh, and a beano tablet with every meal, dr orders. I have been doing this for a while now and have had no GI issues, bloat or otherwise. Water is super crucial too. I'd say 60 oz is a good start, but 80-100 would be even better. With GI issues water helps your digestion system more than you will ever know. And I do restrict my artificial sweetener because it makes me have cravings and get headaches, but I'll chew off the arm of anyone who tries to take my one measly cup of coffee a day away from me. :)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The traditional advice for chronic constipation and bowel problems, high fiber and more water, often is counterproductive.

    When you diet, it's largely the restriction of fat intake that causes the constipation and bowel obstruction - not too much protein or whatever.
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    You are missing protein for breakfast and lunch! Protein helps increase your metabolism, if you wait until dinner to eat it you are missing out on prime time for your body to boost metabolism! You might be craving food all day because of the artificial sweetners. I used to drink 6-8 Diet Dr Peppers aday, I replaced it with Advocare Spark and I don't crave sweets anymore. I still eat them occasionally, but I don't crave them!

    Nice Advocare plug. <Eye roll.>

    I'm pretty sure protein doesn't increase metabolism, and it definitely doesn't need to be eaten at every meal. Just make sure eat enough per day.

    Incorrect: (Article from

    The thermic effect of food is the caloric cost of digesting and processing different macronutrients in your diet. There is evidence that scientists have known about this phenomenon since the early 1900s. Amazingly, despite what we could consider greatly antiquated methods, researchers over 75 years ago were able to accurately determine the different thermic effects of each of the different macronutrients.

    "IF you eat 200 calories worth of protein, your body will use between 40 and 70 of them in digestion."Understand that there are no hard-and-fast values for the thermic effect of the different macronutrients, because research shows slightly different results from study to study. Granted that, here are some generally accepted parameters:

    ■Protein: 20-35% of calories burned through processing
    ■Carbohydrates: 5-15% of calories burned through processing
    ■Fats: 0-5% of calories burned through processing
    To put this in tangible terms, if you eat 200 calories worth of protein, your body will use between 40 and 70 of them in digestion. The most common estimate for the total thermic effect of food is around 10 percent of your total caloric intake, but as your protein intake increases so does this number.