Valentine's Day Fail... pity party starts now...



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I have no gifs to add but since misery loves company....

    My husband and I are going to the pawn shop today to sell jewelry to fund the emergency move we are going to have to make in the next two weeks! Happy Valentines!

    okay, now i feel like a d!ck. I'm so sorry. :cry:

    It's not as bad as it sounds, our apt. are being d!cks but we've been wanting to move for a while. I'm lucky enough to have an attorney in the family so he's handling dealing with the apt. but in the mean time we have to move quickly.

    I don't really like jewelry, I never wear the stuff and would never ask for it so other than a couple sentimental things we'll try to hold on to I really don't care much about selling the rest.

    Mostly just really pissed off because it's been one thing after another this year. Plan on taking it out in the weight room this afternoon.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    Sorry your day sucks. :(

  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'll make the beer run...

  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Feel better soon and know this... I still love you! And let's face, I am the only one that matters. Hee Hee JK *dodges tomatoes being thrown at my head
  • what a waste of a post space.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I have no gifs to add but since misery loves company....

    My husband and I are going to the pawn shop today to sell jewelry to fund the emergency move we are going to have to make in the next two weeks! Happy Valentines!

    Bring that jewelry to me!!! I'm giving away boxes of chocolates today! lol
  • Chillyfrog
    Chillyfrog Posts: 207 Member
    Feel better!
  • this thread is hillarious
    hope it isn't the flu
    stomach bugs goin around over here
    no gifs to add but look on the bright side, you'll probably lose some sort of weight during this horrendous time.
    feel better soon!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    If it makes you feel better, the only Valentine I got was from a cop. No wait...that was a ticket.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    ok .... here goes .
    the company i work for transferred my husband out of state temp. basis .- he left december 30th 2013 , yeah , before new years .
    Valentines day is our anniversary, he said before he left and repeatedly since then he needed to be back for yesterday,
    yeah yeah no problem we will see to it ... they have fked up his per deim for 4 weeks running - we had NO Money for plane ticket - they offered to pay saying no problem .... on Tuesday .... oh we NEVER said that ..... he was not home yesterday , we both still had to work , both of us managing offices in two separate states over 1200 miles apart ....

    Happy Double digit anniversary ..... yes yesterday was our 10th wedding anniversary

    the owner had the balls to send us both a happy anniversary email , saying "this is just minor"...

    its not MINOR!!!
    you sir are going to lose two managers, not to mention without even trying you will probobly lose more than that, because not many people will stay when the people who hired and trained them are leaving, and no im not gonna try to "steal" people away- i won't have to and to try and run both offices without a manager, and deal with the fallout,

    we are filing our papers next week and getting our own contract, end next month , these people will be screwed,
    last year , we missed EASTER, mothers day , we were both out of town for work , had to skype with my kids .. what kind of mom does that make me ?
    he was out of town on fathers day , missed 4th of july too

    forget this , what we are earning is not worth this kind of negative impact , come on guy , i dont care what culture youre from , the truth is , family and taking care of them and BEING THERE is why we work hard, when you take away the being there part , your paycheck doesn't look nearly big enough... then to top it off, he put all the money paid on hotels as part of our "pay" last year ...yeah , this is SO DONE