10 pounds down in under 2 weeks?

I'm new to MFP and I'm just curious is losing 10lbs in around 11 days is too fast or too slow? I started at 279 and currently at 269, My goal weight is 240, but im just hoping to even make it to 200!! Im sticking to a 1200 calorie diet, and i exercise when i feel like it (normally around 4 times a week, 30 mins or so) but im ready to take the exercise part more serious and start 6 days a week for one hour. Also im wondering if it's possible to maybe lost 69 lbs in around 6-7 month? MFP is definitely helping me with my weight-loss journey so far! :happy:


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Initially it is normal to lose at a "more than normal" rate, because it is mostly water weight. This should settle into a more regular range. Expect 2 pounds per week, so, about 50 pounds in 6 months would be a reasonable expectation.
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    Thankyou! id much rather stick to the 10lb per /2week loss :sad: but any loss is a great loss!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Thankyou! id much rather stick to the 10lb per /2week loss :sad: but any loss is a great loss!

    Because you do have a significant amount to lose, you may see more than 2 pounds per week for a time, but it will slow down.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Its ok, its just water weight. In a few more weeks it will slow down alot!
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    I see, thankyou for your help :bigsmile:
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    Thankyou! and BTW congrats on your weight-loss you look FAB!!:bigsmile:
  • shantizzlerose
    shantizzlerose Posts: 63 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Can we please not shame people? There are tons of people who weigh 269 (or less) and are eating 600/700 calories a day under doctors orders!

    I would say to OP to be careful about your nutrients and whatnot and seek the help of your doctor as much as you can, but 10lb in under 2 weeks is good for where you are at and that you are just starting. No you shouldn't expect or strive for it to stay that way. but it's not so strange to see numbers at that level for people who have a lot to lose.

    The important part is that you are building habits you can sustain long term. It would do you no good to lose 5 lb a week if you are struggling and are going to give up in a couple more weeks time. My thoughts are to lose as much as you can with it seeming as effortless as possible. Something you can stick to will be your best bet to get down to goal.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Can we please not shame people? There are tons of people who weigh 269 (or less) and are eating 600/700 calories a day under doctors orders!

    I would say to OP to be careful about your nutrients and whatnot and seek the help of your doctor as much as you can, but 10lb in under 2 weeks is good for where you are at and that you are just starting. No you shouldn't expect or strive for it to stay that way. but it's not so strange to see numbers at that level for people who have a lot to lose.

    The important part is that you are building habits you can sustain long term. It would do you no good to lose 5 lb a week if you are struggling and are going to give up in a couple more weeks time. My thoughts are to lose as much as you can with it seeming as effortless as possible. Something you can stick to will be your best bet to get down to goal.

    I read it as concern, not shaming. I would guess her TDEE is way over 2000 calories, and cutting calories down gradually sounds much safer, unless the extremely low calorie diet is supervised by a dr. Creating a 1000-1500 calorie deficit, which I guess is what she has been doing so far sounds both dangerous and not necessary.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Hi Abbey,

    I started at 279 myself on 1st Jan, and was surprised to drop 10 lbs in first week as well.
    That pace didn't remain, and that's fine. I'm eating well, taking plenty of walks, and the weight is coming off nicely.
    It took me 10+ years to pack on the extra hundred pounds. It's going to take time for it to come back off in in healthy manner.

    Best of luck!
  • journey_man
    journey_man Posts: 110 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Can we please not shame people?

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Can we please not shame people? There are tons of people who weigh 269 (or less) and are eating 600/700 calories a day under doctors orders!

    I would say to OP to be careful about your nutrients and whatnot and seek the help of your doctor as much as you can, but 10lb in under 2 weeks is good for where you are at and that you are just starting. No you shouldn't expect or strive for it to stay that way. but it's not so strange to see numbers at that level for people who have a lot to lose.

    The important part is that you are building habits you can sustain long term. It would do you no good to lose 5 lb a week if you are struggling and are going to give up in a couple more weeks time. My thoughts are to lose as much as you can with it seeming as effortless as possible. Something you can stick to will be your best bet to get down to goal.

    Asking a question is not 'shaming'. Over reaction much!
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    Abbey, I'm sure a lot of people on MFP would like to suggest to you that 1200 calories per day is perhaps too few. I'd recommend you read some more about this topic (it's all over MFP).
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Try not to get disheartened when your weightloss slows down, try and expect it less now or you might struggle to keep your motivation, at the moment I'm grateful for 1/2lb a week.

    If you wish to increase your exercise please remember to increase your calorie intake or you will burn out.
  • Like everyone else has said, if you have a substantial amount (40-50-60+ pounds) to lose then yes it's okay to see a 5 pound drop here, or a 7 pound drop in a week, mainly do to the fact that it's a lot of water weight and your body is under going drastic changes (diet, exercise, etc).
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Awww! OP, your avatar looks like a lonely little orphan! :sad:
    I just wanna hug you. Can I hug you? I'm going to hug you.
    Don't get discouraged if your rate of weight loss slows down. Find something that works for you long term.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Nobody on MFP can decide what is "too fast" or "too slow" for you. Lots of people will try, of course, but none of them know.

    Lose at whatever rate you choose to, as long as you're healthy. At your size large calorie deficits are more doable, and weight loss often comes fast for quite awhile.
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Yes, it seems to be right for me in my opinion.
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Can we please not shame people? There are tons of people who weigh 269 (or less) and are eating 600/700 calories a day under doctors orders!

    I would say to OP to be careful about your nutrients and whatnot and seek the help of your doctor as much as you can, but 10lb in under 2 weeks is good for where you are at and that you are just starting. No you shouldn't expect or strive for it to stay that way. but it's not so strange to see numbers at that level for people who have a lot to lose.

    The important part is that you are building habits you can sustain long term. It would do you no good to lose 5 lb a week if you are struggling and are going to give up in a couple more weeks time. My thoughts are to lose as much as you can with it seeming as effortless as possible. Something you can stick to will be your best bet to get down to goal.

    thankyou, and yeah im getting pretty used to it, no struggles or anything (yet) :bigsmile:
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Abbey,

    I started at 279 myself on 1st Jan, and was surprised to drop 10 lbs in first week as well.
    That pace didn't remain, and that's fine. I'm eating well, taking plenty of walks, and the weight is coming off nicely.
    It took me 10+ years to pack on the extra hundred pounds. It's going to take time for it to come back off in in healthy manner.

    Best of luck!

    thankyou! nice to see people in the same boat as me :happy:
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    Abbey, I'm sure a lot of people on MFP would like to suggest to you that 1200 calories per day is perhaps too few. I'd recommend you read some more about this topic (it's all over MFP).

    I understand that, but MFP did suggest 1500 but i decided to cut it by 300, which to me isnt that much, im managing fine on 1200
  • Goldeeloks615
    Goldeeloks615 Posts: 29 Member
    Okay.. I have looked but I am not finding what TDEE means... I'm sure that it's here and that it's user error. But for the love of all things holy.. someone please, just tell me what TDEE means!

    Thank you!

    And to the OP, I've found that when I am under the 1200 mark, I tend to NOT lose weight.. body thinks it's in starvation mode?
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    You should be able to lose 70 lbs in 6 -7 months. Simply because at your weight right now it comes off rather quickly at first. The challenging part comes at the end when you are closer to a healthier goal weight. Then it slows down to maybe .2 lbs or no lbs a week.

    A pound a day is unrealistic though. Dont be so hard on yourself. The slower you go the more you will thank yourself later. Your body will recover better in terms of lose skin and muscle tissue if you go as slow as you are able to.

    In the meantime, start making small changes that will make you feel the immediate happiness you want. Make better food choices, buy a food scale, log log log, and try to walk an hour a day or at least four times a week.

    Start showing yorself some love. Healthy or not this is your body for the rest of your life. Give it the time and respect to recover from the damage done by poor diet and carrying extra weight. The good news is that you are still a VERY young lady. You have the advatage of youth to educate yourself right now regarding diet and fitness. Being so young and educating yourself now gives you an advantage of being able to create a healthy life style that you can carry on into adult hood. Nothing is worse than trying to lose weight at 40 honey, things arent so quick and easy then!

    Please search the forums there is a lot of good info on there. Pay attention to the people on MFP and make friends with the ones who are knowledgeable. THey are a valued resource often over looked.

    Good luck to you!!! Start today live today!

    I'm sure i do have an advantage of starting off young, and thankyou!!
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    Awww! OP, your avatar looks like a lonely little orphan! :sad:
    I just wanna hug you. Can I hug you? I'm going to hug you.
    Don't get discouraged if your rate of weight loss slows down. Find something that works for you long term.

    Haha im certainly not a lonely orphan! Also im very prepared for that :happy:
  • abbeyoconnor99
    abbeyoconnor99 Posts: 49 Member
    Okay.. I have looked but I am not finding what TDEE means... I'm sure that it's here and that it's user error. But for the love of all things holy.. someone please, just tell me what TDEE means!

    Thank you!

    And to the OP, I've found that when I am under the 1200 mark, I tend to NOT lose weight.. body thinks it's in starvation mode?

    I guess everyone is different :bigsmile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay.. I have looked but I am not finding what TDEE means... I'm sure that it's here and that it's user error. But for the love of all things holy.. someone please, just tell me what TDEE means!

    Thank you!

    And to the OP, I've found that when I am under the 1200 mark, I tend to NOT lose weight.. body thinks it's in starvation mode?

    TDEE means total daily energy expenditure. It is the amount of calories where you would not lose or gain weight, also known as "maintenance".

    A common formula to lose weight is to eat at TDEE minus 20%. People with a lot of weight to lose can take a bigger percentage deficit like 25%. People who are closer to goal weight should be at 15 or 10%.

    MFP is not a TDEE calculator, it does not include exercise. MFP figures out what you need just for regular daily life without exercise then takes a flat rate of calories off of that depending on how many pounds you say you want to lose.

    The OP has stated that MFP told her to eat 1500, and I assume she chose lose 2 pounds per week, so MFP calculated that she needs 2500 calories for daily life. Her TDEE would be higher than that if she does any sort of exercise that was not included in MFP's numbers. 1,000 calories a day for two pounds a week is a pretty big deficit already. She is now eating at a 1300 calorie a day deficit. I would not recommend doing that for long term.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Abbey, I'm sure a lot of people on MFP would like to suggest to you that 1200 calories per day is perhaps too few. I'd recommend you read some more about this topic (it's all over MFP).

    I understand that, but MFP did suggest 1500 but i decided to cut it by 300, which to me isnt that much, im managing fine on 1200

    You are a teenager, please talk to your dr. There is losing weight in a healthy way and there is losing weight with side-effects. You will see lots of people here on 1200 calorie diets, but please do not compare. What works for a 40 year old woman, will not work for you. Each body has different needs. You did not get this weight in a few months, there is no way you can lose it in a few months. Plus, right now you are focusing on the scale, there is more to a nice body than this. It is awesome that you want to make changes, but do not hurt yourself in the process.

    Check here: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ It will give you some idea about what is realistic and healthy
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Can we please not shame people? There are tons of people who weigh 269 (or less) and are eating 600/700 calories a day under doctors orders!

    I would say to OP to be careful about your nutrients and whatnot and seek the help of your doctor as much as you can, but 10lb in under 2 weeks is good for where you are at and that you are just starting. No you shouldn't expect or strive for it to stay that way. but it's not so strange to see numbers at that level for people who have a lot to lose.

    The important part is that you are building habits you can sustain long term. It would do you no good to lose 5 lb a week if you are struggling and are going to give up in a couple more weeks time. My thoughts are to lose as much as you can with it seeming as effortless as possible. Something you can stick to will be your best bet to get down to goal.
    Hey. Nobody is shaming anyone else. 1,200 calories is very low for someone who is weighs over 200 pounds. The bigger you are the more you can eat and still lose weight, thus your energy does not become depleted.
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    You're at 269 and you're only eating 1200 calories?

    Yes, it seems to be right for me in my opinion.

    I started at 280 and picking 2 lb/week weight loss MFP gave me 1440 cal/day, that's only a 240 calorie difference from what you're eating. I can't see how a couple of hundred calories would impede weight loss, however most diets that have you crash down to that are just that and are not very realistic for a long term eating regimen. But as long as you play it smart, feel good throughout the day and don't bank them all just to eat a burger and fries I think you should be ok. And if you don't feel satiated, you have a little wiggle room and you'll still be at a deficit.
    And to answer your OP I lost almost 15 lb within the first two weeks, it's normal but that pace is only temporary. I like to think of it as my body sprinting out of the gate with excitement about getting healthy :tongue: