I eat exercise calories! ;) And 1200 cals is not absolute! ;

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
And have lost 102 lbs so far.

It's very simple logic. You are already eating at a caloric deficit to lose weight. Then, you add exercise....and burn MORE. It get's into dangerous/starvation territory. So, you eat some of those calories back to bring your calories consumed back to a safe level.

No one is saying to go eat a burger and fries or eat every single exercise calorie back.

I can burn anywhere from 750 to 1,000 calories when I hit the gym. I can't eat all of those back. I DO try to eat at least 1800 on gym days though and bring my calories consumed back to a safer level. Even that is on the low side though. It just get's hard to eat a lot more some days when I focus on eating foods that keep me satisfied anyway.

Also, when you join MFP and it gives you a calorie count of 1200, that is just the standard default and is not a number you HAVE to follow to lose weight. I have never eaten that low yet. I have slowly lowered my calories though. I currently eat around 1400 on days I don't work out. I want to lose around 33 more lbs though and want to give myself room to lower them a little more should I hit a plateau. So, at 1400 calories, I CAN safely lower to 1350 for awhile, then 1300, then 1250 and so on until I reach my goal.

I have gone from 270 (In September of 2007) to 168 as of this past Thursday. My initial goal weight is 135. So obviously the heavier I was, the more I could eat even without exercise. I just slowly lowered the calories as I lost. It's that simple. You DON'T and SHOULDN'T have to suffer to do this. Realizing that has been an amazing thing for me.

Good luck all!!!


  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    And have lost 102 lbs so far.

    It's very simple logic. You are already eating at a caloric deficit to lose weight. Then, you add exercise....and burn MORE. It get's into dangerous/starvation territory. So, you eat some of those calories back to bring your calories consumed back to a safe level.

    No one is saying to go eat a burger and fries or eat every single exercise calorie back.

    I can burn anywhere from 750 to 1,000 calories when I hit the gym. I can't eat all of those back. I DO try to eat at least 1800 on gym days though and bring my calories consumed back to a safer level. Even that is on the low side though. It just get's hard to eat a lot more some days when I focus on eating foods that keep me satisfied anyway.

    Also, when you join MFP and it gives you a calorie count of 1200, that is just the standard default and is not a number you HAVE to follow to lose weight. I have never eaten that low yet. I have slowly lowered my calories though. I currently eat around 1400 on days I don't work out. I want to lose around 33 more lbs though and want to give myself room to lower them a little more should I hit a plateau. So, at 1400 calories, I CAN safely lower to 1350 for awhile, then 1300, then 1250 and so on until I reach my goal.

    I have gone from 270 (In September of 2007) to 168 as of this past Thursday. My initial goal weight is 135. So obviously the heavier I was, the more I could eat even without exercise. I just slowly lowered the calories as I lost. It's that simple. You DON'T and SHOULDN'T have to suffer to do this. Realizing that has been an amazing thing for me.

    Good luck all!!!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I've said it before and say it again-You're my hero! hug.gif

    Tam--I started out 9 pounds heavier than you started out, so I've got 9 pounds more to lose than you--we're "twins from another mother!" tfr612ix4.gif

    For others wondering---

    ---I'm older by 12 years than Tam, and I don't have a rug rat to keep me busy all day, so I go lower in calories

    ---I am currently at 1300 plus exercise calories. I do try to eat most of mine, as I do long-distance cycling and need that energy to fuel my body for those rides. But on days I don't ride, I keep strictly to my 1300.

    --I was going 1100-1200 and some days as low as 1000 but I plateaued after just 3 months :noway: so I upped my calories, keep close watch on my fat intake/carbs/sodium and have begun to lose weight again.
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    Tami, girl
    i love you:flowerforyou:
    you are such an inspiration

    and this is very logical,
    newbies read this post now!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    thank you for the reminder! i really needed it, didnt get nearly as much calories as i should have yesterday, and was working an 8 hour shift too, so thats why i was so tired :ohwell:

    i hope i can get to my goal and look as great as you, you both are an inspiration to lose so much and be still working towards your goals :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    TAM--WOW--It just hit me who you look like now--

    Sally Fields! Well, when she was younger of course.


    What do y'all think? Is she a double for Forrest Gump's Momma or what?
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    TAM--WOW--It just hit me who you look like now--

    Sally Fields! Well, when she was younger of course.


    What do y'all think? Is she a double for Forrest Gump's Momma or what?
    :laugh: you're right shorerider!
    i can just see Tami saying "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"
    so dont get them!:wink:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Well said Tami! I totally agree, I have lost 48 pounds as of yesterday, and I started at the beginning of the year.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    It is possible people!!!!
    There are so many success stories and so many threads on this. Banks has pointed this out so many times and his thread is constantly getting bumped,

    READ PEOPLE.... READ!!!!
  • teacher3506
    teacher3506 Posts: 12 Member
    Ok, I know what am I doing wrong. I am eating approximately 925 cal a day and I excercise which puts me at a 500+ cal deficit. The problem is, I am not hungry for more. I am eating basically the same menu everyday because that's what I need to do to stay on track. I'll show you what I eat (everyday:-))

    Breakfast: banana, boiled egg, and tee w/ light cream and 2 sugars (can't give that up!)
    Lunch: FiberOne english muffin w/ 1 tbsp real (no sugar) peanut butter, 60 cal yogurt
    Snack: granny smith apple
    Dinner: 1 gortons frozen grilled fish fillet, green giant healthy vision or weight veges (all) and another Fiber one english muffin to sop up the sauce.

    This menu really does fill me up. SOmetimes before bed I get hungry, but I do not eat after dinner. I also walk/jog everyday. I burn about 285 cal from this.

    I need to loose about 50 lbs and I am averaging about 2 lbs a week.

    When I go to add more calories, usually I've maxed on protein and carbs (1200 cal a day) - so what can I add that doesn't put me over?

    Thanks for the help,
  • rosenbss
    rosenbss Posts: 54
    I am so glad I found this site..You wonderful people have no clue how much some of us newbies need to hear your succeses, your advice, and your inspirations..I have been here a month as of today and I have gone up and down on the scale my first almost 3 weeks i didnt even know I was sopose to eat my exercise calories so the last week and half i started now the weight is coming off and I feel so much better. i think sometimes this site is why I havent given up..Every time I want to I get on here and start reading!! Thank You Thank You Thank You... People like you help us believe we can do this!!
  • dpsdoc
    dpsdoc Posts: 1
    So i was wondering , how much do you exercise everyday?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    healthy does not equal suffering or starving.

  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Tam, Shorerider,

    I hold a similar view. Thanks for your posts and inspiration.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    A little sumpin about the calories. I am on 1200 cals a day. I am 155 (yeah!!) 5'2" tall and 47 yrs old.

    The ticker is a little off because I lost some of that weight from jan...Ok so I steadily lose 1-2 lbs a week for 8 weeks.

    Now I am sitting.....waiting....patiently (NOT) for the scale to give, just a little. So I read Banks thread about breaking a plateau. I tried breaking up the cals...exercising more. Then I realized I wasnt eating my exercise calories.

    Ok so yesterday I busted out. I mean I ate just what I had been craving for weeks. Anyone from Cincinnati? I had 3 Skyline coney dogs with cheese (oyvay, check out the cals/fat from them badboys, they are listed here) I felt sick to my stomach, but logged them into food log.


    Take the advise given, and dont be afraid to tweak it. You will find something that works for you!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    So i was wondering , how much do you exercise everyday?
    Right now, I go to the gym on Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun....I was doing a pretty regular routine of 65 minutes (60 + 5 min cool down) on the elliptical(the one with arms), random setting, level 19, which I have slowly worked up to. And then I would do weights.

    Recently I have started to add another 20 minutes on the elliptical without arms but with the incline.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Ok, I know what am I doing wrong. I am eating approximately 925 cal a day and I excercise which puts me at a 500+ cal deficit. The problem is, I am not hungry for more. I am eating basically the same menu everyday because that's what I need to do to stay on track. I'll show you what I eat (everyday:-))

    Breakfast: banana, boiled egg, and tee w/ light cream and 2 sugars (can't give that up!)
    Lunch: FiberOne english muffin w/ 1 tbsp real (no sugar) peanut butter, 60 cal yogurt
    Snack: granny smith apple
    Dinner: 1 gortons frozen grilled fish fillet, green giant healthy vision or weight veges (all) and another Fiber one english muffin to sop up the sauce.

    This menu really does fill me up. SOmetimes before bed I get hungry, but I do not eat after dinner. I also walk/jog everyday. I burn about 285 cal from this.

    I need to loose about 50 lbs and I am averaging about 2 lbs a week.

    When I go to add more calories, usually I've maxed on protein and carbs (1200 cal a day) - so what can I add that doesn't put me over?

    Thanks for the help,

    Yeah, that's too few calories. You may be losing now, but you will stop. Don't worry so much about going over on protein. Carbs - you are eating pretty much good carbs so I wouldn't worry too much about that. You're not hungry because your body is going into starvation mode (weird, I know, but it quits using fuel as you go into starvation mode and you just aren't hungry) and you may possibly be losing muscle mass. To increase your calories, try setting small goals. Like add 25 - 50 for a couple of days then 25 - 50 more for a couple of days/or a week until you get into an acceptable range. Be prepared though to stop losing weight for a little while. Your body will need a little time to re-adjust to getting proper fuel. You may even gain a little at first. Breath - don't panic!! Hang in there and you will lose what you gain and then continue to lose in a healthy manner. Good luck and we are here for you!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Oh, yeah, and you rock TAM!!!!!! You are awesome. :drinker:
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Good for you you look amazing!!

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Bump! :wink: