Lamest/funniest excuses for calling in sick



  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I once had a co-worker call in because her husband was going to be leaving for a business trip in two weeks and she said she had to help him pack.
  • skroeze87
    skroeze87 Posts: 18 Member
    I had one shift where I called in. I wasn't sick but my car had slid down a hill into a ditch and I was waiting for a tow to get me out. I told them to replace me since the weather was horrible and I didn't even know if my car was drivable. I couldn't see most of my car, I was stuck in the snow filled ditch and could barely even get out of it ( I went out through the window, the snow was so high and I drive and SUV).
    Work then told me they would wait for me. I am a nurse, my job doesn't just wait.
    Long story short. I still had to go to work or get fired. So I went in ( taking over an hour) after my trip to emergency to show them my bruised head from the steering wheel. They then told me I couldn't stay and I started the 2 hour drive home after my hubby came and got me.

    They called the next day wanting a doctors note too.

    My job sucks. get into an accident and they still expect you in for your shift. They did it to a co-worker who hit a deer on her way in too.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I had an employee call in sick bc the tip of her Q-tip got stuck in her ear.. To this day I'm still not sure what to think of it.. Still got a laugh out of it so I let it slide.
    It can happen! I got chalk stuck up my nose as a child.

    I'm sure it can, and it probably did, It was funny getting a call at 6am in a panic bc she was holding the Q-tip stick and couldnt find the end of it in her ear or on the ground, she also mentionned the next day that the Dr. told her it happens quite often. So beware...
    This is exactly that whenever I use a qtip, I tighten the end where the cotton is before using it. I don't trust them XD
    How do you tighten the end of a q-tip?
    Twist it, starting at the base of the stick in the direction it's going in the first place :flowerforyou:
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,151 Member
    I was managing a bakery in a college town once, and had a girl want a day off for her roommates going away party. I told her she'd have to trade her shift with someone else (her day off) etc, and she never even asked the other person to trade. So, the manager of her shift got the call- She got a Bee Sting in her Armpit. I kid you not....she actually called in with that part about it, I made a rule in the bakery about no sleeveless tops (because of this employee and a few others) and they complained about it, but the armpit hair, was just...too much for me- reaching into a bakery case with that, not okay, so I made a t-shirt with sleeves rule, no tank tops...for ALL staff (they fought me on this originally, but I won out with the owners). so yeah, hairy armpit girl SOMEHOW got a bee sting...and was in the hospital, and since she didn't have a car, and said the hospital told her to go home, as they were busy and they'd call her when there was a "lull" I called her apt, and yeah, full on party going busted. I wasn't the MOD, so THAT manager ended up letting her go.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I work in HR and at one job we had a guy who was meter reader - outdoor job. He called in sick one day and then decided to go ahead and quit altogether. Reason? "I saw a spider and me and my girlfriend are scared of spiders."
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I haven't taken a sick day in 4 years unfortunately.. lol

    And I've been pretty sick some of those days :sick:

    If you have sick leave, and you're sick.. use it! That's what it's there for. Don't infect others.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Worked at a supermarket years ago. Had a guy ring up to say he'd fell out of a 2nd story window. Another place had a co worker off for 4 days with indigestion :huh:
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    "Sorry i can not come in today. I'm in Germany "

    I was away for a long weekend and we missed the flight back ( due to road accident had us waiting for 4 hours).
  • lorahennity
    One of my managers (who has since been fired) was like three hours late to work one Sunday, and his excuse was that he 'had to stop and buy two sausages'! Haha, I think he was still drunk from the night before.