Hi, any 40 or 50 year olds trying to lose weight?



  • vt78che
    vt78che Posts: 44 Member
    OK, I'll make the 52 yr olds feel better. I'm 58, but I've decided to start counting backwards! Enjoyed too much food and ignored my health for a long time. Now I'm in serious correction mode - about half way to my real goal (didn't put my final goal on here so I don't get depressed :wink: ). I'm always looking for people that are motivated so we can support each other, but it seems hard to find others my age that are sticking with it. I'm on here every day now and am a big-time Fitbit and apps user. Feel free to add me!

  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    I'll pop back later, got to go on the school run.

    I'm back.

    HI my name is Samhradh, 47 this July,
    5' 3 & a bit
    SW 216.5
    CW 158
    GW 140
    UGW 130

    Mum of 2, working and made the time to exercise 6 days a week for the last 6 months, exercise has now just become a routine part of my day.
    I want to glide gracefully into old age and not waddle.
  • carolley
    Hi all,
    54 - I have been using fitness pal for the past year, lost 41 pounds. While out on a walk in Oct I came up lame. After putting up with the pain for 2 days I finally decided to see a doctor. Found out I tore my meniscus and had an ACL that had been torn years ago. Finally had the surgery Jan 10 and now am on that long road to recovery. While I am not cleared to do too much at this point I am now able to go for a walk! Needless to say, I have put on 12 pounds through all of this and am anxious to get back on track! Looking forward to losing again! Hang in there all, remember, it's a lifestyle change.
  • Sag2015
    49 and very hormonal!! I just started on here (again) on Sunday.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    44 and wish I knew 10 years ago how much harder it would be now :ohwell:
  • beatingmenopause
    Please feel free to add me :-D
  • empireman85
    empireman85 Posts: 114 Member
    56 and have decided not to grow old gracefully but rather fight to get fit again. I've done many popular plan and last year started Optifast recommended by my doctor. I've transitioned to "real" food and seem to be holding my own. MFP has been great for tracking and I've just started getting involved with the community side. Lot's of great folks and advise here.
  • blondelis50
    blondelis50 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi..yup that's me! I just turned 50:noway: weight loss is a challenge in this season of life, but none the less we will feel better going thru "it" if we take care of ourselves by eating healthy and exercising. Not easy, but worth it. I'm with you...here's to the other side!
  • peckhamgal
    peckhamgal Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm 54 and decided to make some serious changes to my health. I got a personal trainer and joined weight watchers. One week in and I lost 3lbs. Looking forward to losing more weight, getting stronger and looking great. Using FB to stay on track and hearing the stories from the community.
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    I'm 42 here.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Age 51, and have dropped 40 lbs, on my way to just over 100 lbs.
    Fire away with friend requests.
  • DWW529
    DWW529 Posts: 42 Member
    Yup. 42 and rolling. Lost a bunch of weight a few years back, gained a bunch back and now steadily getting back on track. The support and encouragement here helps. The accountability helps more. Feel free to add me.
  • 51justdoit
    51justdoit Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 51 and it feels like all I want is sugar/carbs. Like being pregnant, or before a cycle starts. Started Hot Yoga three weeks ago and have hope for mind, body, spirit. 50's are the new 30's! Just joined this also, after seeing a picture of myself. Goal is to lose 40 lbs.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Hello and wecome back! I'm 57 and will be 58 in 2 weeks. I've been on here for a year and lost 26 pounds, that's not alot but we travel alot and got to Wineries alot and on those days - I eat like a queen! Yesterday I bought new jeans and was scared to try on a size 10, but they fit! So i wore them to the winery yesterday afternoon! You can do this! Just get a plan and try to fit in some excercise and we will be fabulous again!! You can add me if you like, I'm on here everday. Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • stejill
    stejill Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...I am soon to be 56.I have always had to watch my weight.In my late forties suddenly realised I was 175lbs(5'2).It really sneaked up on me.After a lifetime of trying different diets I realised I would just have to eat less.Basically,since then I have been eating what I want,just less of it.I'm lucky because I really like healthy foods and don't eat too much junk food(but sometimes give in).I have been able to keep my weight around 150 lbs but would like to go down to about 130lbs.these online sights that calculate your calories for you are great!I love walking but hate intense exercise.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I'm 45 and I lost 40 pounds and gained only HALF of it back when I went through my recent divorce and some other family crap (dad cancer, aunt passing and estate mumbo jumbo...quite the year.) SOOOO, While I am THRILLED that some of my habits stuck so that I ONLY gained back twenty (and just a year earlier would have been a gain of 60 or more), I am READY to take my life back and get back into the REST of my habits as well as add some new ones to become more and more heatlhy! I have over a hundred pounds to lose.

    Motivation to MOVE is my biggest challenge to date. My "eye on the prize" is being able to ride ALL of the rides with my kids at six flags this summer, being able to keep up with my kids and rough house...etc. Recently my girl scout group (we've been together since 7th grade) is planning a camping trip including a zip line and I want to FIT and enjoy that as well!!! All wonderful motivators!!!

    Always good to have friends to hold you accountable. I have found some new motivation in reading "the Daniel Plan" and in being involved in a small group at church. But I find the daily accountability here to be the best thing for me! Habit by habit I am doing this! I'd love to have ya'll join me!
  • mumzie4
    mumzie4 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 44 and recently started on this journey again. In 2006 I did the same program and lost 45 pounds. This time around I'm starting 30 pounds heavier so would like to lose 75. I've had an emotional past three years which caused the weight to accumulate. I sometimes wish I could just fast forward to the end of this weight loss journey, but I know I need each day to make me stronger. Good luck to you all!
  • Clint9913
    I "un-quit" on 9/9/14 and have been slaying the beast I was for the last 20 years. MFP is my weapon of choice to assist me in my battle of the bulge.
  • msphyl46
    Creeping up on 49. I've been here a while but not eating enough has been a major problem for me. I'm finally learning to eat 5 small meals and seeing the scale move. I'm determined not to quit. You can add me if you like. Have a awesome journey!!!
  • vt78che
    vt78che Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all,
    54 - I have been using fitness pal for the past year, lost 41 pounds. While out on a walk in Oct I came up lame. After putting up with the pain for 2 days I finally decided to see a doctor. Found out I tore my meniscus and had an ACL that had been torn years ago. Finally had the surgery Jan 10 and now am on that long road to recovery. While I am not cleared to do too much at this point I am now able to go for a walk! Needless to say, I have put on 12 pounds through all of this and am anxious to get back on track! Looking forward to losing again! Hang in there all, remember, it's a lifestyle change.

    Wow! Good thing you found out the root of the problem and got it fixed. Your road may be a bit longer as a result, but it is very do-able! Best of luck to you!