I don't understand what's wrong....



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Dude, seriously:

    Accurately measure your food.

    Eat more. Like, you can easily lose weight on 2000 cals with your stats.

    Get enough protein: something like 160-200g per day.

    Get plenty of hydration and avoid high-sodium foods.

    Give it 2 weeks, then re-measure.

    Yes to all of this. But WHY eat more? Here's why: when you make a drastic change like that too quickly, your body will essentially go into starvation mode, and hold on to all of the calories that it's been taking in. much better to slowly decrease your calorie count. at 5' 11", 2000 calories to start off is a good number. once you've lost 10% of your body weight, decrease your intake. slow and steady wins the race. :)

    Solid first post.
    Uh, no.
    Starvation mode is bunk. Your body will NOT hold on to all the calories you take in, it can't do that, if you're eating at at deficit. The risk of eating too few calories is that you will lose lean muscle rather than fat and then if you do regain, it will be fat.

    Buy a food scale, weigh all your solid food, and measure your liquids. Set a reasonable goal of 1-2 lbs per week, wait a month and then weigh yourself and take measurements. Don't overestimate calorie burns either. Gyms machines and MFP both do that. Buy a heart rate monitor with a chest strap, it will be more accurate for cardio workouts.
  • mulligan00
    your body is in starvation mode... take in more calories but make them healthy CLEAN calorie. Clean eating is definitely the way to go, get rid of the "3 white deaths... flour, sugar and salt" (along with all the chemically junk) I know its hard, especially when you want to just grab something and go.. that granola bar isn't the healthiest thing in the world but it is better than a snickers. just keep going minor changes and you will be on the way to skinny living!!!!
  • Oh, I'm also wearing the body the media armband. I just started that a few days ago.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I haven't been using a food scale. I've relied pretty much entirely on the MFP app. I put in everything though. I cut out all soda and fruit drinks. I'm only drinking water or unsweet tea. I drink milk with my protein shake.

    The problem with relying on the MFP app is that most of what is in it has been added by users and is unverified. a LOT of it is terribly inaccurate. Please buy a food scale, you can get a good one on Amazon for like 15 bucks.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    This has probably been said before, but it's important, so.......

    Eat more! For a male, 1300 calories is way too low. That's actually too low for many females. I am 5'2", weigh 145 pounds, and I lose weight eating 1400-1500 calories. You can definitely lose weight eating more than I do. Weight loss is hard, but it doesn't have to be torture.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    1300 calories for an adult male of your age is way too low. You have put your body in starvation mode and your metabolism slows way down to protect you. yes you do need to increase your calorie intake and that should straighten out. You could go as high as 2000 with no problem is my guess. the heavier you are the more calories you can eat and still lose weight. It may sound crazy but it is very true.
    Man, I didn't t think there was a thing as cutting calories TOO much. Haha. Ok, i will try and raise that a bit. My mind just thinks that raising my calories is only going to cause me to go backwards. I'm so tired of how I look and feel. I want this change so bad I just thought going as low on my calories as possible would be best. Then I've read dozens of stories where guys cut calories down to around 1300 and they lost 150 lbs in a year without working out!

    I guess it's just hard doing this alone and not really knowing what's right or wrong.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you are not using a scale for weighing solid foods or measuring liquids you may be eating 10-50% more than you think you are.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    your body is in starvation mode... take in more calories but make them healthy CLEAN calorie. Clean eating is definitely the way to go, get rid of the "3 white deaths... flour, sugar and salt" (along with all the chemically junk) I know its hard, especially when you want to just grab something and go.. that granola bar isn't the healthiest thing in the world but it is better than a snickers. just keep going minor changes and you will be on the way to skinny living!!!!

    Please don't advise this stuff. It's not helpful and is very inaccurate. There is no starvation mode, flour sugar and salt are fine in moderation.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I've just looked up your stats, and your BMR alone is nearly 3000 calories.

    Your TDEE based on a moderate activity level is 4600 calories. If we go on the basis that 1lb is 3500 calories, you could eat 3600 calories a day and still lose 2lb a week.

    Basically, you need to eat a lot more. That's some increase from what you've been doing, so I'd recommend increasing a little each week or you're going to struggle. Try eating calorie dense foods like peanut butter, nuts, avocado, full fat dairy, and cooking in oil to bump the calories up.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't been using a food scale. I've relied pretty much entirely on the MFP app. I put in everything though. I cut out all soda and fruit drinks. I'm only drinking water or unsweet tea. I drink milk with my protein shake.
    Have you measured yourself? Inches around your waist, neck, etc.?

    I stick by you need to eat more just simply because it isn't healthy to drop weight too fast (not because of starvation mode). However, even if there is a bit of a mess-up in your calorie calculations, it's hard to believe you're eating enough to maintain that weight if you're aiming for 1,300 and you're using a scale.

    I recommend you start taking measurements or pay attention to how your clothing fits.

    Intense exercise like that can cause muscles to retain water the first few weeks, so you may be losing but not see it on the scale.
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    Good on ya' for starting the journey! Good luck!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It's my gut reaction too. That's WAY TOO LITTLE food. Seriously. Go to http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/, pick a 20-25% deficit, and eat that.


    Read this...
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/975025-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet?hl=short+sweet+<span class=

    And most definitely read this!!!

    Also, kicka$$ attitude that you aren't going to quit! That is the right attitude!
  • Wow. I just wanna say how awesome and encouraging this has been already!! You guys are awesome!! I appreciate all of you taking the time to help me. I feel like I've learned a lot this morning!! I don't know much about a food scale, but I will def get one! I will also try and get my calories to about 2000. You have all made a huge impact today. I won't give up, I will only fight harder. I feel blessed to have all you on my side! Thank you!!
  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    Oh, I'm also wearing the body the media armband. I just started that a few days ago.

    What does the activity manager tell you that your calories burned are?

    I try to eat 1000 calories less than my burn and so far have consistently lost 2lb a week

    Just make sure you calibrate the activity manager to account for off body calorie burn

  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    About 60% of the info in the MFP database is wrong. People (inc. me) can't accept that a smallish (126g) piece of chocolate cake with frosting is around 500 calories, and they input it as way lower. Or they feel that macaroni and cheese will have to be 130 calories a cup, because anything else doesn't make sense to them. Other people agree because they are hungry and want more food, and they use those inaccurate entries and end up eating way more than they think they are, despite diligently logging.

    Get a food scale and be cautious with using MFP entries. Even if you weigh your food, you may use the wrong entry and still end up underestimating. Don't use an entry that doesn't track micronutrients (sodium, fats, sugars etc) - if it only has calories it's probably wrong. If it uses 'cups' for solids it's a good chance it's wrong. If everything seems right then go for it, but use your common sense. I put in a 'cup' of potato salad the other day and thought it was ok, but something seemed off - I realized that it had about 4g of fat which of course makes no sense, and meant that everything else was probably off. Had to switch it out with something more realistic (and much more caloric :(:( ).

    That said, you do need to eat way more than 1300 calories. Listen to these smart people calculate it for you, weigh your food and be realistic with the entries that you use.

    Most importantly, don't get discouraged. This is a small setback, if you work for what you want and do what you need to do to accomplish it, you'll get there.
  • thegingerpirate
    thegingerpirate Posts: 33 Member
    I just wanted to commend you again for coming at this from a positive perspective :) That is what will make all of the difference in the world for your motivation to make this a life change. Information is going to be your best friend on this journey. It is so easy to be misled by food and weight loss companies. I think they make it more confusing on purpose!

    Even on the bad days, just remind yourself that even when you aren't losing weight, by exercising more and having a healthy intake (I agree with everyone else that 1300 is too low, but I see that you've already started to make changes to reflect that!) you are doing good things for your body every day.

    There is great information out there, and over time you will find what works for you. If you need someone to talk to feel free to add me!

    Great luck on your lifestyle changes :D
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Wow. I just wanna say how awesome and encouraging this has been already!! You guys are awesome!! I appreciate all of you taking the time to help me. I feel like I've learned a lot this morning!! I don't know much about a food scale, but I will def get one! I will also try and get my calories to about 2000. You have all made a huge impact today. I won't give up, I will only fight harder. I feel blessed to have all you on my side! Thank you!!

    Great attitude!

    Stick with it and don't lose heart.

    Persistence and consistency are the two things you need. All else will flow from that..
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow. I just wanna say how awesome and encouraging this has been already!! You guys are awesome!! I appreciate all of you taking the time to help me. I feel like I've learned a lot this morning!! I don't know much about a food scale, but I will def get one! I will also try and get my calories to about 2000. You have all made a huge impact today. I won't give up, I will only fight harder. I feel blessed to have all you on my side! Thank you!!
    Ah. I misunderstood your earlier post. I thought you were using a food scale already.

    If not, it is very possible you're getting your portions wrong and eating more than you think.

    You can find a good digital food scale for about $15-$20. Amazon has a wide selection. I love mine.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    You need to eat more, and track everything to a T. I'm 5'11" and I started about 315lbs, and then I started MFP and tracking calories when I was around 300lbs. On days I was working out, I could eat over 3000 calories, and I lost weight just fine, and on days I didn't workout as long as I was walking around a lot during the day I could still eat anywhere between 2,000 and 2,500 calories. I was losing at a 2lb per week rate pretty much until I hit 240lbs. The biggest thing that I found helped me though, was buying a nice food scale, it really does make life easy, though you might be sad at first when you actually see the size of the food you should be eating compared to what you were guestimating.