


  • sneaks
    sneaks Posts: 19
    I've never done atkins but I did lose a stone in 2 weeks of pig2twig. Very successful for weight loss - probably because of my PCOS. BUT it made me feel awful I have to say, felt tired, physical exercise - even walking, was out of the question most of the time. I had awful stomach cramps. Pig2twig does re-introduce food so that you are eventually on a low GI diet though, so I've basically just used the 'stage 3' approach i.e. low fat, low GI, at 1200 kcal's. I think its much more sustainable.
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    Wow! What a heated topic...

    I have a friend who lost weight and kept it off on Atkins.
    I tried something similar but hated it the whole time!

    MFP works best for me :love:
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Atkins is not an extreme diet, and it is very effective.

    There's an Atkins support group on MFP, you can ask questions there and get good advice:

    Lol! YES, it really IS an extreme diet. I was on Atkins Induction off and on for months and found it absolutely miserable. Not to mention, I lost weight the first week, then NOTHING after that. If you're diabetic, then that's a good reason to limit carbs, but to lose weight, as a lifestyle option, it's just not for most people...and it only helps if you have a LOT of weight to lose. Despite what the book tells you, it works through calorie restriction, because you can't eat a lot of foods, especially at first. If the OP is set on this diet, I'd suggest that they try a lower carb diet, in order to restrict calories that way, rather than demonizing specific types of food. Simple carbs aren't that filling, so it's easy to stick to a diet if you're eating more filling foods, like protein and veggies. However, in a lower carb diet, you CAN eat a freaking cookie without feeling like you've blown your entire diet (because you "knocked yourself out of ketogenesis").

    *smh* Atkins isn't an extreme diet. Psshh! :noway:

    Ok, so let's see now....what did I eat within the week.... Here's a rundown....

    Smoked salmon
    Ribeye steak
    Ground beef
    Pork sausage
    Chicken soup
    Brazil nuts
    Full fat Cheese (parmigiano reggiano, Comte, montassio, Toma Piedmontese, kerrygold cheddar)
    Flaxseed bread pita wraps (made with flaxseed, egg, extra virgin olive oil, baking powder, salt and water...and that's it)
    Dark chocolate
    Extra virgin olive oil
    Red wine, tea, coffee

    Does this look like being deprived of food? At the end of the day, I'm so full and satisfied I don't even think of overeating above my calorie targets set by the traditional tdee, bmr, etc, calculations.

    I'm not suffering at all....and yes I can live eating rich and delicious foods like this for the rest of my life!!

    Not a cookie or slice of real bread in the mix. Have fun with your flaxseed pitas, Oopsie rolls, and cauliflower tortillas and the fact that it's a pain to eat in many restaurants and explain to others why you can't have birthday cake, then tell me it's not extreme.

    For me, eating is a SOCIAL event; if it's not, you're doing it wrong. If it works for you, GREAT! Different strokes for different folks. However, my assessment of the restrictiveness of the diet was EXTREME!

    It's not a pain to eat in restaurants, and a bite or two of birthday cake or whatever in a celebration does no harm to me. Will the world come to a screeching halt if I don't eat the entire Social events are fine, in fact I find I have more ability to eat with this lifestyle than with the traditional diet, where in a traditional diet I would eat a birds ration of food and say no to all the good stuff, instead now, I load my plate up with incredibly rich food and not restrict any of the wonderful accompaniments like bearnaise sauce, hollandaise, salad dressings, clarified butter, etc. Throwing out the egg yolks for omelets, not being able to eat full fat cheese and yogurt, not to mention cream, butter, bacon, etc. give me a break...who exactly is on the restrictive diet?

    You know, I eat all of that too...AND pasta, AND bread, AND cookies..and basically anything else I want. I just make it fit my calories for the week.

    Atkins (or other plans like it) isn't the only plan that allows you to eat everything you stated you eat.
  • dianegreennet
    dianegreennet Posts: 17 Member
    OMG! I found you guys! I'm on ketogenic start for a Modified Atkins Diet for seizures from old head injury (long story). A friend of mine told me about Ketogenic diet and my Neurologist told about MAD at about the same time. After last bad seizure actually. Same wavelength, eh?

    Anyway, I want to avoid brain surgery so I'm doing this. I was trying to find other people on this website. I haven't even read everything in this discussion. I'm in the middle of working (selling stuff on eBay) and I stopped in to list my snack.

    Why aren't my carbs not listed on the chart? Can I change that? Looking for friends : )
  • EricS6
    Wow, what a stellar thread for a noob like me to stumble upon! It seems I should be doing a lot more research before continuing the ketogenic path I am on. Admittedly, I was only planning for two weeks of keto, but still...

    Someone, please humor this MFP noob, and point me toward how I might come up with macros that are right for me. I want to get back to the carbs I am craving, but wish to be intelligent about it.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Atkins is not an extreme diet, and it is very effective.

    There's an Atkins support group on MFP, you can ask questions there and get good advice:

    Lol! YES, it really IS an extreme diet. I was on Atkins Induction off and on for months and found it absolutely miserable. Not to mention, I lost weight the first week, then NOTHING after that. If you're diabetic, then that's a good reason to limit carbs, but to lose weight, as a lifestyle option, it's just not for most people...and it only helps if you have a LOT of weight to lose. Despite what the book tells you, it works through calorie restriction, because you can't eat a lot of foods, especially at first. If the OP is set on this diet, I'd suggest that they try a lower carb diet, in order to restrict calories that way, rather than demonizing specific types of food. Simple carbs aren't that filling, so it's easy to stick to a diet if you're eating more filling foods, like protein and veggies. However, in a lower carb diet, you CAN eat a freaking cookie without feeling like you've blown your entire diet (because you "knocked yourself out of ketogenesis").

    *smh* Atkins isn't an extreme diet. Psshh! :noway:
    SMH then you didn't do Atkins correctly if you were in and out of induction for months.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    To everyone complaining about why us "pro carbs" peeps come on here is be amuse we understand the importance of carbs.
    Go research the health effects of low carb diets, like deep research. Ones not backed by the meat and dairy industry (yea I'm vegan so flipped what?).

    Here's what happens on low carb. You lose weight quickly and a lot is because it is water weight that comes off. Carbs and water are like that friend you see who's always with their significant other.
    Another is that is is so low carb that fiber intake is pretty low. But hey, you can just eat massive amounts of veggies correct? Sure you can buuutttt......
    Your body doesn't need that much protein, the WHO recommends 5% of calories comes from protein. That's, if you are a average of 45g.
    Ok so what happens to the extra protein? Well the body can't use it so it can either get rid of it or try to convert it to.......GLUCOSE. Which usually happens when carbs go bye bye. Guess where glucose comes from? Carbs. So why would I eat massive amounts of meat and fat that have very little nutrients when it's going to eventually convert to glucose when you can just eat whole foods like beans and veggies and fruits? Vitamins ya say? Guess what, our bodies can't properly absorb what's in the vitamins anyways.
    And ketosis isn't healthy for us either, in fact the blood goes acidic and eventually damage organs. The body doesn't even use all the ketones but instead tries to get rid of them(gee I wonder why?) Ketosis is also found in diabetics (not insulin related), alcoholics, and starvation.
    Eat properly, live longer, enjoy life.
    5% of calories should come from protein? Hmmmm....that's definitely not true.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I love the..."but you'll NEVER get to eat bread/rice/pasta again!?!?!!!" This typically comes from people that think they know what low carb diets are all about and are 100% anti-low carb diets and can't accept that it was works for some people. - 75+ net grams of carbs per day

    OP - I lost 90lbs doing low carb. I even ate a banana every day. Yeah there were a few bites of cake, donut, pasta, etc in there. I started to introduce lower carb bread (nothing special, just the lowest I could find in a regular grocery store), Special K Protein Plus cereal.
    I really liked it, felt I had more energy doing low carb. I maintained it eating regular foods. Then I got pregnant and ate WAY too much of anything and everything.
    Try it out, and if it doesn't work for you then that's fine. Different strokes for different folks. Low carb is, in the end, a way to have a calorie deficit.
  • marzipan927
    Currently low carbing right now, pretty much eat the same just count the carbs it's so simple, I have no clue what all the fuss is about.