I'm dying, 18,000 cal binge, final tommorow? :(



  • ThinWhiteDuchess
    ThinWhiteDuchess Posts: 28 Member
    I bet that took some guts to write and post - well done. You must have been stressed out of your mind to eat that way, but please, don't worry about it any further. The past is in the past and unless you're the Doctor, there's very little one can do about it now. One binge, no matter the size, cannot hinder your body in any way noticeable (apart from the full stomach and a bit of water retention, but that will disappear in a matter of a few hours, maybe a day).
    When I first tried to recover on my own, I failed miserably - I would starve an entire day, then, I would eat around 10 000 - 15 000 calories the next day. I didn't visible gain weight, I stayed exactly the same because of the starving day ahead. And again, and again, and again. I failed exams, I had to pretend nothing was happening, I was so f*cking miserable. So I know, at least roughly, how you must be feeling.
    The worst thing you can do is punish yourself and lock yourself away. You need to be around people who love you, people who care. If you feel ashamed, you don't have to tell them why you're sad - just express the need for company. A need to help another person when that person is in need of help is built firmly into the psyche of every human being. :)
    Don't starve. Your body has just had a massive boost of just about every happy chemical food can provide and will be asking for more - eat until you feel satisfied, don't restrict.
    Remind yourself it's a binge, not the apocalypse. The four horsemen won't come charging into your backyard just because you ate 20k.
    Focus on something else, like the studying you need to get done. If you immerse yourself in something time-consuming and productive, you'll feel much better as the day goes on.
    I wish you the best of luck, lovely lady. :)
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I have been there also!! It amazes me how much I can eat!! Then I feel sick and want to just sleep. I have learned to get on a routine as this is the only way I can stop this. Also, I have been know to out something in. Y mouth and spit it out in sink or garbage as I know it is not good. Once I start it is like an out of body experience.

    I know this is controversial but, I weigh myself every morning as it does keep me from shoving things into my mouth. I know you have to be able to handle a 2-3 lb increase overnight when following your plan. Then I log my food and exercise, I read these post many times during the day to stay motivated.

    Study for the exam even if u feel like crap. Start correct eating and just go for walk to exercise. U can do it!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have no advice to give, but just wanted to put in my support. I hope you feel better soon.
  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    Today was bad, tomorrow will be better.
    Just forget it happened and work towards not doing it again.
  • rsteinberg07
    20K is a lot.

    Your talking about 2 Weeks of calories.

    If your not hungry the next day, i wouldnt force it.

    If your hungry just try and watch it.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Bump to read. U r not alone!
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Nothing you can do about the binge now. Forget about it, and start fresh tomorrow.
    Everybody screws up once in a while.
  • jkirby02
    I think it speaks volumes that you are asking for help AANNDD that you realize why you are overeating. I just realized myself - both are the same - stress. Food is definitely a comfort while we are eating - then it turns stressful after we are done, like What in the World did I just DO!!! I think the more you stay on these boards (but don't take time away from studying) you will see many of us have the same issues and we are here to help! I noticed you lost 18 lbs so far - AWESOME!!! Keep going - go to the mall when you have a minute - the Spring line is out - see if those nice clothes motivate you. I am a Christian and I tend to pray and stop to focus on Jesus to help me. I don't know where your stand is on Jesus - but if you believe, cling to Him to get you through the rough times. It doesn't mean the rough times will end, it means you will find His strength to get you through the rough times. I hope you do really well on your exam and that this message helps. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
  • korvyr
    Wow um, what impels you to eat so much? And a good thing to note is

    - People cannot be supportive of you if you are not of yourself. People cannot motivate another person, completely.
    - A jar of chocolate...seriously? What even tells you to do that?
    - Eating all those veggies and fruits along with horrible food does nothing for your body, except maybe trick yourself into thinking you did good.

    I'd really think about what you want in life, I'm a week into a vegetarian lfiestyle and thoguh it's hard, the most I intake a day is 1200-1300 calories. My recommended is 1900. Low carbs, low everything.

    It's hard but think about what you want in life ~ I wanna be healthy and fit, I wanna be able to do things without my knees hurting.
  • mscrystallee
    mscrystallee Posts: 62 Member
    I went though a stint with BED (Binge Eating Disorder) years ago, it was messy and I created a cycle of consuming so much food, feeling guilt and doing it all over again. I gained 75 lbs in one year, I was hiding food (like empty boxes of Little Debbie snacks) in my car. The only thing that worked for me was therapy,but it didn't help overnight. First you need to stop punishing yourself and start the process of healing before you can worry about the next step
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    and please, to everyone who wants to judge the amount of food she ate: DON'T.

    Don't try to compare this behaviour to what you are used from YOURSELF. So simply DON'T DO IT. This is really hurtful to read!
    It is not her fault and she surely did not WISH to eat so many kcal. This is what a binge is, when you are totally out of control.
    This is very disordered eating and you are absolutely not helping by making comments like "oh wow that's really a lot"

    of course it is. And she ate it, so she KNOWS already. She is desperate about help. Don't pour salt in her wound.
    And please, don't give "advice" half- heartedly if you know nothing about this topic.
    Your "advice" like 'maybe fast because fasting can be very helpful and you don't need any more kcal after such a day anyway' can be very, very hurtful, stressing and counterproductive.

    It does NOT MATTER how big her binge was and comments like "I wouldn't force myself to eat tomorrow" just indicate "wow you really shouldn't eat tomorrow just think of what you ate today"

    Stop it.

    It is NECESSARY to eat normally again. It is NECESSARY and even though fasting CAN be helpful for HEALTHY people, it is an IRRESPONSIBLE advice in a case like this.
    So PLEASE. If you don't have actual KNOWLEDGE about this topic, leave. Otherwise, you will do more harm than you realize.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    You're pretty hard on yourself. First your describing yourself as fat but according to your ticket you are around 125 pounds? You don't have a weight issue - you have an esteem issue. You list 20 ounces of fried chicken - to be honest I think there is an exaggeration in your calories as much as there is in you being "fat". You need to pull out a scale and truly measure what you are eating - calm down and start working on your esteem and above that eat sensibly. Your weight is fine. When you are 40 years old you will look back on pictures of where you are now and say "oh my god look how skinny I was" - we all do - you just need to focus on where you are and get advice off your doctor or a professional of how much you should weight. If your height is around 5"6', your weight at 125 and your 20 then your bmi is around 20% which is well in the normal range. There is nothing wrong with you the way you are.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    this happens to me A LOT. i would love to help you but i have no idea how to :(
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    This is by far the worst binge I have ever ever ever had. It's clicked. I'm bingeing because I'm fat and want to get away from studying. I'm not going to do this ever again. But I feel hopeless right now about everything. The weight gain, the possible failed exams, looking like I'm pregnant tommorow...

    I've been in the same state of mind several times. I guess for students it's just way too easy to rely on food to ease the stress, especially because we're so young and somehow we still need to figure out so many things.
    Being "fat" or unfit has always been one of my first trigger to start binging... which is contradictory, since binging wouldn't have helped me at all in getting healthier! But that's just how things work when you're prone to binging. Everyone can have different reasons and triggers.
    I know it seems like you've ****ed everything up but it's not a tragedy, for real. If there's something I've learnt is that nothing was ever built in a day, so nothing can be destroyed in a day either. If you recognize you're binging even if that's not good for you, you're already at a great point. I know it's hard to just stop, but when I wanted to stop I kept telling myself that no matter how "hungry" I was, it wasn't worth it. Food tastes so good, especially if you allow yourself to eat everything you want, but it's just not worth the excessive guilt and sadness afterwards. And not even the stomach ache!
    When you're just a step away from opening the fridge and binging, think about that. Ask yourself, "do I really want to hurt myself so much? Do I really want to be through all the mess I go through after a binge?"
    I know it's hard to separate a reasonable hunger from binge cravings. If you're hungry, then eat. Fasting doesn't help, it just drags you even in deeper on the bottom of a vicious cycle. Don't fall into the temptation of restricting or binging again just because happened once. Try to detach yourself from what happened, do something that can keep you occupied, try to even forget about the binge if you can. If you've still got some particulary triggering food, give it to your family to eat it, so that you can't see it anymore. I've found that the only things that stopped me from binging were thinking about the subsequent sadness and keeping my trigger foods away.
    This doesn't mean that you have to avoid such foods forever. But they probably carry some bad memories for you at the moment, so I think it's better to focus on eating something new, so that you can discover new tastes and really enjoy every single bite.
    Right after obtaining some self-control again, the following step is trying to find new ways to deal with your stress. This might be anything that works for you. I try to keep myself occupied by studying and exercising so that I won't think about food. It still works even now that I don't feel like binging often anymore.
    It's not easy but you've also got to try to take a good care of yourself. Try to forgive yourself for what you've done and whatever you may do in future. You're human, you can make mistakes, you don't have to punish yourself because of it. I've failed bilions of exams personally and I still keep trying. No matter how slow I work, I still work. No matter how fat can I look, I still do my best for my body. That's what really matters!
    Don't focus on what happened today, or whichever your guilt is, focus on tomorrow and what you're going to do to make your life better. And if it doesn't get better at once, try again. There isn't any goal to reach, life lies in the process itself.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    The occasional binge happens to everyone - it's ok if it's not a regular thing. Next time you're feeling stressed, or low, or fancy a binge, maybe go for a run or walk? Removing yourself from a situation of stress, anxiety and/or temptation will really help and hopefully help you avoid this in future. Maybe call a friend and talk it through over a nice stroll :smile:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Wow um, what impels you to eat so much? And a good thing to note is

    - People cannot be supportive of you if you are not of yourself. People cannot motivate another person, completely.
    - A jar of chocolate...seriously? What even tells you to do that?
    - Eating all those veggies and fruits along with horrible food does nothing for your body, except maybe trick yourself into thinking you did good.

    I'd really think about what you want in life, I'm a week into a vegetarian lfiestyle and thoguh it's hard, the most I intake a day is 1200-1300 calories. My recommended is 1900. Low carbs, low everything.

    It's hard but think about what you want in life ~ I wanna be healthy and fit, I wanna be able to do things without my knees hurting.

    Oh look! Another strong first post (not srs)

    OP, ignore the posts like above and do what the successful people suggest: eat within your macros, take care of yourself and rock that test.
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    Good God! You haave way too much time on your hands. Get busy with friends and family and why are those things at your reach in the first place?
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Is there any medical care (I don't know where you live) that can help you? Eating disorders are a lifelong problem. Are you in counseling?
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Please ignore idiots like this. You asked for help.
    Good God! You haave way too much time on your hands. Get busy with friends and family and why are those things at your reach in the first place?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Good God! You haave way too much time on your hands. Get busy with friends and family and why are those things at your reach in the first place?

    I would guess food is at her disposal because she's an adult human in a first-world country.
    I think you should probably re-think that whole, "I'm a Christian" thing based on this post, ma'am.

    FYI: Jesus associated with people who made much worse choices.