I'm dying, 18,000 cal binge, final tommorow? :(



  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Don't fast unless you just aren't hungry. Fasting may lead to another binge. I used to try and starve myself to make up for a binge and it never worked. Not even once!
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    Good God! You haave way too much time on your hands. Get busy with friends and family and why are those things at your reach in the first place?

    Nasty. U obviously are perfect and never have food issues. Then why r u here??? I don't usually write a negative post to anyone but this really bothered me as I can be busy as ever and then for no reason, go on a binge. Yea, it is better when busy but I am not perfect.
  • Adyanna79
    Adyanna79 Posts: 24 Member
    I say this is encouraging!

    YOU are at the first stage of recovery, you realize there is a problem and you are seeking help and advice.

    You will go a phase of ambivalence and when you fall in denial you might binge again... Kinda of like that extra 2 bowl of oatmeal...

    The thing that I want you to remember id that the only way to loose this fight is to give up. As long as you keep that in mind you will be fine.

    Food can become a serious addicition, research shows that sugar can be more addictive than Crack...

    So your goal now should be to eat reasonable amounts. I STRESS this you have to eat, fasting for a bringer can be a trigger.

    It was for me I would feel so guilty I would not eat for a day or 2 and then be SO HUNGRY i would binge again...

    Plan your next 5 meals... and stick to the plan... reward yourself for being good (with something other than food)...

    Stay strong, this is the start of your recovery... You can do it!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    and please, to everyone who wants to judge the amount of food she ate: DON'T.

    Don't try to compare this behaviour to what you are used from YOURSELF. So simply DON'T DO IT. This is really hurtful to read!
    It is not her fault and she surely did not WISH to eat so many kcal. This is what a binge is, when you are totally out of control.
    This is very disordered eating and you are absolutely not helping by making comments like "oh wow that's really a lot"

    of course it is. And she ate it, so she KNOWS already. She is desperate about help. Don't pour salt in her wound.
    And please, don't give "advice" half- heartedly if you know nothing about this topic.
    Your "advice" like 'maybe fast because fasting can be very helpful and you don't need any more kcal after such a day anyway' can be very, very hurtful, stressing and counterproductive.

    It does NOT MATTER how big her binge was and comments like "I wouldn't force myself to eat tomorrow" just indicate "wow you really shouldn't eat tomorrow just think of what you ate today"

    Stop it.

    It is NECESSARY to eat normally again. It is NECESSARY and even though fasting CAN be helpful for HEALTHY people, it is an IRRESPONSIBLE advice in a case like this.
    So PLEASE. If you don't have actual KNOWLEDGE about this topic, leave. Otherwise, you will do more harm than you realize.

    As I sat and read this thread...I thought the same thing...if you don't understand...you just need to be quiet.

    I don't understand so I was glad to see some of you come along that did.

    I can't believe sometimes that people will "give advice" and "judge" when it is quite obvious that the issues go far beyond just not sticking to a diet.

    I will repeat what you have said...please people...quit judging...quit giving "diet advice"...to someone whose problems go far beyond your own. Let these people who understand offer sound advice based on experience. The rest of us just need to offer support.

    To the OP...

    You have had some very kind offers of help from some who have been where you are...please consider taking the hands of those that have reached out to you.

    I wish you luck...I wish you the strength to fight...I hope that you will allow others to walk along beside you as travel this path to healing.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    What kind of pizza?
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    That is a lot of food. I'm impressed. How can you afford it?! My housekeeping would be horrendous if I ate that much.
    Seems you're in a vicious circle.Suggest you get out of it 'cos this isn't good.
  • tmcginley
    I am recovering from Binge Eating disorder. It takes a while, it's a process. First of all don't fast, think of the next day, next meal as a RECOVERY meal where you can reset the damage done to your physiology with spiking your blood sugar so high. (It helps to start focusing on health rather than weight) So if you change your perception from I ruined my diet to : I've mucked up my body chemistry but its the easiest thing in the world in the world to adjust (our bodies are miraculous when it comes to self healing.) So have a protein rich, low GI day. Take a long walk, have a bath, get some sleep. The secOND MOST IMPORTANT thing is to start talking about your feelings to someone you trust, it doesn't neccesasrily need to be about your binge at all! Rather, call up a friend and say "Hey, you know what, I'm really stressed right now about this exam" Trust me, just expressing your feelings will help to take a load off. MANTRA: This too shall pass.

    I been there, hope this helps love x
  • mistyloveslife
    mistyloveslife Posts: 111 Member
    Does anyone realize this girl is in the 120's on the scale? That's not fat no matter how tall you are.

    Keep your head up girlie. Everyone has bad days. I've had a cpl bad weeks myself. Get through the finals and start fresh. Good luck!
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Keep it cool. It happened, but that was earlier, and now you're out of the binge you have the chance to take control.

    Make yourself some goals for the rest of the day. Studying - break it up into small targets, an hour here, half an hour there - to keep it manageable. Reward yourself after you've achieved a certain amount. When you're not over-stressed, you'll focus more effectively.

    Similarly, some light exercise, even just a walk, can help to improve your mood and clear your head. It will burn a few calories, too - although you shouldn't concern yourself with burning all those calories up as it will just cause more stress and possibly more bingeing.

    I've found that making my lunch for the next day will help me to control my portions the next day. That, and lots of tea!
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Does anyone realize this girl is in the 120's on the scale? That's not fat no matter how tall you are.

    Keep your head up girlie. Everyone has bad days. I've had a cpl bad weeks myself. Get through the finals and start fresh. Good luck!

    Skinny girls always want to be skinnier. It's a rule.
  • goredguar
    goredguar Posts: 63 Member
    Don't starve yourself the next day, it'll raise your hunger hormone levels and you could be tempted to binge again.

    Instead eat (like tmcginley said) protein & GI rich meals.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Does anyone realize this girl is in the 120's on the scale? That's not fat no matter how tall you are.

    Keep your head up girlie. Everyone has bad days. I've had a cpl bad weeks myself. Get through the finals and start fresh. Good luck!

    Skinny girls always want to be skinnier. It's a rule.

    The ticker might not be accurate by quickly looking at her other posts.
    Anyway, it doesn't really matter if someone is actually fat or not, binges are equally dangerous. Just like it's not reasonable to focus on how many calories she had - that's not the point.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Wow um, what impels you to eat so much? And a good thing to note is

    - People cannot be supportive of you if you are not of yourself. People cannot motivate another person, completely.
    - A jar of chocolate...seriously? What even tells you to do that?
    - Eating all those veggies and fruits along with horrible food does nothing for your body, except maybe trick yourself into thinking you did good.

    I'd really think about what you want in life, I'm a week into a vegetarian lfiestyle and thoguh it's hard, the most I intake a day is 1200-1300 calories. My recommended is 1900. Low carbs, low everything.

    It's hard but think about what you want in life ~ I wanna be healthy and fit, I wanna be able to do things without my knees hurting.

    If I was you, my aim would to be less of a prick. #justsaying
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    That is a lot of food. I'm impressed. How can you afford it?! My housekeeping would be horrendous if I ate that much.

    Seems you're in a vicious circle.Suggest you get out of it 'cos this isn't good.

    She obviously knows that - hence the post
  • balletpolegirl
    balletpolegirl Posts: 73 Member
    I have suffered with binge eating disorder, one book which changed my life in a big way is 'Beyond Chocolate' by Audrey and Sophie Boss, I highly recommend it.

    If you want to ask any questions please feel free to message me :-)
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Some people that have posted might not have an eating disorder but they certainly have a "lack of compassion disorder".
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Some people that have posted might not have an eating disorder but they certainly have a "lack of compassion disorder".

    Know what I find really funny? Some of them are here to lose weight... How do they think they got here?! As if they never had a huge calorie day! Those who live in glass houses...
  • copselily
    Starving the next day won't help.

    Eating a day of crappy food won't do much either, just the same way as eating salads for one day doesn't make you healthy. Weight changes require consistency and time, so forget all about it and eat normally tomorrow.

    Oh and seek out some therapy or self help for Binge Eating Disorder :)
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Some people that have posted might not have an eating disorder but they certainly have a "lack of compassion disorder".

    It's kind of sadly funny how easily people can judge when they haven't got a problem...
  • copselily
    Wow um, what impels you to eat so much? And a good thing to note is

    - People cannot be supportive of you if you are not of yourself. People cannot motivate another person, completely.
    - A jar of chocolate...seriously? What even tells you to do that?
    - Eating all those veggies and fruits along with horrible food does nothing for your body, except maybe trick yourself into thinking you did good.

    I'd really think about what you want in life, I'm a week into a vegetarian lfiestyle and thoguh it's hard, the most I intake a day is 1200-1300 calories. My recommended is 1900. Low carbs, low everything.

    It's hard but think about what you want in life ~ I wanna be healthy and fit, I wanna be able to do things without my knees hurting.

    If I was you, my aim would to be less of a prick. #justsaying

    Totally agree. So unhelpful and judgemental. Binge eating disorder is a mental illness! If you can't be compassionate then don't post.