I'm dying, 18,000 cal binge, final tommorow? :(



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    That is a lot of food. I'm impressed. How can you afford it?! My housekeeping would be horrendous if I ate that much.

    Seems you're in a vicious circle.Suggest you get out of it 'cos this isn't good.

    She obviously knows that - hence the post

    Really? If I can't afford something, I can't get it. Simples.
    How is you not being able to afford that amount of food any concern of hers? Seriously - your suggestion is that she be more poor. Not very helpful, really.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    ETA: OP, sorry I should have addressed you too but useless people like that totally piss me off and distract me from what actually matters. You've gotten some really good advice about maintaining the work you're doing in therapy, and acknowledging your binge but not dwelling on it, so I won't go on. I hope you take that advice.
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    I've spent the last 10 minutes saying "EIGHTEEN THOUSAND CALORIES?!?!" over and over, to myself.


    Is that your profile pic? How the hellz did you fit all that in that little body?

    Anyway........ rather than repeating the same old advice from above. All I'll say is, good luck on your exams. I hope you pass :)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    That is a lot of food. I'm impressed. How can you afford it?! My housekeeping would be horrendous if I ate that much.

    Seems you're in a vicious circle.Suggest you get out of it 'cos this isn't good.

    She obviously knows that - hence the post

    Really? If I can't afford something, I can't get it. Simples.

    If you can't afford food, I suggest that you consider disconnecting your internet service.
  • I am not an expert (on anything), but I hope things get better for you.

    RE: Your test...one of the answers is "B". :-)
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    Let the flame wars begin...

    Apart from the advice about 'B'

    that's solid.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Let the flame wars begin...

    Apart from the advice about 'B'

    that's solid.

    Can we at least all (but maybe one) agree that this post:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, I have so been there and it sucks and I want to give you this flower :flowerforyou:

    I handle day afters like this: I eat if I am hungry. However, sometimes I am genuinely not and I don't force myself. I do try to drink calories those days -- fruit smoothies or protein shakes when I am thirsty. I try very hard to hit at least 1,200 because I know if I don't, I will setting myself up to be VERY hungry the next day and for me, the cycle repeats.

    ETA: I hope you are working with somebody to help you. I commented just because I want you know you are not alone.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Let the flame wars begin...

    Apart from the advice about 'B'

    that's solid.

    Can we at least all (but maybe one) agree that this post:



    Perhaps then we can build from this common ground...

    ...and people will forever remember this day as the day that MFP first found the unity on which its inevitable world domination and reign was established.

    Well, that, or the last few comments in yet another thread that was locked and forever forgotten.

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    Please can you clarify who you were directing this post towards? If you fail to use the quote function then the presumption is that you are directing it towards the OP which is not cool.

    If you meant to quote one of my posts however then I may fall off my chair laughing...
  • pattybate
    pattybate Posts: 5 Member
    Good God! You haave way too much time on your hands. Get busy with friends and family and why are those things at your reach in the first place?

    I would guess food is at her disposal because she's an adult human in a first-world country.
    I think you should probably re-think that whole, "I'm a Christian" thing based on this post, ma'am.

    FYI: Jesus associated with people who made much worse choices.

    "She's an adult human in a first-world country"- while I loved every single comment you posted, this one is my favourite. Well done friend.

    To the young lady who originally posted, it gets better- don't stop trying. You will ALWAYS have bad days, it's how you react to them that needs to change.
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member

    Well, that, or the last few comments in yet another thread that was locked and forever forgotten.


    Religion just got mentioned... so I fear the above
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Well, that, or the last few comments in yet another thread that was locked and forever forgotten.


    Religion just got mentioned... so I fear the above

    Valid point.

    Perhaps another day...

    ...another time...

    ...another thread.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    That is a lot of food. I'm impressed. How can you afford it?! My housekeeping would be horrendous if I ate that much.
    Seems you're in a vicious circle.Suggest you get out of it 'cos this isn't good.

    You are impressed by an eating disorder and think other people's financial situation is your business? Right. And excellent call on this being a vicious circle -- why do you think the OP doesn't know that and seeking help to do that very thing with this post?

  • It took a lot of courage to post that and I applaud you. I hope you are feeling better today. I actually have another issue that I go to support meetings for and I think I may be a borderline binge eater. I have thought about going to OA before. That might be something to consider -- you would have people around you with the same issues and the support you need. I get a great amount of support at my meetings and could not make it without them. 90% of the people in those meetings are compassionate and want to help. Please ignore any negative comments as people a lot of times just don't understand. I will send you a friend request and I wish you the best.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    That is a lot of food. I'm impressed. How can you afford it?! My housekeeping would be horrendous if I ate that much.

    Seems you're in a vicious circle.Suggest you get out of it 'cos this isn't good.

    She obviously knows that - hence the post

    Really? If I can't afford something, I can't get it. Simples.

    She is a student so I assume she has access to a dining hall. Unlimited food whenever you want.

    Because all of you guys took the time to respond and help me out, I wanted to give an update. I am so thankful for all the help and support, don't know what would happen without it.

    -I feel horrible, bloated, sickly, look pregnant. I look like a teletubby. I had to borrow my moms sweater today.
    -I did well on my exam, I dont want to jinx myself but I think I got an A. For sure atleast a B+.
    -I have another one tommorow, as well as a practical, that I didn't study at alll for so I'm going to study for those today.
    -Wed. are usually my rest days, but I might workout idk. I do really need to study.

    Last night I was supposed to study, but I fell asleep and woke up and reviewed for only an hour but still was able to do all the questions. It's physics btw. But I forgot my hmwk, which isn't too bad bc I can do it this weekend and turn it in on Monday or itll count as my "dropped" score.

    I almost went to vons and picked up soda and chocolate on my way home, but I was lucky I forgot my wallet at home.
    I just ate normal so far, eggs and veggies, coffee, yogurt, sandwich, and an apple, probably 800-900 cal

    I really really need to study, but will respond more after tommorow. Exam is over 9:20pm, so have a while to go still. Thank you so sososososo much again, and I will respond to messages whenever I get the chance.

    Also (bc I saw some comments):
    -yes, its really me in the picture
    -I'm actually 140 lbs now bc of all the bingeing
    -I am actually pretty busy (for whoever said I have too much time on my hands)
    -I volunteer 16 hrs a week, work 20 hrs, taking 12 units at college (live at home), and doing a bunch of other things on the side.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    That's awesome! You are doing great :flowerforyou:

    Try not to do too much at once. You have a lot to study- so take that rest day. Do something relaxing while you are not studying!
    Give yourself some free time.


    If you need some music, I find this one quite useful while studying. Good luck!
    Take care of yourself and if you need help- go for it! You are not alone :heart:
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    Great job in exam and mental attitude. I always feel like crap after a binge but it does get better in a few days with eating right.
    Ps-I love physics and chemistry and became a chemical engineer!!!
  • Yayeeee!!!! I'm so glad - great job ignoring all of the hurtful advice. You go GIRL!!! BRAVA!!!!