Advice for losing weight when you're at college?



  • SpiderByte
    you pay the same tuition as the people on the sports teams?

    He/she probably pays more, tbh.

    I don't know. I have a scholarship (non athletic), but they might have an athletic scholarship so I don't know for sure.
  • erc89432
    See if your campus offers fitness classes! I also attend school as a full-time student but I manage to attend a fitness class almost every day! Also, like mentioned above, many campuses have gyms that are free to residents so look in to that as well! The gyms at my school are open until 11pm so there is definitely time for you to get in there! On days that the weather is bad or the facilities are closed I'll do online fitness videos, like tae bo, in my dorm room.

    Don't give up! Look for the resources your school offers and use them to your advantage! (:
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I'm a full time college student who lives on-campus, and I've been trying to lose weight for a while. Between classes, exams, etc, I don't have he time or resources to do any real strength exercises, though I am usually able to go for 30-60 minute walks every day or so. I also haven't actually been able to check my weight for a while since I don't have/can't afford a proper scale right nowIf anyone's got any advice I would appreciate it a lot.

    Forget the scale then. The scale is NOT a necessary tool for changing your body. Take pictures. Take measurements.

    If you have 30-60 minutes to walk around then you have 30-60 minutes to get a REAL workout in! I'm hearing your campus has a rec center but only "sports people" go there? Find a sports person. Have them take you there. There's no way that you're not allowed in, just probably that you've never been there.

    Regardless, you don't need a gym to get fit either. Start with squats and push-ups. Maybe mix them into your walks (and turn your walks into interval training to burn fat faster). Check out You Are Your Own Gym - it's a book or an app that shows you bodyweight exercises you can do to get a full-body workout. And look on youtube for short workouts! You can literally work out in 10 minutes if you're willing to go all-out for 10 minutes.
  • phathousecat
    phathousecat Posts: 55 Member
    You totally have the time! I'm transitioning to a new part time job, have an internship, Capstone AND 15 hours of (mostly research) classes. Find ways! I wake up 30 minutes before I go to class to do some exercises on a mat. I also ride my bike for transportation now so I count that as my cardio. Like they said, you have to want it bad enough. Think about how often you're supposed to be studying but instead you get distracted by TV or whatever.... if I feel myself straying from studying, I go for a quick run and come back and get back to work!!
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    When I was in college I lost weight just by walking back and forth to all my classes. It was 10-15 min increments but broken up into 4-5 times a day. Plus I would go running or hiking a few days a week. I never stayed in a dorm or ate at the cafeteria regularly, so I always had complete control over my food choices. So ya, I ate a LOT of frozen fruit/veggies with rice/potatoes and beans/eggs for protein, but I was plenty healthy.

    There are plenty of workouts on youtube. You could get up early and do them if you don't share a dorm.
  • 1808kristin
    1808kristin Posts: 23 Member
    You can build yourself some alternative dumbbells, just take two same-size water bottles and fill them up equally. I have two 500 ml standing at my desk. I know it's not much, but it's something. Jumping ropes are affordable and then of course the odd push-up/sit-up helps. you can find lots of other exercise online where you don't need a gym or money for. Hope this helped. :-)
  • motmot21
    motmot21 Posts: 23 Member
    Time management is your biggest problem.
  • froggiebecky
    froggiebecky Posts: 24 Member
    College is a GREAT time to lose weight. You have a lot to do, but the hours you make are your own.

    I'd echo the advice of others--you can do a fair amount of strength training with your own body weight--push ups, burpees, lunges, planks, etc. There's a phone app called "12 minute athlete" that's got some good workout sequences using your own body weight.

    I'd go talk to the fitness room people again. Like others said, small college or not, I have a hard time believing that the gym is ONLY for the use of people on sports teams. It might be worth trying to negotiate with them--surely teams aren't in there 24/7. Can you (and other students) use it during off-peak hours? This is also a college-what would happen if you started a petition to the administration to GET a gym room or some free weights? I'm fairly certain you're not the only fitness-minded person on that campus who's feeling the pinch about a lack of access. At worst does the university have a deal with a local YMCA or other gym that students can work out there for a reduced rate (or for free?) A lot of gyms in college towns have student rates anyway. Its worth asking.

    Are you able or willing to invest in some of your own equipment? A pull up bar, for instance?
    Also check your local craigslist…people are always selling used equipment there. you might be able to score a few free weights for cheap.

    Put up some signs in your dorm. Maybe other people have free weights you can borrow. A dorm-wide "equipment exchange" would be pretty cool. Talk to your RA/dorm leader. Is there a free room in the dorm that they'd be willing to let you work out in? (a little mini-dorm gym?
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    start making your student loan payments early. not only will you lose weight from the stress, but you will not have any money left for food. Just kidding, but I'm serious student loans suuuuuuck !!!
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Do you have a job? I don't see how there isn't enough time to exercise while in college, unless you have a job on top of that too. I work almost full time and school full time, so I understand how hard it is to get exercise in. I still get my exercise in, but i don't go at the same time. I go whenever my schedule allows for me.

    I am sure you have a free gym at your college. All/most colleges do. Even the community college I go to has one ( but it isn't free ). The university I graduated from last year had a great free gym available for all students.

    Also, you don't have to weigh yourself. You can see how clothes fit to see progress. You could also invest in a tape measurer ( mine was 2 dollars at WalMart ) and keep track that way
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Run. Find a C25K program, build yourself up to being able to run for 30 mins, and then continue 3x a week. It requires the initial investment of some running shoes (highly recommend you go to a specialist running shop to do this) but from then on all you need is a spare half hour to burn a few hundred calories.

    Combine this with healthy meal choices and try to limit the damage you do with alcohol and you'll be able to achieve it.

    I only gained weight in my first year of university when I let myself believe I was too busy to exercise (but was certainly not too busy to eat!). Depends how much you want it I guess.
  • allysteven880
    losing weight is one of the most advantageous method. it gives you the perfect lifestyle. i have started with proper exercise and taking the perfect diet plan.
  • scoutli
    scoutli Posts: 33 Member
    Way back when I was in college, I would pack gym clothes in my backpack and run on the indoor track between classes (as there was always snow on the ground outside). I also took dance class as an elective. I wasn't overweight, but stayed fit by doing that. I'm sure your classes are not back to back. Like pp said, you have to WANT it!! Also, healthy food choices. Stay away from the curly fries and pizza.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    You got a lot of great advice here. I agree, you have to really want it. Its more about prioritizing your time than what to do. Sounds like you are already watching what you eat, and you understand what it takes to lose the weight. Now, you just have to commit. Best of luck to ya!