A big girl with a long way to go...

Hi All

I'm Jen, and I'm 32 and currently weight 308lbs. For me, that's hard to type, let alone say out loud.

To be in the healthy range for my height, I need to lose 154lbs, that's half my body weight! I'm terrified by that idea, but I know that things need to change. I'm aiming for a slow loss to start with, to make sure I'm eating no more than 2000 calories a day, and increasing my exercise gradually.

I don't know if I will stick to it, but I desperately want to. I have a really supportive partner who tells me that he loves me for me, and that if I want to lose weight, that I should do it for myself and no-one else. But I can't love myself when I hate the way I look, and that's part of the reason I want to change. I want to get healthy so that when I get married, I don't have to hide from the cameras. I want to be able to have children. I want to get healthy so I can start to like myself again.

I could really do with all the support I can get, so if anyone of you would like to add me as a buddy, please feel free. I promise I won't bite :smile:



  • Hi Jen You can do this. Dont look at your ultimate goal - set yourself small targets along the way then you wont get too depressed thinking of the long haul.
    Your partner is right - do it for you no one else. Also dont get too hung up over the scales - measure your body parts as well as some weeks you may not lose lbs but lose cms.
    You are starting wththe right mentality - slow loss and gradually increasing exercise.
    Good luck - we are all behind you helping you on your journey
  • amberflo143
    amberflo143 Posts: 94 Member
    You can do this! this is a great support system and i will be your cheerleader along the way! do it for yourself and set small milestones and celebrate each one. Make it a lifestyle change, not a diet... you got this girl!!
  • lizlyoung
    lizlyoung Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck Jen! That is a big goal, but just think every pound or cm lost is an achievement in itself and will make you happier and healthier :-)

    I don't think it matters how much you have to lose everyone faces the same challenges and i know you will get plenty of support here to keep on going!
  • I would love to add you as a friend... My starting weight is about the same as yours.... I have lost 16 pounds and have been doing this for 20 days... I lost most of my weight up front and am having trouble the last week i think because of a med my dr put me on but I am sticking it out...
  • ffcfarland
    ffcfarland Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations you took the hardest step.
    My advice is dont look at numbers, dont try to be perfect and most important never stop trying.
    There are a million people like us so we are not alone. Keep reading inspirational blogs.
    I have 20 years on you so you are in a good place.
    Congrats again.
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    Congrats Jen - lots of support here, anyone can add me
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi Jen, sent you a friend request.

    First thing is stop thinking about the long term. Set a goal that is, say, 1 month from now. Be realistic with the goal. Safe, sustainable weight loss is about 1 pound a week. Sometimes that will be met, exceeded, or you may fall short. But even if one week is a bad week, remember to look at the cumulative as well.

    Doing this for yourself isn't about loving what you look like. It's about loving the focus and reward of doing something for yourself. It's not easy. If it were, none of us would be here, would we? It takes work, and work is a 4 letter word.

    The last time I did this, I had a dress that I desperately wanted to fit into. I had a treadmill in my living room in my apartment and hung the dress right in front of it. Every day I saw that dress. Every day, I sat while I was eating and looked at that dress. I looked at the dress just before I headed out to the gym. I walked on the treadmill looking at that dress. Every moment of that journey was focused on the reward. And yes, I fit into that dress by the date I needed to.

    The point of that is: Find your inspiration and lets get started.
  • Yeah you!! Very brave of you to just put it all out there. I love it! Can't wait to see you blossom. :)
  • Thanks for all your kind words. I admit, I get a bit emotional when people are nice to me, so you'll have to excuse me from time to time :)

    I've set myself a target of about 1 or 2 lbs per week, and I would like to have lost half a stone (or more if I'm lucky) at the end of my first month. I've been weighed at my doctors, and I'm going to walk before I can run, literally!

    Walking to and from work is a total of 5 miles, so I'm starting there. I've done it a few times now, and its not terrible if I've got some music to listen to.

    Thanks again all :)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Hi All

    I'm Jen, and I'm 32 and currently weight 308lbs. For me, that's hard to type, let alone say out loud.

    To be in the healthy range for my height, I need to lose 154lbs, that's half my body weight! I'm terrified by that idea, but I know that things need to change. I'm aiming for a slow loss to start with, to make sure I'm eating no more than 2000 calories a day, and increasing my exercise gradually.

    I don't know if I will stick to it, but I desperately want to. I have a really supportive partner who tells me that he loves me for me, and that if I want to lose weight, that I should do it for myself and no-one else. But I can't love myself when I hate the way I look, and that's part of the reason I want to change. I want to get healthy so that when I get married, I don't have to hide from the cameras. I want to be able to have children. I want to get healthy so I can start to like myself again.

    I could really do with all the support I can get, so if anyone of you would like to add me as a buddy, please feel free. I promise I won't bite :smile:

    The key is lots of smaller goals. It can be overwhelming when think of the entire amount you want to lose all at once. Aim for 5% of your starting weight at a time. This way when you reach that goal, you have a reason to celebrate and earn something you want for yourself like a new workout accessory or beauty product or book, etc.. We all have had that bigger than we want it to be starting number on the scale, don't worry too much about that right now. Just focus on keeping a journal and logging in your foods here on mfp.
    Start right away by getting more active and getting your sweat on. Just cleaning your house and dancing around can really get a sweat on if you put in the work. I know that you will get informational overload on here and its somewhat helpful but and this is a big but: don't get all caught up in sodium and sugars and carb and protein macros at first. The very most important thing is the calories you take in and the calories you expend on exercise or activity. Take a multi vitamin too.
    You have to refind yourself first. You have to start journaling your daily foods, exercises, and thoughts in a notebook or on your computer, etc.. (I got a notebook from the dollar store and religiously write in it more than I log into mfp). This helps you in finding your patterns of hunger, keeping track of your exercises you have done and your daily thoughts and goals and any info you have found that you think is helpful. Take it one day at a time. I can tell you that way more than losing weight or looking better or feeling better is the feeling that you are doing something for yourself for your health and your life. This feeling is wonderful. As the days turn into weeks and then into months... you will slowly get there. Don't get too ahead of yourself. YOu can do this. Stay motivated. ITs for your health way more than your looks. I started off with just walking the neighborhood and swimming. Slowly I added in weight resistance like yoga and resistance bands. Now I go to the gym that is close to my house. YOu don't need a gym to get your sweat on. Take it one day at a time. You can do this.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Amy is right..smaller goals and milestones are the ticket. It will feel less overwhelming then. the other thing is Do not beat yourself up when you have slips. That's the quickest way to derail your self. Understand now that you will have bad days and know that it's ok as long as you pick it back up. For me, it was tough at the start but one it became habit, it's really not so hard mentally.

    anyone here can add if they like . happy to support.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi Jen! You can do this! I think your starting mentality is great and starting with a goal of eating at 2000 calories is good. This is a journey and you can always adjust along the way to help you meet your weight loss goals.

    When I started, I gave myself smaller goals that I thought were attainable. My first goal was to drop a pant size, then I started with 25 lbs, and then 20 more. It makes it seem so much more manageable that way, and to be honest, I didn't think I would hit some of the weights that I have!

    For me, this journey started out being about looking a way that I could love myself at and be happy to be in pictures again. Along the way it's changed into me wanting to feel better about myself and just feel more healthy. With each goal met, I have become so incredibly proud of myself because I have finally taken control and held myself accountable. I've finally gotten to a point where exercise is more comfortable and I am adding that in as well, which is HUGE for me!

    Anyway, like I said, you can do this and there is a lot of support here!
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    Time to start kicking some *kitten*! LETS GO!
  • nh5nh5
    nh5nh5 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi There,
    Well you've made the first step - well done!
    We are all here for the same reason so don't be shy.
    I've got about 200 lbs to lose to get in a healthy range, but that's such a long way away. I'm just going to do it in 7lb chunks.
    I managed to lose a stone and a half last year but then have maintained??? hey ho so I joined here to see if it could spur me on, and so far only 5lbs off but its off :)

    I'll be happy to add you as a friend.

  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Hi Jen You can do this. Dont look at your ultimate goal - set yourself small targets along the way then you wont get too depressed thinking of the long haul.


    The only way I found to stay motivated was to only look to the next 10 lbs. If I thought about the total I needed to lose, I usually just gave up. Once I broke it up into manageable chunks, it was so much easier.

    Always remember that the time is going to pass anyway (a week, a month, a year), and you can either be losing slowly but surely, or gaining. It really is that simple.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!!
  • lyricsmamma6469
    lyricsmamma6469 Posts: 37 Member
    I joined this site a long time ago and did the back and forth with logging and sticking to eating healthy and exercising. Towards the end of August 2013, I stepped on the scale and it said 297.4 - - I refused to let myself hit 300. Since that day I have stuck to logging, exercising (even when it was the LAST thing I wanted to do) and eating much healthier! I cut out all fast food and soda. It really sucks at first but if you're determined to make a change, stick with it because it does get easier. I'm now down to 244. I still have a long way to go, but it's the little milestones that are so rewarding! Feel free to add me :)
  • Watermelon398
    Watermelon398 Posts: 37 Member
    Getting on here is a good starting point! Everyone is super supportive and just generally wonderful!

    I would advise taking it one day/week at a time. Don't look at that big scary number that you "have to" get to, just look at it as "My goal is to lose 1 lb this week" or something like that. AND....i highly recommend giving yourself a meal a week where you don't focus on the calories.
  • You can do it!! Set small goals and add supportive friends!!
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Jen!! You can do this!! Last February I started at 348lbs - Ugh insane - I know!!! Anyway - it can be done - slow and steady is the way to do this. And you can eat what you want if it fits your macros :)

    I was so excited to get to the weight you're starting at!!! You don't have far to go to get to 200's - that's a great first goal :)

    Good Luck!!!
  • Welcome aboard! You have the same sort of goals as me, I started at 330 and want to lose 150. Maybe we can encourage each other?