workout.....BEFORE or AFTER you eat?

I am thinking before because then it wont be sloshin around in there and might make you sick. However if i dont eat right away when i get up i feel dizzy and feel i may pass out if i try to work out before i eat. Can you guys share of what you do and why you think it works for you.? Thank you. :)


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I work out first thing in the am. I don't like to eat a full meal before I workout. I usually eat after. If I'm feeling extra hungry, I'll eat something light. So, if you get dizzy or feel sick if you don't eat, I'd do something light. Perhaps a banana, a protein shake or small bar or a boiled egg.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I usually train fasted but a lot of people have the same effect as you. What are you eating in the evening?
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    I workout BEFORE I eat dinner.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    I workout after work, before dinner. I try to get in a snack (usually yogurt, some nuts or a banana) around 4 so I have a little extra energy to do my workout, but not enough to make me feel full and sick while exercising.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I workout in the mornings before work, and when i'm in my regular routine i always eat breakfast and have coffee first. this also requires me to wake up an hour and a half + before embarking on my run. but, i like my routine. breakfast pre-run fuels me nicely.
  • If I eat before its usually AT LEAST 1 hour before I workout. I never feel dizzy when working out, but sometimes even if I eat 2 or more hours before a workout I can feel the food in there wanting to come back out the way it went in. And thats with something as little as 8oz chicken and some almonds.

    I try and eat after working out 100% of the time.
  • I eat something small half an hour to an hour before working out, and then I usually have a protein bar right after I leave the gym.

    If I don't eat before, I feel exhausted five seconds into getting to the gym, and the last time I didn't eat right after I felt sick all night.
  • mtnmeister
    mtnmeister Posts: 7 Member
    I can't work out for about 3 hours after I eat. I feel ill and lazy. So I always work out before I eat. But, there are times when my body doesn't have enough energy if I haven't eaten for a while, and I crash when I do my run.

    So I use an pre-work-out / during workout energy drink (Cytomax) and this seems the best of both worlds. At 180 calories this is a bit of an investment, but it typically enables a 600+ calorie workout so net-net all is good.

    Like all things, it's personal and the trick is to find what works best for you and, no matter what, to find a way to get that workout in.
  • becky4m
    becky4m Posts: 61 Member
    I eat after. Main reason is because I get heartburn if I eat or drink anything before hand.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    I usually workout sometime after dinner. But really, I workout where ever it fits into my schedule or where I can make it fit. I like having protein before and after my workouts. My muscles don't feel so sore from my vigorous routine then.
  • i eat light in the evening i save my "heavest" meal for lunch. However i do like that idea of maybe just a banana or an apple before working out to get rid of the dizziness only sometimes i have it tho. I wondered what was best as far as calorie burn or that doesent matter?
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Always remember that the affects of training and dieting are cumulative. So when you eat, before or after exercise, doesn't make a difference.

    Just do what works for YOU, and you will be fine. Much more important are how many calories you're eating and what you're eating.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    i eat light in the evening i save my "heavest" meal for lunch. However i do like that idea of maybe just a banana or an apple before working out to get rid of the dizziness only sometimes i have it tho. I wondered what was best as far as calorie burn or that doesent matter?

    It doesn't matter in the least.
  • vt78che
    vt78che Posts: 44 Member
    I've read both ways, so recently I have started to split my breakfast into two eatings - probably 3/4 before (mix of Greek yogurt and various berry fruits), then the balance after. I have the same overall nutrition intake, but now I feel better both during my morning workout and after. I make up my breakfast muck the day before, so I can just eat and go.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Since working out on anything other than empty stomach tends to make me vomit, I eat after.
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    I'm assuming you're working out in the mornings. I typically will eat a hard boiled egg (sometimes maybe an additional one or two, whites only) and a banana pre-workout. That's usually enough to give me some energy without making me feel like I'm going to be sick.

    I would try to stick with this rule of thumb (again, just a suggestion, but works for me).

    If you're doing cardio only for less than 45 minutes, I'd eat a quick digesting carb around 50-100 cals
    Cardio only 45+ minutes: 100-150 cals of a quick digesting + slow digesting carb
    Strength training: 150-200 cals quick carb, slow carb, and lean protein

    Quick digesting carbs: white rice cake, banana, green apple
    Slow carbs: Brown rice cake, oats, sweet potato, brown rice
    Protein: protein shake, fish or poultry, scrambled/boiled egg white

    Also - make sure you get some post-workout protein in to help your recovery and muscle growth! :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    does not matter...

    work out when you want to.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Just do what makes you feel best. Maybe just something light (half a banana, some yogurt, ...) if you don't like a full meal but want something. Personally, I get up and go at o'dark'thirty in the morning so I take my pre-workout and have a protein muffin or something. It's usually something in the 50-100 calorie range.
  • ankleWED
    ankleWED Posts: 8 Member
    I work out after a light breakfast of a bowl oatmeal & tea or coffee. I carry a Pure protein bar & my water bottle to the gym.
    I only eat the protein bar if I feel weak or washed out. It is only 200 calories 20 grams of protein & 2 gm of sugar, 3-5 gm fat
    . That helps me after my workout
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    i eat light in the evening i save my "heavest" meal for lunch. However i do like that idea of maybe just a banana or an apple before working out to get rid of the dizziness only sometimes i have it tho. I wondered what was best as far as calorie burn or that doesent matter?

    Doesn't matter.