Do you ever wonder, why bother?



  • trishgrace
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  • JoanneC1216

    Motivation is not the reason. Motivation is stupid and fake. It doesn't really exist, it's a ghost.

    What is real is habit. Habit breeds excellence. The fit people are not motivated, but rather they have made exercise and diet their habit. It is practice, patience, and habit. Motivation has nothing to do with it.

    Don't you need motivation for it to become a habit?
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    Is it worth all the torture we put ourselves through? All the ups and downs of dieting, the guilt when we over eat, feeling hungry....

    I am not torturing myself this time. I am not doing ups and downs or guilt or hungry.

    I am relearning what a 'normal' day of eating looks like, eating at a reasonable deficit with more healthy choices along with my personal favorites including pizza and ice cream. I am realizing that, if I eat well most of the time, I can still indulge in my steak and shrimp with baked potato and butter without getting fat (Losing weight, in fact).

    I'm finding a comfortable place where I can eat the foods I enjoy without guilt or being fat.

    This. Exactly. I'm learning that a piece of pizza is as satisfying as half the pizza. I'm learning that exercise is better for me than any antidepressant. I'm learning how to fit chocolate and other delicious things into a reasonable eating plan.

    I'm bothering because I want to be healthy for myself and my family. So I can avoid a heart attack or sudden unexplained death, both of which run in my family. So I can deal with autoimmune disorders, also genetic. It's worth it.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I completely understand! I've been having this same conversation with people. I'm probably going to get pregnant in the next year and i'm scared to death. I haven't had kids yet, and i'm scared that I'll gain 1000lbs and have to try to start this crap all over again.

    And then, there's the low success rates. Seems like just about everyone puts the weight back on. It's really discouraging. Luckily, i've never been "overweight", but I was unhappy with my body to the point where I felt like I needed to make a change. The weight doesn't come off as easy for smaller women and seems to take FOREVER. I sometimes wonder wtf i'm doing this if i'm just going to gain it back anyway.

    But I keep going because it's not like I have anything else better to do lol. And there's always a CHANCE I'll keep it off and stay healthy. That chance is what keeps me moving, I guess.

    I'm sorry you lost someone. My heart goes out to you:flowerforyou: I hope things get better
  • changeofideas
    You have to love yourself how you are or even after losing weight, getting that hairstyle, getting a new wardrobe, or getting that job or whatever... You'll be unhappy if you're unhappy, no matter what size. The point is doing it for you, because you deserve it and want it. Otherwise, what IS the point
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I completely understand! I've been having this same conversation with people. I'm probably going to get pregnant in the next year and i'm scared to death. I haven't had kids yet, and i'm scared that I'll gain 1000lbs and have to try to start this crap all over again.

    And then, there's the low success rates. Seems like just about everyone puts the weight back on. It's really discouraging. Luckily, i've never been "overweight", but I was unhappy with my body to the point where I felt like I needed to make a change. The weight doesn't come off as easy for smaller women and seems to take FOREVER. I sometimes wonder wtf i'm doing this if i'm just going to gain it back anyway.

    But I keep going because it's not like I have anything else better to do lol. And there's always a CHANCE I'll keep it off and stay healthy. That chance is what keeps me moving, I guess.

    I'm sorry you lost someone. My heart goes out to you:flowerforyou: I hope things get better

    When it comes to pregnancy, just don't fall for the typical "eating for 2" line of thought and give in to every craving. Keep on track eating for yourself, and you'll be fine.
  • kevin_mead
    For me getting healthy and losing weight will allow me to do the things I already do much easier. I want to perform better on my bike, backpack, and not get told "wow you are in prety good shape for being a bigger guy". You just have to find that "thing" that drives you. Always remember, What do you have to lose? 5 months are going to come no matter what, I am sure most people would love to be healthier when that 5 months come.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Motivation is not the reason. Motivation is stupid and fake. It doesn't really exist, it's a ghost.

    What is real is habit. Habit breeds excellence. The fit people are not motivated, but rather they have made exercise and diet their habit. It is practice, patience, and habit. Motivation has nothing to do with it.

    Don't you need motivation for it to become a habit?

    I think you need decision to make it become a habit. You decide you are going to do it, no matter what. If we rely on external motivation, then we fail. This goes along with my #1 motivational phrase: Nobody can do it for me.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Never stop trying, I definitely feel better already just by losing 20 lbs. With my new healthier diet I have lowered my cholesterol from 189 to 159 in 4 weeks. I still have a long way to go, 70 lbs. until my goal. But things can only improve further. Good luck.
  • JoanneC1216
    I completely understand! I've been having this same conversation with people. I'm probably going to get pregnant in the next year and i'm scared to death. I haven't had kids yet, and i'm scared that I'll gain 1000lbs and have to try to start this crap all over again.

    I gained 60 lbs with my first pregnancy and 50 with my second, my starting weight at the time was 120. I was so stupid. I got back down to 125 but that was 20 something years ago.

    Don't let pregnancy scare you into gaining. I ate all the wrong things and was constantly eating. I don't know why. You don't have to let that happen.
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    For me, a part of it is to look better, but the bigger part is to be healthy. My mother's parents died of heart disease very young, 36 and 45. My father has diabetes. I donated a kidney to my husband 2 years ago this May. I need to take care of myself and stay healthy for me and my family so I can be around for them.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm new here, well, kinda.

    I created an account today and I picked a positive name and an inspirational photo but in reality I always wonder why I bother worrying about losing the weight. So lets say I drop my 40lbs, now what? Will I be happier? Will I really feel that much better? Will I think I look better? When I was younger and weighed 120, I thought I was fat back then!

    Is it worth all the torture we put ourselves through? All the ups and downs of dieting, the guilt when we over eat, feeling hungry.... sorry to be so negative but I really think about these things.

    I would love to hear your responses, hopefully positive ones as I have been in such a slump for almost a year now. I wasn't always like this. Fitness was my life and very important to me at one time.

    I've been thinking of this also, recently. I think, for me, I need to shift my focus to being healthier, not thinner. Easier said than done, though.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    It's worth it. I've been big, and I've been small... and even small I thought I could be smaller... BUT, my brain and body are so much healthier when I'm at a healthy weight and in shape. I enjoy feeling strong, and it's nice to be able to feel comfortable in my body (even if it's mostly in work or work-out clothes!). My attitude is better after I work out and it clears my head.
    Now, what's NOT worth it is losing and gaining in cycles... which I've done a good decade of my life. That's why it really needs to be a life change and maintainable. Maintaining is actually harder in some ways than losing, b/c you forget how it feels to be heavy... I had to remind myself recently how far I'd come so I could keep going (check out my profile pictures if you'd like).

    It's worth it to be healthier and happier... and lighter helps a bit too!
  • TheWorstHorse
    I created an account today and I picked a positive name and an inspirational photo but in reality I always wonder why I bother worrying about losing the weight. So lets say I drop my 40lbs, now what? Will I be happier? Will I really feel that much better? Will I think I look better? When I was younger and weighed 120, I thought I was fat back then!

    Is it worth all the torture we put ourselves through? All the ups and downs of dieting, the guilt when we over eat, feeling hungry.... sorry to be so negative but I really think about these things.

    I would love to hear your responses, hopefully positive ones as I have been in such a slump for almost a year now. I wasn't always like this. Fitness was my life and very important to me at one time.
    In the last thirty years I have been a couch potato carrying sixty extra pounds, seven percent body fat uber-fit and everywhere in-between. When I was miserable, being able to leg press 800lbs didn't make me happy and when I was okay with who I was, rebuilding after a setback didn't bum me out. These days - when I am once again starting over - I just count myself lucky to have the choice to take care of myself.

    So I don't experience taking care of myself as torture even when I am not making the kind of progress that I'd like, or I realize (duh!) I will never again look like the ripped thirty-year-old that I was. If getting fit becomes a form of torture, why bother? Life is too short!

    If you are asking for advice, here's mine: reflect on why you do what you do. If losing weight is about pleasing someone else, meeting some photoshop'd idea of perfection, or fixing yourself in some way because you think you are broken, work on your motivation before you step into a gym or log a meal. You'll get a lot more out of it and will have something to fall back on in the tough moments.
  • Brazilnut81
    I know where you are coming from but I feel it will be worth it...I have three young children who depend on me to play with them, keep them busy and I better be in best health and the best shape is just a bonus that comes with it :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Also I bother because...

  • DustyMarie506
    The motivation to create change in your life is different for everyone. Me? I do it because, of course, I want to look and feel better, but I have watched my family go through so many health issues. Eating well and exercising is one way I can be sure that this is a legacy I do not pass on to future generations. I have listened to my mom talk about eating better and exercising for years, but she has never manged to follow through on that. She is now battling a variety of health problems, many related to her obesity. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes when he was around my age. It hurts me to see that their health is not important to them. The truth is, I know that they are miserable, my mom especially, but they lack the motivation to make the changes required.

    I don't really have much support in this journey. To my family, health is not really a big deal until the medical bills start piling up. I do this for myself. I do this because I know it is my right to be the best person that I can be. I do this so that my future children will not have to watch me go through the various medical emergencies I have had to witness with my parents. In the end, everyone has to find that one thing that motivates them to get started and to keep with it. From there, the change becomes habit, and I don't think there are many people who look back on that decision to change and regret it.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I completely understand! I've been having this same conversation with people. I'm probably going to get pregnant in the next year and i'm scared to death. I haven't had kids yet, and i'm scared that I'll gain 1000lbs and have to try to start this crap all over again.

    And then, there's the low success rates. Seems like just about everyone puts the weight back on. It's really discouraging. Luckily, i've never been "overweight", but I was unhappy with my body to the point where I felt like I needed to make a change. The weight doesn't come off as easy for smaller women and seems to take FOREVER. I sometimes wonder wtf i'm doing this if i'm just going to gain it back anyway.

    But I keep going because it's not like I have anything else better to do lol. And there's always a CHANCE I'll keep it off and stay healthy. That chance is what keeps me moving, I guess.

    I'm sorry you lost someone. My heart goes out to you:flowerforyou: I hope things get better

    When it comes to pregnancy, just don't fall for the typical "eating for 2" line of thought and give in to every craving. Keep on track eating for yourself, and you'll be fine.

    Yea, that's good advice and I hope I can stick to it. It's just SO scary that it almost makes me not want to have kids. I mean, I want them, but I don't want them killing my body either. I see so many women that go through the struggle and put on massive amounts of weight after having babies, and then I see those women who look exactly the same, or better, and it gives me hope. I just don't want to be naive about the whole thing and then end up blaming weight gain on the fracking babies lol!

    Then I get scard that i'll be so obsessed about it that I won't eat enough and end up with an underweight baby. UGH. horrendous thoughts, I tell ya.

    OP, that is amazing that you managed to at least get back down to your original weight :) At least you know you CAN do it. Maybe you can slowly work your way back into it? Find something fun to do, maybe become more social with people who have the same goals! You might even find people on here near you that are in the same situation! I'm not endorsing meeting strangers online lmfao but just in case, you never know, i've met some great people on here that I would totally hang out with if we were closer.

    It does get better. It sounds like though, that with your depression, you're having a hard time figuring things out, and that's what depression does. I hope you can get some relief soon from it and are able to enjoy your life FULLY again. It's not going to be perfect. But it can also be better. :drinker:
  • Lynzigzagzay
    Lynzigzagzay Posts: 75 Member
    I have no valuable input apart from; it's been great listening to everyone's stories/advice/personal experience.

    Personally, I'd say it is worth it. At times it can definitely feel like 'what is the point?' and like far too much effort to make the healthy food choices or to exercise, but the sense of disappointment in myself when I make the wrong choices makes me feel worse, so I might as well try and make the right choices and benefit from them.

    Will I be happier at a lower weight and a healthier body? Maybe, maybe not. But I know being how I was before sure wasn't making me happy, so there's no harm in trying and seeing what the outcome is.

    Good luck!