

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I had the day off so I went to Aquafit Zumba. I've learned a very important thing about myself. Even though I have 2 left feet when it comes to dancing on dry land, I'm even worse in the water :laugh: I did have fun trying though.

    I got to watch the gold medal women's hockey game...wow what a game

    We are in for a thunderstorm tonight which for me means a migraine. I've been taking it easy this afternoon and will probably go to bed early. I'm off tomorrow too so I'll go try the Aquafit Zumba again and then swim for 30 min and then the regular aquafit class. hmmmm 2 hours of being in the pool. That should burn some serious calories. :happy:

    Be safe everyone with this weird weather.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Afternoon All.
    Been a pretty good day so far. I gained 3 pounds last week, weighted today lost 4. So I really down by 1. Not a good sign but at least I am going to correct way now. Having a heck of time making my self exercise. Not sure why? But I will get it together, I have to :explode:
    DH is sick :sick: & trying to tend to him but yet keep my distance :laugh: I have to keep grand-kids this weekend for few days, need to stay well.
    I hope that all of you are doing good on this fine Thursday.
    Also may ask what does BUMP mean? I see on the posting sometimes. What the reason behind it?

    Welcome Roseygirl & to all of you new folks out there. :drinker: If you need support or just want to connect with someone please feel free to use the site or email me.

    Till tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick in and out again.

    Sorted, and forwarded my neighbor's mail. Had a very long late lunch at a new place I was really looking forward to; decor lovely, food---just OK but the company was great!!! DH will be on his own for dinner. Then to Gwen's to organize her pills for the coming week. Tomorrow taking her to get her taxes done as she is really, really worried about them. She's still into the "bug" thing; had me looking at all kind of specks she picked up; not a bug among them................

    Lucy..........We are in the same place; as of this am, I'm 5 1/2 lb. above goal after getting down to 2lb. under last July.........I am now losing again; all I can say is I HAD to get my head back in the game.........and made several false starts these last couple months......and that resulted in more to lose. Pretty disgusted with myself; but the college graduation in May is the impetus for me.

    carolnc.........Chin up!!!! This is the attitude I have been telling people to adopt for years: If you have a problem with me, that's exactly what it is: YOUR problem. Gossip is cruel and sneaky and designed to hurt----as Barbie says (at least I think it was Barbie): Act the way you want to feel. ((((HUGS))))) to you. Wishing you success (and better sleep tonight!) with however you decide to handle it.

    Hello to everyone else!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh it's getting pretty dark and thunder rumbling out there. I love storms, the majesty of them. I have never been in a tornado, I might have a different opinion of them. We have had severe thunderstorms all day. I have taken my umbrella with me everywhere I have gone and it still isn't raining. Who knows what would be happening if I didn't have the umbrella!!!!:laugh: I do know that the bad weather will hijack NBC this evening and I won't be able to watch the Olympics.

    We had a coupon for Old Chicago for $5 off a $25 purchase. You know how we feel about bargains. Well I always get the thin crust individual cheese with mushroom and onions and I make it work in my macros for the day. I haven't had a soft drink in about 16 months. I have rarely had ice tea but i prefer water. But with this coupon we had to order something extra. So Charlie ordered the cookie. No, he couldn't order the small one for him only to eat. He had to order the Big cookie. He thought that a good portion of it would be around 300 calories. So I pulled up the info and showed him that it is 1750 calories to have the whole thing:noway: So he so far has eaten 2 pieces of it which is 25% of it. So I figured out portions and had a teeny amount. It is a chocolate chip, oatmeal cookie. I would prefer it to be chocolate chip only. So I guess I am glad it doens't taste as good as I would have liked. What would have been more ideal would be for him, and to be honest me to, just ignore the whole thing and left it for the family to eat tomorrow night. I would imagine by the time they get here tomorrow evening it will be gone.

    Sandy, your description of the aqua zumba sounds like how I would be in it. I tried it on dry land once and that was enough for me.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    LucyT: Falls are horrible. I hope nothing is seriously damaged. It sounds like you had a terrible, horrible, no good, bad day. I hope tomorrow is better.:flowerforyou:

    NC Carol: I’m so sorry your trusted friend is not trustworthy. What a huge disappointment. Hugs to you.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’ve googled myself blind many times. The “ah ha” sometimes comes later, and sometimes a LOT later after someone who knows tells me about things in person. Sometimes it helps, but not always. Your gossipy coworker deserved to be caught. Good for you and your boss.:flowerforyou:

    Njtaliala: Congratulations on the weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita: Congratulations on the loss.:flowerforyou:

    Jane-rainy IL: Stay safe. Glad your friend is doing better.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: I watched every second of the video and all I can say is thank you for telling me about it. Amazing! What great teamwork on all levels. I really enjoyed it. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy in ON: I didn’t know migraines could be connected to thunder storms. I hope you have a tolerable evening.:flowerforyou:

    My computer is back and DS and DDIL are coming to spend the night tomorrow. Life is good.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Went to the Y again. I was PLANNING to use their WiFi and do a youtube video of Body Pump. I have a set of the lockjaw clips. Anyway, something was up with their WiFi and the video kept cutting out. Fortunately, I'd brought along Gin Miller tape so for the second half I used that. Actually, when I need to do weights again, I'll probably just skip youtube and do the Gin Miller tape.

    Tomorrow the plan is to go to yoga and then take the step class. At least, that's the plan

    Usually, we aren't here for the condo assoc meetings, but they had one today so we went. Boy, there sure were a lot of people I didn't know (and who didn't know me). But it was interesting. I did thank the Board for everything that they do, I felt that's the least I could do. The cable company down here is going to all digital (too, just like in NC) so Vince went to the cable co to get a converter box. We did find out at the meeting that if they installed the box, there would be a $35 charge. So he'll install it.

    Update: Vince just got back, seems that the cable company is broadcasting in digitial now and we will get extra channels. One of them is Fox Sports 1 who is covering a certain race he wants to see, so guess what Vince is going to do right now?????

    Just looked at my food diary for today so far and I almost died! I was over by something like almost 2,000 calories. Couldn't be so I looked. Well, I had 1/4 of a shortbread cookie and evidentally I didn't hit the "." hard enough so it registered that I'd had 25 cookies! You can bet I changed that!!!!

    yanniejannie - Glad you had fun at your lunch, sorry the food wasn't great but at least the company was and that's what matters most

    kathy T - good for you weighing measuring your food. Soon it'll be like second nature, you'll feel lost unless you do it. Honestly.

    Joyce - have fun with your daughter and gds. Yes, when you remove artificial sweeteners you will be hungrier. That's most likely because your body is used to getting lots of food (they were low cal because of the artificial sweeteners and to get the same amount of sweetness you need a lot of sugar which means a lot of calories)

    katla - yea you're getting your computer back.

    Alison - I'd say you have been exercising!

    Sharon in VA - welcome to a great supportive group of ladies who are or have gone thru what you are. We're all in the boat together!

    Liz - if you've been craving sweets, what about dried fruit???

    Sylvia - isn't it just so disappointing when you can't get do something you were planning to do.

    Oh, Vince is one happy camper. He got the converter box installed and now he's watching his beloved racing. Sending good thoughts for your hubby

    Deb - let me know how you like the DVD's

    katla - of all the artificial sweeteners, CSPI rated stevia the highest

    Rosey - welcome!

    Lucy in DE - I have those times when I want sweets sweets,sweets. I had one right around the holidays. One thing I've found that helps me is to have a salad and just use vinegar on it. So sorry you're in such pain

    Juanita - congrats on the loss. Have a good run

    Carol - sorry you're going thru that with the gossip.

    Alison - glad you had fun with your friend

    Sandy - hope you feel better fast

    ginryl - congrats on the loss. Hope dh feels better fast

    Have a question: I have an android phone with the MFP app. I tried to add something and now I keep getting a message saying "please be patient. This might take a while". This has been going on for DAYS. I can't figure out how to stop that. Anyone have any ideas?

    Joyce - I always say that my cheap insurance that it won't rain is if I bring my umbrella with me :)

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Rosey, you found us - I'm glad you did.

    Went to the Y after work to lift weights and do some cardio. I missed last night with working late yesterday. Not much else to contribute, but I've read all the posts. We're in for overnight storms as well. The dog will not be happy about that....

    Have a good night,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, hard to believe it's been 3 months. So happy for your recovery.
    :flowerforyou: Anamika, it's tough when situations at work change, and someone else projects their problems on you. You are taking the right attitude.
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, DH and I have been talking about old age, losing each other, caretaking, etc. These are realistic conversations to have in my view, although we are both healthy now.
    :flowerforyou: Lucy. So good to see you post. I am my own worst enemy too at times, especially on a day such as what you experienced. But then you came for some vitamin F, and hopefully we wereable to encourage you. Getting back into a routine after a vacation is not that easy.
    :flowerforyou: nccarol. Being the subject of suspicion I would find very disturbing. It hits you in the gut. I personally do not shrug that off. Message me if I can be of further support.

    DH made a veggie stir fry tonight, with some peanut butter stirred in. That certainly pleased me!

    Enough writing for tonight. Ttyl.
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We had a couple of really nice days but the north wind came back today and back down to the 30's. Like several others, I am struggling to get my head back in the game. It seems like I do ok for breakfast and lunch but the afternoon snacks just take over. I also have a May graduation to attend (DGD) so that should be my motivation. I've read a lot of the posts and it feels like talking to old friends. So glad you guys are always there.
    Be Back Tomorrow!
    Sue in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Renny, did I read that right that you AND your husband were talking about the future???? Husbands do that. This afternoon when we were on our way to his CT scan he looked so unhappy and his body language was just saying so much. Maybe I asked the wrong way but i just told him that to me he just looked so unhappy and wanted to know if he wanted to talk about it. I mentioned to him what I feel he does with his emotions. He said when he has something to say he will say it but right now he doesn't. I tried to tell him about the insights he has helped me with and that what he has to say would be worthwhile. But he just stayed silent. He was very tight at the x-ray place. I don't know how many times I have been there and they usually keep things going smoothly and you get in early. His appointment was at 2:30, he said he would give them until 2:45 and he was leaving. I think they called him in at 2:44. I reminded his this evening that we still have lab work that needs to be drawn. He doesn't want to do that, says I can go and get mine done but he says he has no reason. I just wish he would talk. Our oldest daughter wanted to be a psychologist and is wonderful in the way she can talk to some one, draw them out, boost them up, discern their problem. She has always been good at talking to her Dad and he will do anything for his girls. Well except for going to church, won't do that. So maybe he will talk to her this weekend.

    Michelle, how scary to look at your calories and see you are over by that much. Glad you got it straightened out. When I was trying to figure out what to put in for the little bit of the Big Cookie at Old Chicago I figured that a serving wouldn't be the whole cookie but it was. It's 9 inches! Math wasn't my big thing at anytime in my life but MS took a lot of that away. So hubbie figured it out for me.

    Enjoying the figure skating!!!!!!! I already know the end result but just watching it is fun. I am so glad that the storms are past and we can watch it. I'm not a hockey fan at all, please forgive me and don't hold it against me, so I am glad that isn't what they are showing now.

    Hopefully will finish my income taxes tonight!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, my android sometime freezes up and I have to turn the phone off and on again or pull out the battery. One app, not MFP, stuck so badly that I had to uninstall it and download it again. Good luck.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Business travel and more business travel have kept me away from home and this thread. Most recently I covered a trip to Juneau because my boss who was supposed to go was stuck in Atlanta because of storms. I’ve caught up with reading all posts and am settled in for an evening of figure skating.

    Joyce, Brenda and Tina: Belated Happy Birthday. May all your wishes come true.

    Pat in Ohio: Sounds like you’ve hit the dreaded plateau. Been there and hated it. Is there any other activity you can add for a little more calorie burn? Where is that beautiful beach on your ticker? I’d spend my exercise time thinking of that place.

    Jill: Thanks for the info on strength training. I’m loving the new challenge of working out with tubing. Good to know this is something I can adopt as a long term lifestyle. Night snacking? For me the answer has been to keep my hands busy. Computer, magazines or crafts.

    Margaret: I’m inspired by how you curbed your sugar consumption. Right now, I’m doing it two days a week, and I can see how it’s made a difference on the scale. And, I don’t feel any deprivation.

    Bluesky: Congrats to you on hitting that 30 pound mark. Hope you shake that strep throat quickly.

    Barbie: Happy to hear you’re feeling well enough to start moderate weight training again. How’s Bernie?

    Kathy T: Welcome and may you continue to join us for a long time one day at a time. I remember having that same Starbucks shock.

    Grandmallie: I feel for you. You’ve been through the ringer physically and emotionally. All that stress may be blocking the will and energy to get back in the gym. My favorite remedies for feeling punk are a massage, a hot bath with therapeutic salts or getting into the ocean or saltwater swimming pool. Take care.

    Patty in Cincinnati: Glad you have some relief in your knee. I went in for what MRI showed was torn meniscus. Once they got in, ooops, wrong diagnosis. It was just a little piece of tissue called the plika that had gotten dislodged and was causing discomfort. Had the surgery for nothing. Still went through PT for weeks. Today I do have some arthritis, wear a support wrap to exercise, and can tell the weather with my knee.

    Anamika: Bravo to you for taking the high road with regard to your principal. I hope she comes around to appreciating and respecting you.

    Sharon in VA: Welcome. Keep coming back and I’m sure you will find inspiration for your journey to a slimmer, fitter you.

    Liz in Halifax: Hugs and fervent prayers that you find relief from the pain in your legs. I second Katla’s suggestion about acupuncture. I’ve had miraculous results.

    Sylvia: I don’t blame you for being scared given your DH’s diagnosis. Keep nagging! It’s a show of love and I’m sure deep down your DH knows it.

    Rosey: Glad you found us. Welcome and keep checking in so we can get to know you.

    Lucy in DE: Just going to throw this thought out there> Is there something else out of sorts in your life that is manifesting in needing to fill up with sweets? Have you talked to your doctor about the low energy? I sometimes have to reset my appetite after trips by going on a two day juice/smoothie fast.

    Heather: Nothing like making your own soup stock. I don’t have time anymore, so am imagining the smell of turkey and spices in the air. I used to bake my own breads, too. Fresh soups and breads are my idea of a banquet of comfort.

    Nccarolb: Sorry for the stress and sense of betrayal. We’re here for you whenever you need us.

    Njita and Juanita: Wooohoooo! Keep it up.

    Jane in IL: sending my prayers to your friend. Take care of that shoulder.

    Joyce: Good for you for managing only a small bit of cookie.

    Katla: Happy you have your computer back. Can barely remember what life was like before these amazing machines entered our home.

    Michelle: I’m so impressed with how you keep up hard workouts with such vigor and variety, even on vacation!

    Bedtime for me...but first just a few more figure skaters.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    Goals for February and Progress to Date:

    Two days a week, consume fewer than 35 carbs: Have maintained a schedule of two “super low carb days” every week. Didn’t always come in less than 35, but pretty darn close.
    90 minutes of strength training per week: missed this one week.
    Organize the master closet: DONE! Still want to get some nicer drawer systems, but we’re in good shape.
    Get the tax workbook done and sent to accountant: YIKES! Gotta get in gear.
    Chiropractic adjustment and massage: DONE, and boy do I feel great!

    My word for 2014 = Release

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have so much to say and no time to say it:sad: !!! I`ve read all the posts and I`m wishing everyone well:heart: !!

    Sylvia:smile: Keep nagging that hubby, you want him around for a long time!!

    Joyce:smile: Same advice for your hubby, tell him you want him around for a long time!

    Carol in NC:smile: Oh my, my heart goes out to you, I was the subject of gossip at one time after my hubby died, and I was stressed to the max! I couldn`t figure out why people liked to sit and around and talk about me:angry: , actually one piece of gossip that went around was that someone had broken into my house, came through the bedroom window and woke me up:huh: . The person that told me about that one was a nurse at my Drs. office:huh: , it never happen, no one even attempted to break into my house:angry: . Then someone told my daughter she heard I was getting married, this was about 6 months after hubby died, I wasn`t even dating:angry: .There were many many more, and I still get the occasional " I heard", I don`t even acknowledge them now! I finally decided that if all people had to do was sit around and talk about me, I felt sorry for them. I have a lot better stuff to do with my life than worrying about someone else's life. I know it hurts, just know you`ve got friends here to talk to!!! No judgments! :flowerforyou: Hope today will be a better day for you!

    Must get my self together, I think I have enough time for a lap or two around the track this morning!
    Have a fantastic Friday (yay, it`s Friday!!!) Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!

    DeeDee in NC where the last several days have felt like spring:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Morning everybody! Having a nice errand day and getting my hair cut.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    had my lemon water, and will hop in the shower for work in a few minutes.
    foggy and warmer today,will have rain later..we have alot of snow on the roof,we will probably be out there tomorrow,trying to clean it off..

    well I did eat the taco's last night:grumble: I have been noshing to much...
    well just checking in, and will check in later this afternoon:drinker:
  • ElizabethAnneLatimer
    Hello Ladies!

    So glad I found this message board. While I joined a year ago, I didn't get serious until this year, and my daughter is getting married in Sept. Sooo....I am not going to be chubby wubby around my ex and his family. There is my GREAT motivation. I have the years lost weight, and always did it by basically starving myself. Not this time, I'm eating healthy trying to keep my calories to 1200 AND joined a gym, so combining strength training and cardio. I have lost 20 pounds, but GAINED one pound back. Sooo frustrating. But I am going to persist, and just keep doing what I'm doing. I have a fabulous dress to fit into, well when I buy it, it will be fab.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Morning,

    Alison and Deede lime water :drinker:

    Poerava thanks for the encouragement about reducing sugar consumption. I notice I feel better. I still get sugar from fruit. It is the sugar in processed food I am trying to limit. Missed the figure skating because our power was off and we do not have computer hook up. Like your word release.

    Michelle I appreciated what you said about artificial sweeteners. Besides confusing your body about lack of usable calories they also are made of chemicals your body may have difficulty processing because they are man-made. It is your liver that filters those chemicals and figures out what to do with them. With medications and the standard American diet the liver is already over taxed.

    Carol what I tell the students I work with when they are upset about someone saying something about them is you know that is not true. Then I confront the perpetrator and tell them I can tell that -______ did not like what you just said to them and it needs to stops. It is your supervisor’s job to tell that person (people) to stop. It is considered harassment. What you the perpetrator is doing is hurting the company they (the perpetraitors) are expected to find a way to fix this problem between you.
    The word for this is bullying.

    Elizabeth Anne you sound highly motivated.

    We lost power for about two hours last night due to our heavy wet snow. Made me think of those out east and their power outages. Fortunately the temperature had not dropped yet when it happened.

    My son and I got to the LEGO movie before the storm hit. Had a good time.
    No school today because of the storm.

    To take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.:happy:
    Did sleep much better. No leg cramps!
    2014 word-contentment.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning and TGIF!

    This has been a rough week for me, but reading some of your posts has made me realize that my problems are small in comparison. It really helps to put things in perspective.:embarassed:

    I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your support and encouragement. It’s helpful to know that others are going through the same thing. I know that this all has to do with attitude, and mine has not been so positive lately. People are always saying how great I look now, and it’s been having a negative effect on me.:devil: It makes me feel like I can eat whatever I want, and I know that’s not the case. I think the reason I’m so tired is BECAUSE I’m eating too much and have put on some weight. Oh, sure, some of it might be the weather, but I know that all of the junk I have been putting in my body is a contributing factor to the way I feel.:yawn: The fact of the matter is, I never had that much to lose in the first place, and in reality, no one would say that I need to lose weight now. I know what my goal is, and to have reached that goal and watch it slip away just put me in a bad place in my mind. And I know from past experience that once I’m on that path, it’s hard to bring myself back. It’s why I’ve been a yo-yo dieter my entire life. I really thought I had the answer this time. I know there is no magic pill (wouldn’t that be great!). It’s determination and commitment to control myself every single day. I KNOW I can do this. I know WE can do this together.:smile:

    To Rori… Actually, there IS something else going on. The last time I spoke with my daughter was the day after my birthday (December 31st). We had a nice conversation, and everything seemed fine. When I spoke to my son a few weeks later, he told me that she was depressed and sleeping a lot and her kids were running amok. He was worried about her. I didn’t know whether to call or not, but before we left for vacation, I gave her a call and got her answering machine. She immediately sent me a text saying she would call me back, but I never heard from her. I found out later that she let her ex-boyfriend (whom she moved away to get away from) move back in with her. I suspect that she doesn’t want to tell me because she knows I will disapprove.
    I know we’ll have to talk at some point, and I’m not sure how to handle it. I don’t want to pressure her because I know she is fragile, but my son says she seems so much better now that he’s there. Of course, this has been weighing on my mind. I’ve been praying that when the time comes, I’ll know the right thing to say. But our relationship is tenuous, and I don’t want to ruin it altogether. I alternate between being mad and feeling sad, but this is another issue altogether.:brokenheart:

    Anyway, today is a new day. My elbow is black and blue and hurts like the ****ens, but at least nothing’s broken. :ohwell: I got up this morning and tackled my two mile run on the treadmill, and I am determined to start eating right.:drinker: I have these little positive affirmations all over my office, and I know with the right attitude I can reach my goal again.

    Thanks to all of you lovely ladies for taking this journey with me!:heart:

    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (40%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET-STILL LOOKING!!!)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Not in THIS weather!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Not lately!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling.

    Lucy in DE. :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Haha, is that an automatic correction in the previous post, so the "d" word doesn't appear? Hilarious! :bigsmile:
    Off to the gym.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH had an awful time with his diabetes last night. There was a major insulin reaction not long after we went to bed. He was awake most of the night. Right now he's napping. He has a doctor's appointment later this morning but we don't need to leave for more than an hour. I hope this nap refreshes him.:heart:

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon