Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    I read through quite a few of the posts and looked at almost all of the pictures and watched the infomercial. What I noticed is that there didn't seem to be anyone over ~35 years old. Supposedly any physical shape or age can do this but I don't see anything to support this.

    I'm a 58 year old female and have run for the last 30 years, marathons, halves, you name it so I know what hard work is. I've completely fallen off the wagon and need something just shy of foolproof to get me going again. Could this work for the older generation?

    Me! Me! I'm 49 this year and a week into Beta, I lost 7.5lbs and about 2 inches all over in the Alpha phase. I find it hard in parts but it wouldn't be worth doing if it didn't push me and I don't think it's particularly harder because of my age, just my fitness level.
  • My husband and I only recently started Focus T25 by Beachbody. We are not in any way affiliated with Beachbody, other than using their products. My husband has not exercised in YEARS. I work out frequently to Slim in 6 by Beachbody. However, Im still overweight. I love food and sweat tea, and so does my husband. We took our measurements and weighed in. According to the program, weigh ins and measurements will be taken every saturday and we started on monday. So saturday wont be exactly a week but its our first week and Im so glad that it will be one week down, nine to go! I take Alli with high fat meals, I drink Shakeology in the morning, and I take a multivitamin at night . If anyone is interested in following my journey, add me as a friend!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I read through quite a few of the posts and looked at almost all of the pictures and watched the infomercial. What I noticed is that there didn't seem to be anyone over ~35 years old. Supposedly any physical shape or age can do this but I don't see anything to support this.

    I'm a 58 year old female and have run for the last 30 years, marathons, halves, you name it so I know what hard work is. I've completely fallen off the wagon and need something just shy of foolproof to get me going again. Could this work for the older generation?

    I also used to run (only one marathon though) in my forties, many things knocked me off the wagon and I gained a lot of weight. I also notice the lack of older women in many DVD's but this is doable for sure.There is a very thin (ex ballet) dancer in the DVD and Tanya who does modifications who is very good. I actually make up my own modifications sometimes, a little harder than theirs but not as much impact but most of the time, it's fine. He might not stop, but you do get breathers when he does something slower.

    I bought mine on Ebay, so the investment wouldn't be as much and I'm happy with it. I do it with other cardio to mix it up every once in a while, but I'm glad I purchased it. (I'm 54)
  • I have never done any work out video in my life. I used to be very athletic weighing 153 until I got pregnant. After I had my baby, I had gained a little over 60 pounds. I'm currently at 217. Haven't worked out in over a year and I'm really thinking about ordering T25. Losing weight is long over due and I'm ready to lose the mom bod! IS T25 WORTH THE MONEY?
  • I have been doing T25 for about 2 and a half weeks now and I haven't seen results. I took measurements and nothing has changed. I am starting to get unmotivated to finish even though I know 2 weeks isn't that long. How long until I should start to see progress?
  • I really hate to be the one to say this about T25 because i love Shaun T.

    I originally started doing insanity and loved every bit of it and lost 42lbs after completing. However, I still didn't have the body i was dreaming of and knew that i wouldn't be able to have the time to continue doing insanity once xmas 2013 arrived as my partner and i were expecting a baby.

    T25 seemed like the best option for obvious reasons being the time. i'm currently on my second week of beta, so in other words i am on my 7th week doing T25 and, unfortunately, i haven't seen a single result. i haven't lost a single pound, nor have i seen any change in my appearance. what's worse is that, even though it is 25 minutes long, i struggle to even want to get to the end because i now have at the back of my mind that it feels like all of this is for nothing. another factor is i feel like i have lost some of my strength and stamina since starting this.

    i am actively fit and try give it my all on every session, but so far i have been really disappointed. i have no doubt that this programme will work for some people and i do plan on giving my other half the dvds to help her shed the post-baby weight, but for any sceptics out there, i strongly recommend you try the insanity work out. the results are much better and for the sake of an extra 25 minutes a day, it is worth it

    I absolutely love Shaun T, he is inspiring and has helped a lot of people, including me, so don't think of me as a hater. i'm just telling you how i found my experience doing the focus T25. i'm still going to complete the programme, but will most definitely be moving back to insanity after this.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I think everyone is different, no plan or program is made for everyone. I did a tabata style workout (Breathless Body by Amy Dixon) Dvd before T 25 and many of the moves were familiar to me, the pace not as hectic as if I went in cold. That said, I didn't expect it to do more than keep me motivated with the 25 minute time frame and give me a good cardio/ab workout. That said, it has for the time frame, but if I just did this, I wouldn't see the results I've gotten in the past.
    His strength is fine, but not complete and doing the same moves all the time, you get used to it. I mix up strength and hit arms, legs, core differently. I love Pilates for abs and it was the only area that made his abs "easy...the "V" shape he does and balance are classic with Pilates.
    I like the speed dvds and ab circuit and look forward to Gamma (getting it cheaper on Ebay if I could) but know I can't just use this program alone. Some people can, but with my varied diet, schedule, etc. I need a little more some days and I need variety for my ADD personality and to challenge my body differently.

    He had a great idea with T25, I'm glad I bought it, and for 68,00 on Ebay, a great deal. But it's not a miracle worker and your diet, activity level and age, affect a lot of your outcome.
  • I completed Alpha and did not see any results, weighed the same as before. This is disappointing because this is a major commitment of working out 6 days a week for cardio. This even took time away from my weight training and running as I really wanted to finish this. I think I will do Beta but not the 6 days a week as I still want to be able to do other workouts and can put Beta in when I want to do a high intensity cardio workout. It has made me faster and more coordinated in my movements than when I first started doing Alpha, so I guess that is a plus. I did not really have any weight to lose to begin with and have been doing alot of exercise (running and weights) for several years now so maybe it just did not stimulate my weight loss like it would someone starting from scratch or someone who had alot of pounds to lose.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I agree...when I was really out of shape, I used to run but then many things made me overweight and out of shape. Just doing Lesley Sansone, in the beginnig, I dropped weight. Now it would seem too easy.

    I like doing "hybrid" type workouts, T25 and strength, T25 and jogging hopefully in the spring. Whatever works for your body and metabolism is the right thing to do. But not workout will work if you eat a lot of junk and work out 25 minutes.
    I wont give up pizza, pasta, etc. (Italian and love it) but i know if I want that, I need to push it an hour or so to make up for the calories, maybe over 2 days. For someone else, it might not matter or they would need's all balance.
  • Just finished week 1. I am a 6'-foot, 45 yr old male with three kids who has been in and out of gyms since the 90's. I'm not FAT but I am clearly out of shape and heavier than I should be. I started Monday at 220. 200 or less is where I should be weight wise. I graduated high-school (as an athlete) at 185.

    I don't have bad knees, but years of sports and exercise make them mildly painful especially cold (I do the workout at 6:00am), and I'm doing this on my cement basement floor, so I've been doing the modified whenever there's jumping involved. As I (hopefully) lose some weight and the pain goes away I plan to do the unmodified versions.

    I can generally keep up, but in a 30 second span where they (in the video) do 20 lunges I may only get 15-17 before they change to the next thing. It depends on their pace. Cadio, Speed and Abs were "easy" enough workouts (not easy but I was able to complete them and keep up). FullBody and Lower Focus required some breaks. I didn't finish FullBody, actually. Could have been lack of sleep or not enough water, but I was spent with ~8 minutes to go so I just stopped.

    It certainly isn't a KILLER workout, but since I'm limited on time and I can't just "generate" an interesting workout at the gym by myself, this is a good solution. Much like a Zumba or spinning class you don't have to think. You can just "do what you're told" and get a good sweat going.

    As I've read 1000 times before "bodies are built in the kitchen", so I know that "eating better" is really the key to weight loss. This workout by itself won't do ANYTHING to help you get thinner, but it IS valuable as a "get in cardio shape" tool, which I need regardless of weight loss, so even if I stay at 220 I'm certain that doing this faithfully for 10 weeks will yield athletic improvements.

    I will say, however, that the stiffness and soreness I feel later (the good kind) as well as legitimate overall improvements in how I feel are effective reminders to avoid the free donuts in the office, so while the lunges won't directly shrink my gut they are playing a role by reminding me to eat better.

    If anyone is interested I will update this from time to time as I progress through the program.
  • First time poster, been just looking up until now. Just thought i would put my 2 cents in. Just finished week 4 of Alpha, really enjoying it. I havent got a whole lot of fat on me but just wanted to burn off the bits i have and tone up. Managed to lose about 5lbs in the last 2 weeks. I think the T25 plan is awesome, i am not sticking to the diet plan myself and i don't drink any recovery drinks nor protein shakes, just cut down on a lot of the rubbish i eat. I won't ever let eating become a chore as i love food so that is out of the question. I would recommend this to anyone. I havent had a workout like this where i am dripping with sweat after 25 minutes, and i have run a marathon 2 years ago! Good luck to all but a great workout program for those with a busy life.
  • So if you could compare, how much harder is T25 than hip hop abs? Im unable to get rid of the last bit of fat from having my third child. I feel horrible about my body, i have been doing hip hop abs for probably about 5 months and i believe this is as far as my body is going to get. I hate my body still, but im worried i may not be able to handle the T25, is it TONS more difficult than something like hip hop abs?
    Hi Lindsey.

    I am currently on week 2 of the T25 workout, and I love it! The calorie burn is great, and the workout is nonstop until the end. I am a BB Coach; however, I always tell it like it is with the workouts. I've done Jillian's workouts too, and I loved those. I also ordered Spartacus, but I didn't think it was structured, so I returned it. Shaun T's workouts are by far the toughest BeachBody my opinion. I love the time factor with T25. Have you done other BeachBody workouts? You can probably view some of the workouts on the internet somewhere. If you have any questions, I'll try and help you. Just keep pushing play, no matter which workout you choose. :smile:

  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Sometimes your body gets used to something and mixing it up helps. There are a lot of helpful youtubes that show you a lot of the DVDs and reviews. For abs Pilates is great and made the ones in T25 much easier for me. I used Jillian, Amy Dixon and a few others, always mixing, and it helped me. Just keep at it, nothing comes quick that lasts.
  • shamah84
    shamah84 Posts: 110 Member
    I am starting T25 today and I am very anxious and excited to see how it goes. :)
  • SBB927
    SBB927 Posts: 1
    This my my first post about anything, ever. That is how strongly I feel about T25 :). I completed Alpha and am on week 4 of T25 Beta round. I've never sworn by a workout, but I can attest that this really did change my body. I have a really busy work schedule and am getting married, so my time has been limited. I figured I would give this a try since it's only 25 minutes. The first few weeks were tough but I kept at it and now it's part of my routine. And when I feel lazy, I put on my sneakers and think, yep, I can do 25 minutes! I've lost 10 pounds and my core has never been so flat. I am 5'2'' and started out at 124. I'm now down to 114. I've never weighed this little nor have I ever seen actual muscle definition on my body like this. I was actually really surprised at how quickly the weight came off. I'm a pretty healthy eater in general so my diet didn't change much. I am excited to give Gamma a try once I'm done with Beta. I also incorporate power yoga once a week, but other than that, I'm all T25. I feel stronger, healthier and the changes are truly noticeable. I would definitely recommend T25 and have already gotten some of my friends and family members hooked! It's a tough and doable workout. You get stronger as you go and I have no excuse when it's only 25 minutes. Give it a try and enjoy!
  • trlynn68
    trlynn68 Posts: 11
    First time poster here, too. Just started T25. Day 3 was today. And I can't believe I'm sore like this when there are no weights involved! My arms hurt, my legs hurt... but it's a "good" hurt because is means something is happening. But I am looking forward to my body adjusting so I can lift my arms again. (kidding, it's not THAT bad, but yeah, I feel it!)
  • deedeefelldown
    deedeefelldown Posts: 57 Member
    BUMP. considering getting this.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I read through quite a few of the posts and looked at almost all of the pictures and watched the infomercial. What I noticed is that there didn't seem to be anyone over ~35 years old. Supposedly any physical shape or age can do this but I don't see anything to support this.

    I'm a 58 year old female and have run for the last 30 years, marathons, halves, you name it so I know what hard work is. I've completely fallen off the wagon and need something just shy of foolproof to get me going again. Could this work for the older generation?

    I believe 2 of the guys in the videos are 41 and 45? I'm 42 and love it.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I'm still in Alpha,. but so far I prefer T25 to Insanity. With Insanity, the workouts were longer, so I would find myself tending to pace myself to try to get through the whole thing with as few breaks as possible. I'm an asthmatic, so my stamina isn't as great as I would like.

    But with T25 being a shorter workout, I'm able to really push myself with each segment. I finally feel like I'm really WORKING.

    I still add in other cardio throughout the week to hit the burn I desire, since I'm burning a lot less than with Insanity. But I'm cheerfully kicking my own butt every day and not feeling like I'm just phoning it in with this routine.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm still in Alpha,. but so far I prefer T25 to Insanity. With Insanity, the workouts were longer, so I would find myself tending to pace myself to try to get through the whole thing with as few breaks as possible. I'm an asthmatic, so my stamina isn't as great as I would like.

    But with T25 being a shorter workout, I'm able to really push myself with each segment. I finally feel like I'm really WORKING.

    I still add in other cardio throughout the week to hit the burn I desire, since I'm burning a lot less than with Insanity. But I'm cheerfully kicking my own butt every day and not feeling like I'm just phoning it in with this routine.

    I agree with that, I need more on a regular basis, but I hit it hard when i do the 25 and know from how I feel that I had a great workout. It's like when I ran, I might run slower for an hour or fast for 30, both were good workouts. I think if I were younger, this might be enough cardio, but after 50, I add some a few days a week.