How often do you indulge? And how often do you exercise?

Hi there!
I'm going through the weight loss process all over again.
I'm an almost 22 year old night school student who is a daytime nanny.. When I am not exercising I am very sedentary. And, I LOVE food. I am 5'6 and 212 pounds.
In 2012 I lost 50 pounds in 3 months only to gain it back after a year.
I am trying to find a healthy balance of eating since I want my next weight loss to be for life so I need to make lifestyle changes. I want to know, do you do cheat meals or cheat days and how often? Are there any foods that are off limits for you? Also how often do you exercise and do you enjoy it? I stopped enjoying exercise once I hurt my knee because even modifications hurt and I'm not able to do Zumba, kickboxing and plyometrics any longer :(
I am taking swimming and bootcamp with mods. I hate boot camp but feel I "need" it since I originally lost weight with a personal trainer two times a week and I will not do strength exercises by myself at the gym.
SO I would really love suggestions for a happy medium with eating and exercise that I can deal with (or even enjoy) for life. Thanks in advance (:


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi Nique,

    I eat whatever I want, even deserts and indulgences, and I work to stay within my calorie goal most of the time. If I go over my calorie goal, I've done it on purpose for a reason. For example, I am in maintenance now and am having a bit of a problem with still losing weight, therefore I'm eating a bit more every few days.

    I was happy with my weight two pounds heavier, and it's okay that I've shed a few more pounds, but I don't need to lose anymore weight. I am at a healthy weight for me right now.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I don't really deny myself anything, and when I do "indulge" I just try to make it fit in my calorie allotment. Of course, there are times that I go over, but I try not to get hung up on it. As far as working out, I do and I love it. To be honest, I have a hard time believing that anything you're forcing yourself to do, because you feel like you "need" it, is going to last. I lift 4 days a week with a little bit of cardio in each work out, and then some weeks I'll do a longer cardio only day, but not always because I really don't like doing it. I personally liked lifting from the start, and have just grown to love it more and more because of all the benefits I'm seeing.

    My point is, do things you like doing and find some balance in your diet. It's easier to keep doing things if you don't hate every second of it.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Indulge in food and exercise everyday. :-)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I do strength training 3-4x a week and 2hrs of mma once a week.

    The only foods I don't eat are the ones that I don't like or my trigger food (cashews). That's it.

    Find an exercise that you enjoy and you will stick with it. (I do recommend some type of resistance training also)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I don't deny myself any foods, but I am trying to hit certain macro goals and a few other nutrient goals as well. So sometimes there are some things that I don't eat because it just doesn't fit into my goals. Nothing is off-limits though. I guess the only "cheat" meal I have is mac and cheese (the box kind with the velvetta!). Again, it's not off limits, but it usually doesn't fit easily into my goals. Recipe blogs have been a huge help for me. It gives me great ideas on recipes for meals with lots of fiber and protein (both of which I have very high daily goals). And it never gets boring! That's been the biggest lifestyle change for me. Learning about what's in season and cooking in a different way that's fun and exciting! But I still have my chocolate bars and box macaroni!

    As far as exercise, I have a really bad knee, so I can't jump either. I did Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, and am currentlyy doing T25 (both have modifiers) and even when I do other exercises, I modify to low impact so that I don't hurt myself. But I workout 6 days a week and I get a great calorie burn. You don't have to be jumping around as long as you're putting everything you have into it. And there are always ways to amp it up. I wear weighted gloves for an extra challenge. But try a few things to see what you enjoy. There are so many options out there for ways to get in some exercise. Like others have said, don't force it. Find the way that you enjoy it.
  • jennahbooboo
    I work out for around an hour every day, not including walking places I randomly go to throughout the week. I don't like to deny myself of what I want to eat, if I want something sweet I get something. But not the whole bag of chips or ten cookies. I personally think its very hard to keep up with eating clean 24/7, you have to give yourself a little leeway if you want your lifestyle change to be successful.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi there! I have found success during my weight loss journey by planning all of my meals ahead. If I plan to eat out one day, I factor those calories into my goal. I eat fried chicken, pork chops, carbs, mac n cheese, etc. All of those food items are measured and/accounted for through mfp. For the most part, I eat a balanced diet of veggie/protein/carb. I steam all of my veggies with minimal added seasoning. I also drink at least 8 cups of water each day. I must say that sweets are my weakness so, I try to stay away from them. I indulge occasionally. Good luck and I hope that you find what works best for you!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I exercise 5 days per week and have a cheat day a couple times per month, but I didn't start out that way. It was difficult for me at first. You will find a happy medium as you get used to it.
  • apieceofenergy
    I set up a structure for my eating that works with my personality type; I am extremely goal oriented when there's a reward at the end of it (achievement hunter when I'm gaming, bit of a completionist, etc.) I set a few small rules:
    1. Weigh in once a week, no more, don't worry about it when it's not weigh in day
    2. Start out with 14,000 calories per week, adjust as needed.
    3. Keep an eye on sodium levels.
    4. Set rewards at certain weights.

    I tried to eat clean for 30 days before my first cheat and succeeded, had a lot of heavy meals on my first cheat Dec. 31, 2013. My next cheat after that is to be on March 4, 2014, just a little over 60 days clean eating, I'm trying to progressively add time until I live up to Dwayne Johnson's massive 170+ day clean eating streak he did for the Hercules movie this year. I also set weight goals, at 50lb lost (10 weeks in on March 9th) I bought myself a new pair of boots; I'm currently figuring out what I want to do for 100# lost.

    In 2012 I lost nearly 30lbs just working out, not at all watching what I ate and I bulked a lot of muscle with relatively little effort. Keeping that in mind I decided not to work out at all until I got to 50lbs lost, I was 393 to start and really didn't want to break that 400lb mark. This week after a lot of phone tag (I'm a 3rd shift worker, so daytime is hard!) I got my gym membership set up and hit the gym for the first time in a year and a half on tuesday. On Wednesday I went to a truck repair shop and picked up a semi tire, headed to a hardware store and grabbed a sledgehammer; I've managed to get a pretty good workout there. The intention is to work out 3-5 times a week and stay on my goal path of 60 days clean eating, one cheat, 90 days clean after that.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I exercise at home in my garage, an hour strength session 3x a week (rotate between weights and bodyweight exercises). I throw in light cardio 2-3x a week when I can.

    In terms of 'indulging', I indulge every day. But for me, a nice cup of tea with some almonds enjoyed in peace and quiet is an indulgence :wink: I do have other things though, I have a supply of dark chocolate in the fridge for when I need it and get takeaway occasionally - for eg, tonight DH is bringing pizza home and I fully intend on having beer with it!

    The only foods I don't eat are those I'm intolerant to - so there will be no cheese on my pizza because I'm lactose intolerant - or that make me feel horribly (sugary sweets send my blood sugar nuts).
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    I indulge Thanksgiving, Christmas, and at family reunions because I always get asked "is that all you are going to eat?" and "arnt you going to eat desert?" Sometimes I will indulge after losing a few lbs but I know that's not the way to go.
    I exercise everyday at least 30 mins a day. I lift weights and do ab exercises every other day. I'm really happy with myself this is the first time I have been under 200 in about four years. I have been exercising and eating better for Four weeks straight now. have lost 12 lbs in the last six weeks. I think this time I have what it will take to stay motivated. Some people have posted on there social site after I talk about exercising and all about I should not care what people think. I'm not doing it because of what people think I'm doing it for myself, but I can't convince some people that. There will always be people that want to see you exceed and other people convincing you to be happy the way you are. That's why I'm glad I found this site. Everyone is trying to get into shape and they have goals and I can relate to a lot of people on here. Good luck with your Journey!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    No foods are off limits to me. I eat whatever I want, as long as I meet my nutritional targets, and fit into my calorie goal. If I feel like a doughnut, I'll have a doughnut, if it fits in with the rest of my day's intake. If it doesn't, I'll have it another day.

    So how often do I "indulge"? It depends what that means. Is eating chocolate "indulging"? Drinking wine? Eating white bread? Eating pizza? Lasagne? Brownies? Greek yoghurt with honey and berries? Going out for a meal? Exceeding my calorie goal? Having a day where I don't pay attention to macronutrients? Everyone has different definitions. I just try to think of it all as food, each with different nutritional properties. I suppose going out for a meal where I eat what I like and don't count calories, knowing full well I will be going over - I'd consider that indulging, and that would happen maybe every couple of months. Otherwise, you might look at my diary and think I'm indulging every day, but it's just normality to me. It's just food.

    As for exercise, on a good week, I'll exercise 5-6 days. Strength training 3x a week, running at least 3x, some other cardio and walking wherever it fits in, and yoga several times a week. I've got an injury at the moment, so it's not a good week in that respect. It's also crappy weather, and I do find it harder to push myself when it's bad weather, or when I'm feeling depressed. I set myself a kind of minimum though, to make sure I do something. Strength train at least a couple of times a week, even if not a full session, and do some cardio a couple of times a week, even if only for short periods.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    The word indulge is no longer in my vocabulary and has been replaced by moderation.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I am indulging today, but I will try to keep within my calories
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I also eat what I like within my calories. I didn't have a cheat day for months... IMO starting off with 'when can I have a cheat day' isn't the best way of making a lifetime change. I have them occasionally now, but still try my best to stay under my TDEE (basically that's your goal plus your deficit, so goal +500 if you are on the 'lose 1 lb a week' setting). I only go over when it's something I really crave and I know I can't possibly eat while staying under my calories (typically a restaurant dessert).

    I walk 3 miles most days and lift heavy weights 20 minutes 3x a week too, but I didn't start that way, I mostly did some kind of home video for 30 minutes 5x a week.
  • QS82
    QS82 Posts: 65 Member
    The word indulge is no longer in my vocabulary and has been replaced by moderation.

    ^^This! :laugh:

    There are no foods that I avoid at all, but I do try to keep within my daily allowance. Having said that, some days, like yesterday, I have no cravings for anything and just had a normal food day, coming in a bit under my calorie goal, but on days when I feel like eating more then I do just that.
    I love pizza and on a Saturday I have a small breakfast and lunch then have a delicious pizza meal for dinner, it usually comes in 500 or so over but it's not stopped me losing almost 1.5 stone so far and it stops me wanting it - I have tried substituting cravings for a similar 'healthy option' in the past but I don't find this works for me personally and I really see this as a lifestyle choice now rather than my diets of old, so having naughty food every now and then is part of that for me. I don't think i'd call it a cheat day though, it doesn't feel like cheating!

    As for exercise, I work out 5-6 days a week for between 1 and 2.5 hours a day depending on how I feel or if I need rests etc. Usually a week consists of one or two runs, being either intervals or a 10k, 5 gym sessions of about an hour, and doing home stuff such as weights, TRX exercises and working on my core. I do love exercise though!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I'm prepping for a competition, so for the next 12 weeks I will be indulging exactly NEVER, and working out 6 times a week.

    After the show I can relax things a little, and allow myself a cheat meal once a week, and working out 3-4 times a week to maintain my muscle.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I stay within my calorie goals most of the time except if I feel like my weight loss has stopped then I have a day where I eat at maintenance. I indulge everyday because I follow IFYM.
    I exercise 5-6 times a week doing the cross trainer with weights, hot yoga and hot pilates.
  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    I think having 1 cheat day (within reason) per week is important to keep my sanity. I’m not planning to be the next Naomi Campbell and I have a life to live. I’ve been losing consistently.
    Listen to your body. I feel hungrier during the day so I tend to have few snacks. I am happy with a small dinner unless I am eating out. Protein is wonderful to make me full for longer so I am trying to add as much protein as possible in my diet.
    I work out between 3 to 6 times per week. I never spend more than two days in a row without going to the gym. I do the things I like: spinning, elliptical, Pilates, swimming and weight training. I bike a fair but anyway just to get from here to there.
    At 22 years of age you are pretty young. Your metabolism must be quite good. Try to stay in your calorie limits and work out few times a week (do weight training as well) and the weight will fall off.
    And buy a food scale. It’s amazing how much we can underestimate portion sizes.