Does MFP work?



  • In my opinion it's a great tool to use.

    Is it needed? No.
    Does it make things easier? Yes.
    Is it perfect? No.
    What about the app? I liked it better on Windows Phone than I do on Android.

    But it only helps if you actually use it. I now fill in everything (except water, coffee and tea, but I take that without sugar or milk), and in case of uncertainty I try to err on the high side.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    A little late to the post but in a word, YES!

    Logging is the key for me. It opened my eyes to what I was eating. I make most of my own food now, from bread to fun new dishes.

    Logging is the key.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    It sounds like you're asking if MFP works like you would ask if a fad diet or exercise program works...

    That's like asking if my car works. Yeah it works, but I have to be the one putting fuel and maintenance into it, and I have to drive it to where I'm going after planning my route. I can still get lost, and though my car works, it's up to me to get where I'm going. I could use other modes of transportation, but my car works fine.

    MFP is like my vehicle. It is a tool many of us use to get to where we are going :). Yeah it works but we still have to drive our fitness plan... Personally I love it for the food counter, the friends, and (most) of the forums. I read success stories when I need motivation, share recipes, and ask questions. I think it's an awesome tool!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    You get out of it what you put in, basically.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm semi new to myfitnesspal and I'm just curious, has it worked for you? If yes or no then why? What else did you do to help trim yourself down? When it comes to eating right how did you not give in to indulgence? (My problem)

    Calorie counting works

    MFP functions well aswel
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    It's worked for me, I've lost 37 pds in the past year and recently hit my goal weight. I've done this also many times on my own, but I've always gained it back. I'm excited to use MFP as a tool to help me maintain. For weightloss I was very good about logging everything including, vitamins and mints...whatever I put in my mouth. As far as indulging I think that's one reason I like MFP, without it I was always all or nothing, I would feel like I messed up and would go crazy, with MFP I can log it in there and keep my calories still in an area to reach my goals. I've learned moderation this past year and learning how to eat some not so good for you stuff guilt free. It's a good feeling to be able to eat pizza, taco bell, cupcakes, cookies...whatever and still lose weight. I plan to track every day for the next few months and get a feel of what maintenance looks like for me , still weigh once a week and if my weight hits my high area of maintenance get back on MFP and log everything again for a few until it comes back off. To answer the other part of the question as to what else I did to slim down, I tried to get some for of physical activity in if even just for 30 min every day. I tried to drink at least 8 cups of water every day, I tried to get enough sleep/rest. I tried to eat at least 1200 calories every day. I tried to listen to my body, if I was tired I took a rest day, if I was hungry I ate, some days I was hungry than others, so some days I ate a little over 1200, but sometimes 1700- 1800 especially if I had exercised a lot or had been busier , I would be more hungry...and most important is I never gave up...I kept pushing forward.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    It worked for me. I lost weight for a year before finding MFP, but I was eating 1200 calories or less a day. I did lose weight, of course, but joining MFP made me realise I could eat more and still lose, so i increased to 1500 calories and lost even more weight.

    I like having friends to support and encourage me, and I feel kind of accountable. I know if I eat something I have to log it, so sometimes I think twice about having a biscuit or whatever.

    I'm nearly 32 weeks pregnant and I have logged throughout. It's been nice to find other pregnant ladies on here for support too.
  • Stef_pa
    Stef_pa Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like it has definitely helped me. Before I decided to lose weight, I would just go around eating whatever I felt like eating and it was mostly because I didn't know what was in my food or even worse how it affected my health. This app helped me lose close to 40 lbs so far and for someone who has been chubby her whole life that's a lot. I find that whenever I fall off the wagon, this app helps me realize what the consequences to my body are. Just put in the effort to log your progress. It is well worth it.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    It's a tool to track your nutrition and fitness. If you use a tool properly for the purposes that it was intended for, it works great.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    It worked for me to lose weight. Now I'm in maintenance which is the tricky part. But this is a great way of tracking what you eat.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've been on maintenance for almost 3 years now. It works for me. :drinker:
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    Yes, it works for me. I think it's because it 's immediate, I used to keep a food diary but I'd fill iin most of it at the end of the day and if I'd gone over my calories it was too late to do anything about it. With MFP I can plan in advance, alter the plan if I eat something else or realise that I really need to go for a run if I'm going to have that pizza or chocolate cake. The combination of a daily calorie allowance and calories from exercise has been the magic bullet for me, I can't stick to 1200 calories a day but I can stick to 1500 - 1800 calories a day with no trouble.
  • alib752
    alib752 Posts: 29 Member
    It works by helping you understand where your calories are coming from and how you may be eating too many, for example calories that you don't even think of like black coffee. It helps to teach healthier eating choices and gives support through loads of great people that are doing or have done what you are trying to achieve, lose weight. I've always had bad eating habits and often ate mindlessly. Using MFP means I can immediately calculate what I'm eating and figure out if I can have a small bit of chocolate. In 3 weeks I've lost 8lbs just by being aware and I've still eaten chocolate and drunk wine!
  • Missyjules1974
    Missyjules1974 Posts: 39 Member
    It's worked for me... I have lost nearly a stone in six weeks after previously failing to budge any weight. I have tried MFP before and it didn't work as well as it had now. I have found that if I use the base 1200 calories and eat most of my exercise calories it works for me. Also you can have anything as long as you know it's calorific value unlike a lot if other "diets" xx
  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member
    Check out my ticker ;) Lost a few lbs before joining...but most here and overall am a lot healthier by using the end of the day, it comes down to YOU.