How does your spouse support you?



  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    My wife set me up a workout station in the basement with padded carpet and an HD tv so I didn't have to work out in the garage, especially when it was really cold.
  • a2014nolen
    My husband works out with me at the gym and always asks me if I got my exercises in that morning at home. He's not big on calories but he's learning. But he tells me he's proud of my success and of all my effort. I love him.:smooched:
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    My fiance comes to every one of my many crazy races. Road races, obstacle races, it doesn't matter. He holds my change of clothes and takes pictures for me. He also listens to me go on and on about running and exercise and he actually asks questions and gets involved in the conversation even though he's not really into any of that.

    Plus he never complains or gives me any grief for going to workout even on our vacations. And he eats my cooking and gives me compliments on it
  • bethkeysear
    bethkeysear Posts: 28 Member
    Eats what I cook without complaining.

    Asks me gently if I plan on going to the gym.

    GOt my Bible discussion group to start doing dance games after our Bible discussion.

    Loves me chunky loves me thin…tells me I am sexy and beautiful at my best and worst.
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    My husband and I do not eat the same foods right now for different diatery restrictions, and so while we have been on opposite schedules, he's done a lot of his own grocery shopping on sundays. While we've been kind of having to do our own thing for food, he's been buying me flowers every sunday so I can take them to work and have them on my desk all week long to remind me that he supports and loves me while I'm losing weight. It's his way of saying "You're worth it." He's pretty fantastic.

    He also goes to the gym with me, and he hates going to the gym, so I really love that.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    by staying fat while I stay thin
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    My husband recently started eating right with me AND working out WITH me! I couldnt ask for more support than that!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Um, this one time he told me he was glad I stuck to something for more than a month (speaking about my weightlifting). Lol
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    He supports me in every single way. He is always at the finish line of a race, even the marathons! He is always the first one to say you can do that babe. When I was thinking about doing a triathlon but scared of the swim he said I was the toughest woman he knows and he knew without a doubt I could do it. He tells me he loves me all the time. I've asked him why he never told me I was fat and he said because I loved you no matter your size. I :heart: him more than I can possible express! We've been together for almost 25 years and I love him more every single day :love:
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    My boyfriend has basically gone vegetarian since we started dating (I'm intolerant to meat-- I puke if I eat it) and has been 100% supportive of me eating healthy and he makes healthy dinner with me every night (even on the nights he cooks). And, because I'll eat it if its there, he leaves his cookies/crackers in the car (he's 6'0" and 155lb, so he NEEDS cookies).

    We also work out together and recently, he's been helping me adapt foods to take out while skiing/ice climbing that aren't all sugar, but are still high calories (olives, cheese, etc).

    And pretty much every chance he gets, he tells me how sexy I look and how skinny I'm looking (even on the days I feel fat). And I guess the best part is that when I'm grumpy and 'hangry', he finds me a healthy snack and doesn't get too upset when I yell at him for no reason.

    Also, he's a kinesiologist, so when I have questions about weight loss/exercise he's always got answers for me.

    I love him so much :)

    Edit: he even started weighing food when he cooks dinner for us because he knows how much I want this. Even though I know its a huge pain for him.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    My husband will gladly take the baby off my hands so I can cook workout or have some time to myself...hes a great father and hardworker, and committed husband!
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    My fiancé is totally supportive! He goes to the gym with me on the weekends, and lets me get up at 5am to have my alone time at the gym during the week (doesn't even grumble when I turn on the lights).

    Even though we eat very differently now, as he's gaining/maintaining while I'm losing, we've found a lot of great ways to make our food overlap. We grocery shop together and he buys treats for him that he knows won't tempt me and avoids bringing home junk food he knows I can't resist. When I cook our healthy dinners, I tend to give him double meat and put butter on his veggies for calories/flavor. It looks like we're eating the same things so I don't feel deprived.

    Also he's always complimenting me on body parts that are looking good at the moment. (When I gain weight he compliments me too but on the parts that he likes to see grow…)

    And the sweetest thing is that even though money is a bit tight at the moment, he encouraged me to shop because he knows how hard I've worked for my new size. I got a new pair of work pants and a new pair of workout pants! Plus we tried on swim suits early just so he could compliment me and told me to start thinking about what style I'll want, stressing that I look good in a bikini. (We're minimalists so one pair of work pants is all I own and we each only buy one swim suit for the year, etc etc– just so you know how big of a deal buying one pair of pants is at our house.)

    Always gotta brag on the man for his awesome qualities!:bigsmile:
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    My boyfriend encourages me with compliments. "Baby I just want you to feel as beautiful as you look."

  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    First, he eats half my sweets so I don't go over my calorie limit each day.

    Second, he eats whatever I make for dinner and then thanks me for a good meal, even when it's something he's not too crazy about. (Like all the spinach I make that I love!)

    Third, if he brings home fast food he no longer gets something for me trying to be a nice guy. It took a while for him to understand that I really didn't want it and that he is being a nice guy by not encouraging that bad habit I had.

    Fourth, he's started swimming again so I wouldn't have to go alone. This is the only exercise he can do because he is disabled, so we are really helping each other.

    And last but not least...He cheers for every pound I lose! Now he is starting to lose too - 10 lbs so far! Hurrah for him, hurrah for us! We can do it together now!

    That's really sweet. And your cat is adorable.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    My boyfriend is super supportive, I feel pretty lucky. When I'm having an off day he tells me I'm beautiful and reminds me of the progress I've made. I'm lucky that he doesn't care for sweet things and desserts, so we never keep any in the house. If he sees me starting to falter and reach for the junk food, he reminds me gently of all the work I've put in and makes sure I don't overindulge. He also does silly things, like lifting me up and exclaiming each time how it's easier than the last (this is my favourite!). He's a really great motivator, too.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    He also does silly things, like lifting me up and exclaiming each time how it's easier than the last (this is my favourite!). He's a really great motivator, too.

    That is adorable! Someone needs to tell all men about this! Sweetest thing ever!
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    This is a really sweet thread, great idea OP.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    My fiancé does whatever he can to support me. He'll eat what I cook, exercise with me, and remind me what I'm working towards if I feel like giving up and throwing in the towel.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I agree this is a great thread and a nice contrast to many other posts in this section.

    My wife lost about 50 pounds before I met her and has learned to keep it off. She is an inspiration. She's not much of an exerciser, but she has learned to maintain her weight naturally through portion control.

    She married me when I was at my fattest. She would encourage me to lose weight for my health and for the sake of the kids, but never made me feel inadequate.

    When I did figure out how to lose weight correctly - after many false starts over many years - she was a sounding board and a reference guide. She was the voice of sanity when I'd get overexcited or down. She pretty much does all of the cooking for our family, and she wrote down the recipes of whatever she made, even in the midst of dinnertime with 4 boys.

    Now that I'm close to goal and transitioning into maintenance she continues to provide insight and a sympathetic ear. She tolerates all the work and time my older boys and I are spending preparing for high adventure trips - Philmont Scout Ranch this year!

    Plus she washes my gym clothes.