How to stay motivated while being depressed/after a relapse?



  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Sometimes it's so hard for me to follow my own advice :sad:
  • surreychic
    surreychic Posts: 117 Member
    Nenshall, you have said yourself, this isn't easy. If it was easy, everyone would be the ideal weight, we'd all have happy, calm thoughts all the time, we would never be tired, we would have no emotional issues with food. Sometimes, you will feel tired, depression will try and take it's ugly grip, but as you know, sometimes it's just not going to go as planned. Like you said to me, don't be perfectionist about it. Reassess your goals, focus on how you want to be, and just get outside, go for a walk, don't have the mental fight with yourself "i really want to sleep and eat and do nothing". I am prejudging how you're feeling, but some days are going to be much tougher, like someone said, moods are like the weather. Don't analyse how you're feeling too much, think what you can achieve in the next few hours... Do something kind for yourself that doesn't involve food, if you have overeaten or done something you rather you hadn't, move on... I can see from your posts you're a kind thoughtful person. You deserve (to quote you now!) to be the best you can be. Go for it! Know that there are a team of people supporting you and who have felt just as you do right now. Sorry to go a bit Oprah...!
  • Lumen1505
    Lumen1505 Posts: 77 Member
    Wow I can totally relate to this - I have cycled through most of the eating disorders - borderline anorexia, full blow bulimia, overeating/bulimia is now the case hence being over weight. I tend to have 'cyclical' episodes and despite having seen a dietician /specialists in the past its not really ever helped. I know pretty much why I do what I do :-(

    For me things I find help with my lapses are

    Not getting overwhelmed
    Getting enough sleep (it really helps me with the above)
    Eating a diet high in 'good' fats & minimal carbs - I don't know why but it stops my sugar/carb cravings & levels my mood
    Scheduling in 'snacks'
    Not too much alcohol/caffeine
    Getting exercise regardless whether it be a walk in the sun or dancing like a mad thing in Zumba
    Really challenging my negative thought cycles when they happen - all much easier if i'm keeping to the above!

    I'm definitely not 'there' yet but I feel further along down the road than I ever have - its a journey after all :flowerforyou:

    I hope
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    This is a really great post. I don't have an eating disorder but I think the advice given applies to anyone who has got into a period of being de-motivated, or (like me) has struggled to get back into things after a period of illness.

    This sort of thing is what I came here for - thank you!
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
  • mrsieve
    mrsieve Posts: 36 Member
    I have high anxiety. I do yoga for mind and body. I feel very refreshed mentally and physically during and for quite a while afterwords. Exercise of any kind (even a short walk) can get those endorphins (the feel good hormone) running around your brain. When I start feeling crummy, I try to do even just 10 minutes of yoga. I usually wind up wanting to do more, though.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    That's a very good advice! I started with yoga maybe a month ago and I feel the same. It's great! :flowerforyou:
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
  • tasisinc
    tasisinc Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :smile:

    This is a great thread.Thank you very much for your advice. I've recently started to change my life style and although I'm getting back to my usual self, I felt awful last week. Your advice was invaluable so thank you again.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    I feel so flattered :blushing:
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    Hi nenshali... good on you for starting this thread... when my life fell apart 4 years ago getting into exercise etc was my saving grace. but since jan last year things took a turn downward and i fought it for a while.... but i got overcome with grief and depression after my dad died and then my relationship ( we were engaged ) broke down also , so i had another life falling apart year .. and i let myself go. not massively, but i stopped training all together and put on weight. i still havent found the motivation to fully give myself over to my physical health again yet. but i have 8 kg in total to lose, but mostly i want to be super fit again, i was soooooo fit!!! a year ago. happy for motivtion buddies and more tips.
    thanx again.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Hello dear,

    I'm so sorry to hear all of that! There were really lots of struggles, there really was a lot going on!
    I hope it gets easier soon again and I'm sure you'll get healthier and happier again.
    I am so proud of you! :flowerforyou:
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks for the motivation! :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Lovelygirl1975
    Lovelygirl1975 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for this. I needed it. I know that so much of my struggle is mental. I do binge and yes, it is mostly emotional eating. I had lost 110 pounds and have put 40 of it back on. Getting it back off has been so much of a struggle because of depression. I finally like I am on the right track again. Thank you again for this post. ????
  • crumbtinies
    crumbtinies Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for this
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    I thank you all :blushing:
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member