Birth control and weight gain?



  • All through college I was on Depo and I ballooned like crazy! Way more than the usual freshman 15!!!
    Now I have Mirena and I love it! I don't attribute my weight gain to the birth control now as much bc I've not been eating r exercising like I did when I was in college!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Condoms (98% effective when used correctly, 90% effective as used by the general population) are far less reliable than oral contraceptives (99.9% effective when taken correctly).

    4 lbs of water weight is a small price to pay. There are a LOT of options for oral contraceptives, so if this particular brand doesn't work for you, there are others you can consider.
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    implanted where? uterus, or arm? there's two different kinds.

    i'm on nuvaring, fyi. been on it nearly two years with no side affects

    i love nuvaring. the side effects are less intense and there's no remembering to take a pill every day! just an in/out every three to four weeks based on your preference. Five years of use and I have little interest in switching to any other form of hbc.

    same! it was the first and only birth control i've ever tried. my doctor said "dont waste you time trying a pill. everyone who takes nuva ring says they 'LOVE' it, and I don't ever hear anybody use that word in the same sentence as birth control" lol. so i was like alright, good enough for me. it's been fine from the start! some people are really intimidated by it. but you dont feel it. and it's so easy to put in and remove. some people think its such a huge complicated procedure that you have to go the doctor for lolno. it's easier than inserting a tampon. and you forget it's there! love it.
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    The arm. Mines called nexplonon or something like that.

    I have it. Implanon is the name for it here. I did gain weight while I have had it, but I can't blame it on the implant. We had some serius stress going on with our baby's health problems. I comfort ate, didn't sleep, didn't workout, and just generally let myself go to hell. I am in the last 6 months of the 3 years of it, and I do find that my hair and eyelashes are growing better now that the dose is lower as it is winding down
  • My step-daughter had implanon. She went off of it because it was actually causing her to have hallucinations. There are SO many side effects that they never tell you about, or lie to you about outright if they're only interested in profit. I still say ditch the hormones unless actually needed medically and start charting fluid and temp. 99.999% accuracy (I'm fairly certain my step-daughter screwed this up on purpose, considering she'd been trying to get the papers signed to marry her now ex-boyfriend for nearly a year before she got pregnant...)

    As for myself, before I started NFP, I had been on the pill (three different types), the shot, and the patch. I felt crappy on all of them, and the shot made me bleed for 6 months straight and gain 60 pounds and caused ovarian cysts. Since I started NFP, I have found a lot more confidence, had fewer mood swings, had almost zero acne (which means no makeup needed so I'm saving money there as well as saving money because I don't have to pay for artificial birth control), and I'm just overall happier, which is what led me to this, my weight loss journey, because I now believe I can pull it off.

    Trust me, you'll feel so much better for switching.
  • I actually had a Mirena put in even though I haven't had kids. I'm horrible with my birth control and it would be extremely hard on our finances if we had an accident right now. I gained a little, like maybe 5 lbs, but I suspect that had a lot more to do with my lifestyle when I first had it implanted. It seems a little harder to lose, but not terribly so. I'm more stable. My weight doesn't fluctuate so badly and my PMDD isn't as bad.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I take Loestrin 24 FE.. and have had no weight gain or any problems losing weight. I know why I gained weight.. because I drank like a fish every weekend in college and ate pizza and jimmy johns practically every night. The pill had nothing to do with it.

    Keep plugging away and drink some extra water. It will even it's self out eventually. I personally could never go off my B/C.. the cramps, nausea and fatigue are way too awful.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I've *just* stopped taking my Yaz... I've been on it for 10 months, and have gained 35lbs that I cannot seem to shake off with a stick. Everyone was saying "oh, the number on the scale is going up because you're gaining muscle!" but it wasn't. I'm not toner, I'm not leaner, I'm not going down dress sizes. I'm just getting fatter.

    In the 5 days I've stopped the pill, I've noticed my eating has decreased and I have very little appetite. My willpower is much improved, but my eyes are still dry as the desert and I'm puffy. I'm attributing that to the fact it takes a bit for the hormones to get our of your system.

  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Hormonal birth control is evil. I put on soo much weight over the years from Ortho-Tri-Cyclen. Never again.

  • Ah OK! I haven't been eating AS healthy as I should; however, I think I'm often pretty hard on myself and I do maintain quite a good diet and still heavier than I've ever been. I've never had cellulite until the past few months and my bra went up 2 sizes! It's not like I'm completely shoving my face 24/7. But I did switch from Tri-Cyclen Lo to the normal dose a few months ago which is when these changes started happening. It would make me feel a lot better if this were the case, but it makes me sad to see these negative changes in my body that are very difficult to get rid of :(