18 Days without Coca Cola I miss It :(



  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    It wont hurt to treat yourself every now and then.

    If I crave pepsi really bad, I have a diet one.
  • ChubbieCanuck
    ChubbieCanuck Posts: 45 Member
    My idea of heaven was a night of movies (rented or PPV) a large pizza and non-stop glasses of crushed ice and coke.......better then sex, better then ANYTHING! If I died and went to heaven RIGHT NOW and they offered my an eternity on a island with a naked Kate Upton or non-stop pizza, movies and Coke.......I just might go for the movies and coke. (A naked Kate Upton might be a little high maintenance).
  • jmorale6
    jmorale6 Posts: 18 Member
    i gave up soda around fall of 2003. it has been incredibly easy. you don't need those empty calories and sugar/sugar substitutes.
  • I too was a huge DIET coke drinker and thought I missed the cola flavor when I gave it up, but really it was the fizz I missed. Bought some seltzer water ( sparkling water) and added a fresh slice of lemon or lime and have become quite content with that. Try it, it might help you get past the desire for COKE. Worked for me...haven't had a Diet Coke for almost 2 months! Good luck!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    You can have Coca Cola you know, it won't kill you.

    if someone is a sugar addict, your statement might not be necessarily true, for them.

    Diet Coke has no sugar...or calories.

    the sweetness of the cola is what gets a sugar addict to love it. even those that love diet coke, though it tasted like bad medicine to me, but some love it.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    You are missing it so much that you actually started a forum thread about it. What people don't realize is that when they cut out things they love completely that they are setting themselves up to fail.

    NOT necessarily so.

    For some people it is easier to go without rather than have a little taste (tease), then the person might want more. And then next time they crave it they say oh heck, i had one yesterday, i'll have another today, and then it continues.

    Your idea may be true for some, but not for all necessarily. Some need to do without it, I cant explain it scientifically, it just happens like that for some people.

    Everyone has to follow their own path, but I do not agree with those who make what your saying as gospel truth.
  • blainepoe
    blainepoe Posts: 27 Member
    Recent soda addict here. I gave them up in December. I considered Coke/Pepsi my biggest vice and tried to cut back, but ended up back at square one. I honestly don't trust myself to have them without falling back off the wagon. Maybe one day. Keep up the good work, OP. It does get easier.
  • cutiepie9447
    cutiepie9447 Posts: 79 Member
    It's a shame so many other people can't, or won't, understand that.

    I believe that we have all been through this in some way or another. My vice is wine. I can never just have a glass. When I drink it, I binge. Drink a bottle or even 2 then eat food that I shouldn't. Do I still do that now that I want to lose weight? Heck ya. Do I do it every day? No. When I want to have some wine or binge eat on the weekend I will either create a bigger defecit daily (eat 100-200 calories less than my daily goal giving me 500-1000 weekly defecit beyond what is already calculated) or do some extra exercise during the week. I still lose weight. I want to continue the life that I love even on a tough journey like weight loss.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    You can have Coca Cola you know, it won't kill you.

    if someone is a sugar addict, your statement might not be necessarily true, for them.

    Diet Coke has no sugar...or calories.

    the sweetness of the cola is what gets a sugar addict to love it. even those that love diet coke, though it tasted like bad medicine to me, but some love it.

  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I started on my diet again recently. I being a Pepsi addict, have chosen to not drink it, as im doing moderate carb here. Well im doing well. I know this is anecdotal but i can only give my my experience.

    I was losing weight last year and doing well. then i fell off the wagon and started to gain some weight back. I started to pick up my bad habits (food that got me fat). one of them was pop.

    it started off just a little so that i wouldn't feel deprived as a lot of you are encouraging others to do. so i did it.. and i didn't stop with one. at first i felt i had control and i could drink just one every few days.. but then i started increasing it, to where i was now this past month drinking 2 a day.

    so for those of you with the "it doesn't hurt you can drink it once in a while for a treat" IT IS NOT SO FOR SOME OTHERS.

    so being in control of myself, I choose NOT to drink it and i dont encourage others to do it in moderation if they have an addiction to it. its me putting the food in my mouth..

    I feel so much better now, i dont crave it, and i dont even put one taste in my mouth. I choose other food, and so far Im doing well on my 2nd try of my diet here.
  • rustyscratchy
    rustyscratchy Posts: 1 Member
    It's curious how much resistance you can get when you're trying to kick a bad habit.

    My personality doesn't do moderation very well. I find it easier to remove some things entirely from my life, rather than tell myself I can "have just one" every once in a while.

    Eleven years ago I made the choice to stop drinking soda. It was very difficult at first, and there is a lot of social pressure to drink it. But, I was determined. For the first 5 years I didn't drink anything with carbonation at all. Later I found Perrier, Arrowhead, and La Croix, which are just carbonated water.

    It was probably a couple of years before the temptations went away completely, but I can honestly say I have zero temptation to drink soda these days. My body does not need it. I drink water, and it works just fine for me.

    To the OP I would say keep it up. It may get harder as your body realizes the Coke is really not coming back. But, over time it does get easier and easier to avoid it.
  • I quit all caffeine about two years ago. I drank up to two pots of coffee in the day and switched to Coke in the evening, up to twelve twenty ounce bottles. Needless to say this was not easy but I feel so much better now. Whether you can have one now and then is up to you. Its not about the calories, its about the addiction. I don't want a nine day migraine when I have to quit all over again like so many others have said. I do occasionally have a Coke or some other soda but it is rare because I found I don't care for the sweetness any longer. I now crave water instead. Its going to be a personal choice. Good luck.