anyone using medi weightloss clinic diet???



  • mg2765
    mg2765 Posts: 5 Member
    RLRod88 - you're doing great - nice weight loss! :) Today was my first day on the program. I was REALLY nervous. I was afraid of being hungry most of all - due to the low calories the first week, and afraid of being jittery from the supplements. I am taking all of the supplements and an appetite suppressant. I spread my "meals" out throughout the day, and my supplements and I really feel great as of tonight. I wasn't hungry much (must be the suppressants) and felt satisfied after my small meals. Tomorrow will be harder ... it's the weekend and I have a party to go to. But I'm planning to eat before I go and take a suppressant. They will also have a deli platter and chicken there, so I think there will be some options if I get really hungry.

    Any suggestions or tricks for parties or gatherings with a lot of carby goodness everywhere? :) I don't think I will be physically hungry for anything and I am pretty sure my willpower will get me through, since it's only day 2 and I am super motivated ... but cakes & cookies are my downfall. - Michelle
  • rlrod88
    rlrod88 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Michelle, I found the first 4 days the roughest. Once I made it past that I was good to go. My first week I lost 10 pounds.

    As far as social outings, I always was able to find something I could eat and stay on track. My family and friends were a big help. They all did what they could to help. I don't want to sound mean but I would watch over weight people over eat and decide I didn't want to be like them. You will find that you will develop a real sense of power from sticking with your new way of eating. You have to have strength to do this!

    I am at a weight I never would believe possible. You can do it!
  • I had my appt today and will start tmrw, Im so excited!! I found a forum if anyone is interested.

    Here is the link:
  • I had my appt today and will start tmrw, Im so excited!! I found a forum if anyone is interested.

    Here is the link:

    I also use that forum!
  • staceylynne32
    staceylynne32 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to start a face book group for it would you guys join
  • nbdiamond
    nbdiamond Posts: 9 Member
    I started Medi Weight loss a week ago, so far so great! Please feel free to add me
  • mg2765
    mg2765 Posts: 5 Member
    Staceylynne, I would join a FB group! Let me know what it is called if you start one. My update: just finished week 1 Friday. Had some rough days, dizzy, nauseous. But by day 4 I was feeling great. Lost 7 pounds and that included a 3 day business trip where I stayed on track despite all of the food and drink around me. Excited to add veggies this week. :)
  • how much does it cost you guys per week to be on the mediweighloss program?
  • how much does it cost you per week for the program?
  • ashears
    ashears Posts: 2 Member
    I am all signed up and going to do my blood work tomorrow. I was given a bunch of supplements and a bottle of vitamins to start with. Is the appetite suppressant something different and will it cost extra?
  • ashears
    ashears Posts: 2 Member
    If a fb group was created please add me
  • Hi everyone, Hoping to join in on this thread. I'm on week 7 of Medi and have lost 25.5 lbs. I'm officially 1/2 way to goal. Looking for others to help share the journey.

    Looking forward to "meeting" everyone.
  • staceylynne32
    staceylynne32 Posts: 2 Member
    Please join us on Facebook

    We have a great bunch

    Add me and I will add you to the group

    Stacey Blackwell Whelan
  • Hi everyone, I just started my medi-weight loss journey, I am on day two. I have to say, I am very please in hearing everyone's results so far! I am hoping I will have the same amount of success.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi! I just signed up today. Had the injections but I will not officially start until Monday because we are going to an outdoor music festival all weekend. Not the time to try to start low cal, low carbs. I am looking forward to it and hoping for great results.
  • I just recently went onto a liposuction website, and seen the medical weight loss program. And I really wanna do it but was wondering if it REALLY does work or its just bs..?? And another question if anyone would know can i go to any clinic for this or a liposuction clinic for this??? I live around the Chicago il area
  • cmsaxton
    cmsaxton Posts: 1
    Hi! I had my initial consultation with MWLC yesterday. I officially start the acute phase on Monday. I'm a little nervous and excited. I'm just curious if the B1 and B6 injection is actually necessary. I've been reading over the information they gave me and the supplements I got seem to do the same as the injections.
  • cayman0629
    cayman0629 Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined MWL on Saturday (03/29/14) for the 12 week plan. I'm doing great on the food, water and supplements so far, but we are only on day 2. Weekends are my most difficult time so for me starting on Sunday was a refreshing change of pace. I've actually lost on my own around 13 pounds since the middle of January, but it feels like I was stalling. I'm excited to have the support from the clinic but would love to talk to people like myself currently going through this. I'll check back to see how everyone's doing and hopefully post some success. :happy:
  • cayman0629
    cayman0629 Posts: 6 Member
    How was your first week?
  • I have an appointment on Wednesday - any suggestions for success? I have about 100 lbs to lose. I'm nervous. How does it work? Is it easy to follow?
  • karistx
    karistx Posts: 1
    Please add me to the group on FB

    Karissa Barber Ma
  • IF the group is still open, I would love to Join - and I would love to be friends with any of you still doing the program. I'm on week 1 day 5 :-)
  • itsmeamanda
    itsmeamanda Posts: 11 Member
    hello.. are you still on here?? did you make a media weight loss group?? I am on day two and would love to find others on the plan
  • itsmeamanda
    itsmeamanda Posts: 11 Member
    I am on day 2!! so far so good.. how are you doing on the plan??
  • This week I will complete my 12th week with Medi and I've lost 29.8lbs (As of last week). I should hit the 30lb mark this week. I have found the program to be be COMPLETELY worth the money. It took a few weeks to get used to it, but now I go to family events, out to dinner, etc, and I'm able to pretty much "eat normal". I keep protein high and carbs low, and if there's cake or something like that, I find a friend who's willing to just give me a small bite. If I get a super sugar craving, 3 oz of Strawberries does the trick...or a Poweraid Zero. It's becoming routine now and I can see the LIFESTYLE change....not a diet - a lifestyle change. :)
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I am in week 14. Loving the program. I too feel like I am eating 'normal'. I go out to lunch with co-workers regularly. I eat dinner with my family. I pretty much am past my carb cravings.

    I met my first goal this past week. It was just the lowest number I was able to get down to in the last 12 years, and it took me a year to get there using MFP. But, life got crazy, I got discouraged and gained it all back. Now I am back down to that number. Still overweight but a success to me. Now I would like to shoot for 25 more lbs before my son's wedding in Oct.

    Love Powerade Zero's as treats. They hit the spot for something sweet.

    Good luck to all!
  • Hi everybody! I just had my consultation appointment today and signed up for the program. The price kinda worries me but the whole can't put a price on health and everything. I have been reading reviews and naturally im a little worried about some stuff but everybody here has helped quell those worries. Im looking forward to getting healthier!
  • emmacssmith
    emmacssmith Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone- I just finished my "cleanse" phase and now am on day one of my actual diet. I've actually lost ten pounds already! I must say, today was hard but not for the reasons you might expect. After eating so little the past three days, I had a hard time finishing my meals! I heard talk of a group on facebook in this thread, so if anyone knows of it or can add me that would be wonderful. Also looking for support on MFP so please, if you are or have done MWL please add me!

  • Please add me to the Facebook page. I am on day 6, and my weight loss has stalled. I have my first weigh in tomorrow and everything I have been told and read, people lose 10 pounds the first week!! Not me. I have stalled at 5 and even had a day where I gained a pound. Very frustrated!
  • I could not find you on Facebook to be added to the group. Will you look for me please?