When Did You Begin To Notice?



  • ftloy
    ftloy Posts: 132 Member
    I've only lost about 17lbs. so far and while I can definitely tell the difference with regard to how my clothes fit, I don't see a remarkable difference in how I look in the mirror (though I DO see slight a difference), and no one has mentioned a bloody thing to me. So, erm ... yeah.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I can see it on a weekly basis with every pound I lose.
    I think this is for 2 reasons:
    1. I'm short (5 ft)
    2. I am quite muscular so since I'm more defined it's easier to see my abs and my collarbone coming through.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Around 60pds
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    6 weeks in for me with a loss of 15 pounds and 14 inches over all (I have a thread with pics going in success stories FYI if you are curious).

    Now my SO has noticed I'm tightening up but he doesn't think I look much different. My BFF hasn't said anything. HOWEVER, it is winter so i'm still in long sleeves and sweatshirts here so I'm not expecting many comments till my clothes get changed with the seasons.

    I noticed, physically around 10 or so when my favorite jeans ( a washed and dried and snug) size 20 where lose and my Old Navy Skinny Diva Jeans size 18 are kinda saggy. Now at 15 my favorite jeans (the size 20) ones fall off and I can get them one and off very easily without undoing the zipper and buttons. I also notice my arms. I have this "fat line" on my arm that was really noticeable and now it's nearly gone. I'm hoping that within the next 15 pounds it will be gone completely. Also, I have a shirt that I bought that never fit in the arms, it was just way to tight as it's got zero give. When I first got it I couldn't put my arms down, now I can get it on and curl my arm all the way up but it still doesn't fit right.... That's my arm goal shirt cuz it's so cute lol!!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    The last time I got to my goal weight, it amazed me that it took people so long to notice. I say they noticed when I was almost at my goal weight. And everyone started commenting at the same time, like they all got the same memo. lol

    however during my weight loss i was wondering why people were not saying anything…and I felt they were not supportive. Now i realize they truly didn't notice until I was totally thin.

    this time.. I don't care.. I just want to lose and never regain it again!
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I think I could see a difference at 15. Other people started commenting at about 30, and by 50 everybody else noticed.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Last time it was 20 pounds for me also. This time, (about 6 weeks in) I have decided to not get on the scale until I really feel a huge difference. But, I have noticed my clothes and was very excited when I could wrap my towel all the way around this morning! I also had someone I work with tell me how much she liked my outfit, I said I have worn this many times before, she laughed and said it looked so different that she thought it was new!
  • FollowYourArrow8

    I feel like the first two need to be switched - at least for me. My family and friends definitely saw the difference in my face and waist within 4-5 weeks but I couldn't see it. I FINALLY can look in the mirror at week 8 and see the changes in my body.
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I know I've been getting smaller because I'm dropping clothes sizes, my friends have been very complimentary, but I just couldn't see it myself, it wasn't until yesterday when I downloaded the app that let's me do the side by side photos, I actually shocked myself as to just how much weight I have lost.
  • michele89
    michele89 Posts: 26 Member
    I've only lost 8 pounds so far, but my coworker has said she noticed me losing. I've also lost 3 inches around my waist and have noticed myself that my waist getting smaller (I feel lucky that it tends to disappear in this area first).
  • VioletNightshade
    Sounds awful that this is what it took, but one day a few of my male coworkers started flirting with me, teasing me more and generally going out of their way to be around me. I just thought they were being weird and moved on with my day. One of my female coworkers pointed it out and said a few had been talking and one said I was actually pretty cool when you got me to open up and he wanted to "try and get in on that early before anyone else notices she's getting hot." Until then, it never hit me that I looked any different. I can barely see a change in the mirror. I passed the 55lb mark and all the sudden it's like they had a meeting and came to the conclusion I was socially acceptable to flirt with. They can all go take a long walk off a short pier, though. I'm actually a bit offended that that's the reason they're being nice to me. I've been cool this whole time. I thought I'd welcome the attention if I ever got it. Kinda bs, really...
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    when I started having bishes jealous of me....
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    when I noticed things that I missed...

    "Whoa! when did I get THAT pierced?"

    "I didn't know we had carpet"

  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    I'm about the same as everybody else.....20ish lbs I could tell and 30-40 I started getting more comments. At 50 lbs down even the blind ones notice...these days at 90lbs down when I see someone I haven't in a while their eyes bug out of their heads.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    I noticed at 10 pounds but no one else has said anything. I have a lot of weight to lose so I really don't care if anyone notices. I'm doing this for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I went from my "usual" 260s up to 307 lb no one said anything (which to me is GOOD, I would have just been more upset if they had) and then it took me a couple of YEARS to get back down to 270 and no one said anything. That was hard for me because I did lose 37 lb from mostly walking EVERY night miles and miles...I worked much harder IMO to lose that weight than the other 70+ lb I have lost since then and NOT A WORD. I felt drastically different going from 307 to 270. Way better. Now I've gone from 262 to 194 in under a year and I don't feel all that different really but I DO see that I look much smaller and that's worth it to me (along with fewer health risks)

    As for my current losses (from 262 to 194)...my mom and husband (then boyfriend) noticed after just 10-15 lb. Most of my girlfriends, my stepsister, and my next-door neighbor all commented on what they viewed as a "huge change" at 20-25 lb. Then around 40 lb my dad, stepmom, and lots of acquaintances (like former coworkers and classmates) started to comment.

    I honestly don't feel I totally saw the change until 2 events...one was trying on the dress I wore for my wedding (blue cocktail gown) when I had lost 44 lb and looking in the mirror I was shocked to see that in the dress I had a totally flat back and my bum was different than before (a positive change). And the more recent event was about a week ago, at 66 lb lost on MFP, I was looking at photos from my 10 yr high school reunion back in 2005 when I felt like I looked great at about 265 lb, and I said to my husband "I don't look that different" and he said, "No you look totally different, much thinner too" and I got up and walked into the other room where there's a full length mirror and in that moment I totally SAW IT...I usually don't. It was freaky! But cool!
  • morefit_bec
    morefit_bec Posts: 20 Member
    I'm down about 4 lbs, and I can't tell the difference, but I fit into some old pants and my extra-large shorts fall off me if I start to run. Yesterday I reluctantly tried on a shirt that I really liked but that had gotten too tight to be comfortable, and much to my excitement it fit perfectly and looked really flattering. So just to be nosy, I tried on some of my shorts that I had barely squeezed into last month, and they fit perfectly as well. This has been about 3-4 weeks worth of effort (although I'm not very overweight to begin with, just about 10 lbs overweight).

    As for when other people notice, so far my sister claims to see the difference, but she's been watching me workout and eat healthier these past few weeks so I think it's more the case of her seeing what she expects to. The rest of my family insist I've lost weight every single time they see me in form-fitting clothes (for the longest time I wore baggy clothes so they probably think I was a lot heavier than I actually was). I'm keeping an eye to see when I start to notice, and I'll probably pay closest attention when my friends/coworkers say something.
  • jamesseay1
    jamesseay1 Posts: 9 Member
    I have watches my weight and completed p90x for three weeks. No one has noticed yet, but when they do it will make my day!:drinker:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    when I noticed things that I missed...

    "Whoa! when did I get THAT pierced?"

    "I didn't know we had carpet"


    LOL I know you're joking but seriously I like this.

    I feel like I notice weird suff too due to my weight loss. When did the shape of my lower body change? When did I get a collarbone, and ribs? When did all restaurants install these super huge booths and when did they start making such big office chairs?

  • b2kelly
    I have been at it for 2 months now and as of today I am down 22 pounds.

    People have commented at around the 15 pound mark. I have always lifted weights I just never paid attention to my diet, since I have been on MFP I have not really been exercising except for skiing. My pants are all super lose, my layer of chub is pretty much dissipated and I am left with a nice base of muscle underneath due to lifting weights in the past.

    20 more pounds and I will be ideal.. hopefully she is gone by early spring so I can walk around naked everywhere with no shame.
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