Whole Body workout vs Separate days?



  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    If you're new to lifting then its a good idea to do full body days for 2 or 3 months before thinking about doing splits.

    I disagree. When you're doing an established program, you should stick with that program until your progress has stalled.
    This is at least a 6 month long process Doing the routine needs to be a long term decision. Do your research before starting the routine. Make sure you have all the equipment, weights, know what the schedule will be months in advance and plan for it. When you're doing a heavy lifting program you can't just skip a workout, or move the days around, without messing up your recovery.

    You can disagree but its proven that doing full days on an ABA BAB weekly program is far more optimal for novices than splits. Note the word optimal. Splits will work for novices but gains are faster on full body days.

    I wasn't disagreeing with the full body program, as I said, in my comments that is better in this case.
    I disagree that it is such a short process. In lifting progress 2-3 months is nothing.
    I'm doing 5 week cycles, that's only 2 maybe part of the third cycle.
    Lifting is a long term process. It's not a race. We all get there in our own time.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Steve Reeves had probably the greatest physique in History always did whole body workouts:)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    bicep curls are a whole body workout! There is NO isolation when using alot of weight and doing great form..every workout is always a full body! choose wisely!

    what are you talking about?
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Reviving this dead thread. You know, I was curious about this. For the past month I've been doing a split workout, but lately even when I lift to failure on an arm day or a leg day, it doesn't feel like I'm getting an efficient workout.

    I decided to do a relatively full body workout today, and I felt like I used my time better. I dunno, after a month maybe it's time to mix things up.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    Hey so I'm fairly new to lifting, and am currently trying to figure out what would be the best approach.
    At the moment, I'm going every second day (so alternating between 3 and 4 days a week) and doing a full body workout with

    15 min cardio warmup (elliptical)
    lat pulldowns
    bicep curls and tricep dips
    hip abductor and adductor
    ab work
    sometimes more cardio (basically just if i want a bigger burn - party or going out for dinner)

    this only happens every second day, but takes about an hour and a half each time.

    would it be more beneficial to do separate days for different body areas? Like, a leg day, an arms/shoulder day, etc. so that I don't have to have a rest day every second day? or is this method just as effective?

    If you recommend splitting it up, what would you suggest as a new weekly workout routine?

    Thanks so much!
    That's not a very good full body routine. Having said that, if you are only going to go every other day, the most you should split the workout up into is two days. Three and four day splits require you to be in the gym everyday. That is why they exist -- to break workouts into 1 hour-ish chunks that can be done everyday.