Polar loop - reviews? To buy or not ?



  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    I see that there is a LOT of experience on HRM' s here! Great! I am looking for an HRM, not too expensive, that will work with my samsung galaxy s3 and that I don't have to wear a wrist unit. Any suggestions?

    You don't need a HRM, you can get an app on the device for that. You need a HR strap that reads the HR and sends the beats to the app for doing something with.
    An "HR Strap" IS an HRM (heart rate monitor) and you will need one of those if you want your smartphone to "see" your heartbeat. I have use the Polar H7 and the 60 Beat I prefer the Polar because it is more comfortable and transmits not only on Bluetooth LE (aka Bluetooth Smart) which is what your phone needs but also transmits on another frequency called GymLink which most cardio equipment found in gyms will pick up and display.
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    I think Polar have been caught with there pants and it showing they are playing catch up and when Apple release there version of a tracker (its coming) it may as well kill off Polar in the USA at least.

    But the likes of LG, Samsung and Sony getting in on the act this year its only a matter of time before POLAR pull out of the everyday market and stick to high end stuff.

    (I will be buying something new but it wont be POLAR thats for sure)
  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm genuinely curious *kitten*. What are you waiting for in terms if features or functionality that is not already available?
  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
    I'm genuinely curious *kitten*. What are you waiting for in terms if features or functionality that is not already available?

    Cannot say what he is waiting for but the products are really starting to make some big advances. Try searching for "Dash Ear-bud".

    Not something you would wear all the time unless you are a teenager LOL but you can see the changes that are just a year away, things are moving fast but they all will need a savey Web/App interface and Polar is definitely out of that game.

  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    so much info
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "LG, Samsung and Sony getting in on the act this year its only a matter of time before POLAR pull out of the everyday market and stick to high end stuff. "


    I note AMZ have reduced the price of the Loop to $90 from this weekend.

    A sure sign the customers don't think much of it.

  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "What are you waiting for in terms if features or functionality that is not already available?"


    What I'd like is something that worked.

    The Loop simply doesn't-not in any reliable way or form.

    What I'd like is the Fitbit Force, with a proper watch strap-that connected to a chest belt, and WORKED!

    AND I can swim with it.

    I don't mind paying for it, a bit like Gore Tex, if you want water proof, not water resistant, there's a cost.

  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member


    My my, people want them things.

    pledged of $260,000 goal


    Wonder how quick we'll lose 'em:)

  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I have had the LOOP since Dec 2013 - got it online for $79, then picked up the H7 band for $16 - so wasn't that bad on price.

    As to as tracker, since I'm a Android user I have NO DAMN APP STILL, so I have to sync it with my laptop EVERYDAY. (Galaxy S3 w/ 4.3)

    I do like it for the Heart Rate Monitor part, and it fits better than the Flex, plus has TIME on it, so it doubles as a watch.

    But If I Had to do it again, I wouldn't for the main part of NO ANDROID APP. (But I'm a technophile and wear 3 trackers - ALL OF THEM DON'T HAVE ANDROID SYNC which in case you haven't noticed, is PISSING ME OFF.)

    I will say that it's usually within 300 steps / 150 calories of my FitBit Flex and is about 2000 steps/ -400 calories from the BodyMedia Fit Link (not sure why so different bwt them).

    I'm watching the Kickstarter for the FlyFit, which is a monitor that you wear on your ankle (as well as I'm gonna make me a ankle pouch to experiment w/ my FitBit Flex). BUT WARNING - it only supports 4.0 BLU (4.4 kitkat android) - which is a MAJOR turn off :sad: [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/522669502/flyfit-unique-ankle-tracker-for-fitness-cycling-an]

    I saw the "in ear" bud things, but they want an ARM (299$) for a set. Maybe if the price goes down & they can prove they work well.
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "BUT WARNING - it only supports 4.0 BLU (4.4 kitkat android) - which is a MAJOR turn off :sad: "


    What is the problem with that? Exactly?

    I'm asking in ignorance, I do not know. I'm aware Blue tooth is enough to drive you daft if you get the wrong sort.

    Surely, if it were a major issue, they could fix that in a future iteration or hardware upgrade?


    I like that, I think it'll fit just about the ankle holster for my Heckler and Koch P7.

    I might have a little punt on the flyfit. Bit worried about it falling out of it's case-all that bashing about and swimming, fings fall out in situations of that sort all the time, as I well know from assault courses. Still, it does look as if the data will be more accurate-interesting. Thanks for the tip.

  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member

    Well, if that is all you want, you are in luck. The Garmin Vivofit started shipping this week and does all of the things you say you want. I hope to have mine by the weekend.

    The Polar Loop, by the way, is actually a pretty nice piece of hardware. As hardware, once you understand it, it works very well. MY problem with it is 100% poor software on the web and on the iPhone though the app has been gradually improving. I'm also tired of waiting for MFP integration.

    I am told that I can use Garmin Connect to feed Runkeeper which will, in turn, feed MFP. We shall see in a week or so.

    I want all of the things you want + strapless heart rate monitoring. Unless Samsung has finally got that working, it looks like I'll be waiting a while. My Basis B1 is a bust.

  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "Well, if that is all you want, you are in luck. The Garmin Vivofit started shipping this week and does all of the things you say you want. I hope to have mine by the weekend."


    Cool. Haven't heard a thing from Amazon yet, who are still quoting end of March, when initially was early March.

    "The Polar Loop, by the way, is actually a pretty nice piece of hardware. As hardware, once you understand it, it works very well."

    I've used polar since the early 90's. I find it an awful piece of hardware and I cannot make it work properly.

    Even when I CAN get the Loop to pair with my H7, the data it recieves is hit and miss on the surface-abysmal in the water.

    If there's something, ANYTHING you can tell me about how to make it work better and produce accurate data around the H7-I'd be in our debt.

    "I want all of the things you want + strapless heart rate monitoring."

    I suspect the strapless is going to be a while. Lots of promises, but clearly it's more difficult than we want it to be.

    I don't mind the strap, I've always wondered why people dislike 'em so much. #mystified :)

  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "The Garmin Vivofit started shipping this week"


    I just spoke to a couple of suppliers, and they say that the Vivofit is shipping this week, but the straps won't be ready till the end of March.

  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member

    I already have an Ant + HRM3 from Garmin that they gave me in exchange for a REALLY crappy HRM2 that came with my Forerunner 410. Talk about hard to pair! The new one works much better and I expect to use it with the Vivofit.

    None of the activity trackers work well (or at all) in the water. Loop has two issues. Display goes on and off every time your wrist enters and leaves the water which wipes out the battery very fast. Second, Bluetooth LE signals don't pass through water and that is all the Loop can receive so your H7 is worthless in the pool even if it is waterproof unless you pair it with something that is capable of picking up it's GymLink transmissions which I am told will work in water. I'll be curious to see if the Vivofit Can talk to its Ant band in the water. I have read that you can solve the Loop battery drain problem in the pool by covering the button with tape or by putting some kind of elastic band over the whole thing. Seems kind of extreme. Not sure what it counts when you are swimming anyway.

    As for pairing with the H7, the only problem I had with that is that my phone and the Loop would fight over the HRM signal. Sometimes the phone would get it first and the Loop would poach it. The only way I can KEEP my Loop from grabbing the H7 signal is to put it in Flight Mode. Once its paired it never drops unless I take it off. I think you may have a bad H7. Try pairing it with Runkeeper on your phone and see if it drops there. That should tell you whether it is the HRM or your Loop.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    ANT can't make it through water either, have Garmin's 310XT, and prior, frequency is just too high.

    I stop every 5 laps, chest out of pool, and 3 seconds to see current HR, and once it drops a beat, back to the lap.
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "As for pairing with the H7, the only problem I had with that is that my phone and the Loop would fight over the HRM signal."



    There's nowt wrong with the H7 by any measure I can use. It works perfectly by every measure I can think of. The thought that the recievers might be arguing over a signal is fascinating.

    I've been wearing a Polar S610i on the other wrist to the Loop.

    "Try pairing it with Runkeeper on your phone and see if it drops there. That should tell you whether it is the HRM or your Loop."

    I really don't think it's the H7, but I will try and see how it does with Runkeeper and report.

    Of late, getting the Loop to pair at all with the H7 has been impossible. It simply doesn't work.

    Not good news on the ANT and the Vivofit in the water. I suspect I'll be using the S610i for a while yet.

  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member

    Here is another thought. When my Loop was less than 60 days old, it quit pairing with my H7. Just flat out quit all of a sudden. The next thing I discovered is that the Loop would not talk to my iPhone either. Clearly the Loop's Bluetooth capabilities were kaput. After a long and pointless telephone support session, Polar agreed to take the Loop back and fix it. They returned it to me a few weeks later in a box with no paperwork and no explanation but it worked again so I was happy.

    Maybe your Loop's Bluetooth component died just like mine? Does it still sync with your phone?

  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
    "The Garmin Vivofit started shipping this week"


    I just spoke to a couple of suppliers, and they say that the Vivofit is shipping this week, but the straps won't be ready till the end of March.


    HRMUSA just billed mine so it must be shipping at least in black. Maybe it is the other colors that are not.
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "Maybe your Loop's Bluetooth component died just like mine? Does it still sync with your phone?"


    Iss like one of them awful electrical problems on a lucas equipped car, innit? LOL.

    Now and again it'll pair with the Polar beat app on my Nexus 5, but it will not pair with the phone via the "settings," menu.

    I'm going to have another little go at Polar and without any further messing, if it don't work, Amazon will get it back as a defective return.

    I'm convinced it's not the H7, that works better than ANY chest belt I've ever had from Polar, on everything from the gym to the pool.

    I appreciate all the help and suggestions, I really wish I could make the thing work, I really do. I've been a big Polar user in the past and I hate that they've made this *** that don't work like it should.

    It isn't a matter of the money. I'd happily pay more for one that would work.

  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "HRMUSA just billed mine so it must be shipping at least in black. Maybe it is the other colors that are not."


    Lucky you, I'm happy for you.

    I just got a response to my question from Garmin Support. I quote.

    (The Vivofit will pair with the heart rate monitor outside of the water. Unfortunately it will not be paired or transfer data while you are swimming. )

    What's the difference between a Garmin Premium Chest Belt and a Standard Chest Belt? Do you have any idea?
