How often do you have energy drinks?



  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Never. Closest I get is half-caf coffee, and an occasional bottled Starbucks mocha frappuccino.
  • I usually stick to drinking water, black coffee, almond milk, and green tea. But, I work two 12 hour nights shifts at the hospital a week and sometimes find that I need an Absolute Zero Monster to keep going. Don't judge me and I won't judge you. :)
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    I used to be addicted to fruitpunch Rockstars and the Monster teas, esp the one in the red can.. I'd drink 3-5 a day. Once I started paying attention to what I eat I let them go. If anything, my energy levels went up

    I still love my coffee though :drinker:
  • Not even coffee


    Coffee = 95% of what pumps through my veins these days. Y'ALL INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE. COFFEE IS DELICIOUS.
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    i do the Monster Zero Ultra (0 calories) a couple times a week -- some weeks more some weeks less. i love them about 30 minutes before a 5k race or when i don't want to work out gives me enough push to get started.

    i have been cutting back on my pop and energy drinks but not ready to get rid of them completely. :)
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Never unless you count my (almost) daily Venti latte:drinker: :drinker:
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    I've only ever tried a Monster energy drink once, and I had to choke it down. I was basically gagging towards the end. I've heard there are better ones, but I've never cared enough to buy more.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member

    How can zero calorie be an "Energy" drink ? Chemical stimulant solution perhaps.
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    Coffee and energy drinks make me tired so they're a waste of money in my case.

    Plus, I don't like the taste of any energy drink that I have tried - Red Bull, Monster, etc.

    The irony in all of this is that I work at Starbucks. HA.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member

    How can zero calorie be an "Energy" drink ? Chemical stimulant solution perhaps.

    The same way coffee can be a zero (or near zero) calorie energy drink. The kick from both come from primarily from caffeine. Black coffee is better in my opinion but all the Starbucks-esque frappucinos and lattes are just as bad or worse for you than a monster or redbull. It's the same regarding sugar free energy drinks and "skinny" drinks at coffee shops too as those are just caffeine and artificial sweetners. Most energy drinks have also begun listing caffeine content in the nutrition facts and even for a 16oz rockstar (about 250mg caffeine), a Starbucks coffee of the same size (grande=16oz) has upwards of 400mg
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Once a month...ish? I like Nos.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Personally, I never touch the stuff.

    Me too.
  • Psysix
    Psysix Posts: 53 Member
    Never. Energy drinks are unhealthy and dangerous.
  • mrsl90
    mrsl90 Posts: 31
    Most energy drinks are packed with sugar as well as the good stuff hence the energy boost. Unless you are doing really intense sport training for a prolonged period it's best to avoid them. My daughter swims at national level and trained for 2 hours at a time twice daily and was advised to have just one a day post training to aid recovery, so for most of us it's just dead calories. And from a medical point of view definitely avoid the ones with caffeine it just makes your heart work faster without any benefit. So my answer is I never touch the stuff.
  • nickpetratos
    nickpetratos Posts: 36 Member
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I think that energy drinks are gross, too sugary for me! I drink black coffee every day and other stuff like lattes/cappuccinos occasionally.
  • crflower
    crflower Posts: 4 Member
    Besides what I get in coffee, I never drink energy drinks.
  • dlecorchick
    dlecorchick Posts: 37 Member
    For around two years I drank 2 - 4 Monsters each and every day. I'm Monster free now... I shared about it in the following
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    These days only when I'm going out and will be out late (until 4-7am or something), and I grab a cheap nondescript sugar-free one from the shop over the road. It's force of habit really - they haven't had any effect on me whatsoever since I was about 16 or 17.

    Although I'm not going to lie, I will always be in love with Rockstar energy drinks and if I see them in a shop I WILL buy one because those things are delicious.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I like Monster Ultra Blue every once in awhile when I need a boost. When I had Lyme disease and mono concurrently and still had to function like a normal adult (work, kids, etc), I drank 2-3 of those a day.

    Now, not so much. Coffee never really gives me a kick but my pre-workout supplement (SHOCK'D) does so I find myself using that more than buying energy drinks.