500 Calories a day??



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you have a sluggish thyroid, have you considered getting treatment from an endocrinologist who specializes in treating thyroid conditions?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,988 Member
    I really don't believe the story at all, way too many red flags, sorry just my opinion.

    Really, what red flags??? I've told the story exactly as it happenned, can't see why I would post something about 500 calories a day without a reason.
    The first glaring one is a Dr. giving such advice. Regardless of how much actual nutritional schooling a Dr. might or might not have there's just no way they would have not either saw the journals, talked to peers or talked in general regarding the HCG diet and the dangers that arose from that diet let alone advise someone to eat that low without medical supervision or nutritional supplementation could be seen as malpractice, not to mention the Hippocratic Oath.

    My theory, if OP is telling the truth, is the doctor is trying to brush her off. I mean, 10 kg is only like 20 lbs. Lap band? Seriously? Sounds like the doctor may not mesh well with OP personality and is trying to say something so insanely off the wall so she will go elsewhere.
    Doesn't make sense. In reality what would happen to the patient if they followed that advice to the letter?

    She would eventually get hungry and eat. Maybe? I don't know. The whole story sounds crazy.
    I edited my previous post and made that comment. lol

    This could be factual, I just have my doubts, and it is the internet and there's lots of pro ana happening all the time.

    HA, I'm far from pro ana, and certainly wouldn't put a topic up to promote anything like 500 calories per day. I made it clear that I had no intention of following this advice, because it sounded crazy to me. If my post read something along the lines of "I'm going to follow the advice, what are people's tips for eating" etc, then maybe it could be regarded as trolling.

    It would only get to the point of being negligent IF I chose to follow this and ended up with a permenant side effect, that's how medical negligence laws work here in Aus.

    Each to their own, but really, your skepticism is apparently making you read WAY too much into an innocent post.
    Possibly and I hope that you just got a really stupid Dr. Just to let you know most ED sites don't allow any discussion regarding actual numbers, none. And it could be that reason a person with ED reads this and interprets it as "It's ok to eat 500 calories because a Dr. says so" That was the pro ana red flag for me, again if you got a Dr that shouldn't be practicing you should probably encourage that by never going back.
  • dianebakermason
    You've got to be kidding. Are you sure you went to a doctor? Some people are very good at setting themselves up with signs with letters after their names, which say, "Medical Clinic" or "Doctor-Supervised Weight Loss", or the like (I'm a retired lawyer and have seen that happen both with fake doctors and fake lawyers). 500 calories a day would be possible in extreme health cases - not treating obesity though - and would require hospitalization, medical supervision, an IV to provide the missing nutrients, etc. What this man is doing is very very dangerous. In Canada, you would report this individual to the College of Physicians and Surgeons. If you're in the States, I don't know what you'd do. But one thing for sure...don't go back to him (obviously!)
  • smitaosunsade
    smitaosunsade Posts: 6 Member
    did your doc offer the HCG plan with that 500Kcal a day?:huh:
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Base it on 5:2 diet, it could be true. Health wise, both physical and mental, not ideal.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    If you have a sluggish thyroid, have you considered getting treatment from an endocrinologist who specializes in treating thyroid conditions?

    this^^^^ and meantime get a different Doctor, this ones been reading too much about Hollywood diets stars do to lose weight quickly (neglecting them doing it under the supervision of an entire team and it being nothing to do with health)
  • avery__carter
    I think you should find a new doctor!! Haha
  • lulavenus
    lulavenus Posts: 14 Member
    My mother has an underactive thyroid. It's upsetting for her, like her body is turning against her. Unfortunately she can't diet with the results most people would acheive so she took up the 500cal (a day) diet. She did it through a pharmacist who monitored her health througout.


    I think it's only for actual overweight people and it's certainly not a long-term thing. But it was 500cal a day and suggested by her doctor.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost more slowly than most MFPers, but I lost. What worked for me was setting my goal to .5 lb. per week and being very, very patient.

    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/770-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism

    This post is full of good advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Well I went to her for a second opinion, particularly as my thyroid is "sluggish". I gave her my long history of trying to lose weight, blood tests other doctors had taken, hormone tests my naturopath had done, a diet plan a dietician had done for me.

    I was in shock when she said it, and I got out and "lost it", more so as I'm getting married in 3 weeks and I felt as though she was saying I was so ridiculously fat that I should need something so drastic to lose weight.

    Now I'm currently a US Size 10/ Aus Size 12 (Although my wedding dress is a US Size 8, so I'm pretty happy with that lol). I don't think I qualify as morbidly obese, but she certainly made me feel that way.

    She followed this advice by saying if 500 calories a day doesn't work for me I should consider lap band surgery or the like. Again, made me feel as though I was as big as some of those people I see in documentary's that need to break down walls of their house to get them out of there!!!

    I can't believe this doctor said that! I honestly don't think a size 10 would even qualify you for a lap band? You're not morbidly obese. So if this was a second opinion, this isn't your regular doc, right? I wouldn't go back.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    1. Yes. When i was anorexic.
    2. Yes. Yesterday i got 478 because im sick as a dog and wasnt hungry.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    I once had a nutritionist tell me that if I wanted to lose any weight at all I would have to stick to a 800 cal/day diet.

    If it doesn't sound right, chances are it isn't. For some reason we like to think that doctors are somehow exempt from the general rule that every profession has fools who slip through the cracks. So glad you immediately sensed the crazy.

    This happened to me as well, I am in the UK but she said 800 cals a day, it was before i joined here so did not know much about anything and had been eating around 1000 cals a day before hand and took her my diary, she treated me like i had been on about 3000 a day, i am 4ft 10 but even to do this day still find it hard I went back to the doctors and they said she was the expert and if i didn't want to do as she said i was wasting their time, i never went back but still feel guilty everytime i eat 1200 cals her look of disgust at my diary at 1000 cals (all healthy foods) still echoes.
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    Now I'm currently a US Size 10/ Aus Size 12 (Although my wedding dress is a US Size 8, so I'm pretty happy with that lol). I don't think I qualify as morbidly obese, but she certainly made me feel that way.

    She followed this advice by saying if 500 calories a day doesn't work for me I should consider lap band surgery or the like. Again, made me feel as though I was as big as some of those people I see in documentary's that need to break down walls of their house to get them out of there!!!

    Is she the only doctor at the surgery? If not, I think you should make an appointment with her boss to report it. This is unhealthy and frankly dangerous advice. Luckily you have enough common sense to realise this, but if she's treating teens or even adults who don't have your nutritional knowledge, this could get seriously out of hand.

    And obviously find yourself another doctor!!!
  • MarliQQ
    MarliQQ Posts: 112 Member
    Your doctor is obviously confusing you with another patient. The only person I know who was ever put on such a low calorie diet was my grandmother, and she had open heart surgery and was suffering from congestive heart failure. Get a new doctor. From the sound of it, if you increase your daily caloric expenditure, even without a change in diet, you will manage to lose the 10kg you want. Also, consider going to another doctor. One who does not "project" the problems of other patients on you.
    I once had a nutritionist tell me that if I wanted to lose any weight at all I would have to stick to a 800 cal/day diet.

    If it doesn't sound right, chances are it isn't. For some reason we like to think that doctors are somehow exempt from the general rule that every profession has fools who slip through the cracks. So glad you immediately sensed the crazy.

    This happened to me as well, I am in the UK but she said 800 cals a day, it was before i joined here so did not know much about anything and had been eating around 1000 cals a day before hand and took her my diary, she treated me like i had been on about 3000 a day, i am 4ft 10 but even to do this day still find it hard I went back to the doctors and they said she was the expert and if i didn't want to do as she said i was wasting their time, i never went back but still feel guilty everytime i eat 1200 cals her look of disgust at my diary at 1000 cals (all healthy foods) still echoes.

    I was trying to think of instances where a "professional" might suggest such a thing.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    According to the Doctor I saw yesterday this is what I should be eating ...

    And that the 500 calories shouldn't include any fruit as it is "too calorie rich".

    Apparently I should lose about 1kg per week this way.

    Let's be clear - I don't intend on following this advice. I eat about 1200 a day and that sometimes leaves me feeling like I need more.

    Just curious as to whether anyone has ever tried something so drastic and where it got them (hospital?!?!?!?!?).

    Uh, I would get a new doctor? Was he a doctor or a nutritionist? Are you morbidly obese on the cusp of death? If not, maybe get a second opinion because 500 calories a day is just nuts....I wouldnt even be able to get out of bed.
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    When I was eating 300-600 calories a day, I landed myself in the hospital with gallstones that turned into pancreatitis. :ohwell:

    That's the silliest thing I ever heard.