How many grams of carbs is TOO much?



  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    It just depends entirely on your own particular metabolism and how efficient it is at processing different types of calories. So no one can answer this question for you. For some people, eating 50% of their calories in carbs works fine. For others, that's a recipe for diabetes and an early death. My doc has me at no more than 25 carbs per day (only 5% of my daily calories), 'cause my body just can't handle them. Unless you get your doctor to do some medical tests, all you can do is listen to your body, try different amounts, and decide through trial & error what works best for you.

    Biochemically speaking, if you're trying to lose weight, many people find it effective to cut down on their carbs. The body likes to get its energy from carbs, but when carbs aren't available it switches to burning a combination of fat & protein. So for some people, cutting down on the carbs and upping the protein helps them to burn more fat & lose more weight. But again, how well that works will depend on your own individual metabolism.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Jillybeanruns- I feel like you have the perfect excuse to ignore carbs - because you're a distance runner. I'm definitely not that :tongue:

    Well yes. But if you don't want to see the red numbers and want to have some idea of your macro breakdowns, hiding one is a good way to "know" without knowing. Calories in vs out is really what it's all about for weight loss. It's once you start trying to build (and repair) muscle and fuel up right that the macros come into play. I do 50-25-25 and it works for me!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Assuming you do not have any insulin related medical conditions I would answer your topic as follows:

    1) If you are still under you calorie goal
    2) If your carb consumption doesn't cause you to continually be UNDER on pro/fat

    Then you're fine.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    complex carbs are good, those sources you're getting it from seem great. and I eat high carbs(originally over 200, now more so 100-200) (long live bread) soooooo :yawn:

    at a lost:indifferent: you should be fine
  • HealthyAcademic
    HealthyAcademic Posts: 85 Member
    As long as you are getting in protein and fats, I wouldn't worry. Look at the percentages instead of the grams.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I eat primal so my beliefs are a lot different the the majority of people here, of course. I look to Mark Sisson's website for guidance and according to him for weight loss its best to stay under 100g a day, 150g-200g for maintenance. I can function with under 100g daily and do intense workouts, others may not be able to. If you're extremely active, you may need more carbs. Me personally, I never feel sluggish or anything like that but everyone is different. What works for me may not work for you. I'd say for now to try to obtain your carbs from healthy sources like vegetables and fruits and do your best to moderate carbs from junk food. You could also try eating around 100-150g daily for a little while and see if that helps. If you're sluggish, go up a little until you reach an amount that works for you. Good luck! & Don't stress yourself out too much about it. I'm sure you'll be ok =)
  • Maribabewhich
    Maribabewhich Posts: 157 Member
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    hmm.. I don't worry about carbs really.. My carbs mostly come from whole raw fruits and veggies, not starchs or processed foods, so I don't worry about them..

    should I be? I feel amazing :~)
  • well ill tell you what IM doing thats been working out PERFECT for me

    use MFP religiously and aim for low sugar fruits like small apples and blue/black berries (only eat 2 oz at a time)
    i would suggest when it comes to carbs, everything counts including fruits etc i PERSONALLy suggest that you eat around 100-115 carbs a day MAX on regular days (replace your rice/bread/pasta with vegetables that keep you really full such as broccoli, i also really love peas and carrots and mushrooms....but for the most part i stick with broccoli it keeps me the fullest longer)

    HOWEVER, on the days that you DO workout, definitely have some carbs but ONLY before and after a workout, personally before a workout (i do 45 minutes hard interval cardio classes) the perfect meal to eat is 1/2 cup oats and 2 oz blueberries sometimes even add a tbls of peanut butter believe me this will give you the energy for you workout
    and then after your workout obviously just have protein (like greek yogurt) with a simple carb such as 1/2 of a banana is perfect
    if its a workout day you should def eat like 150 carbs id say is enough! on days you dont wrkout keep it btwn 100-115 carbs max

    thats just what works for ME, also if you go low carb keep in mind that you still need calories, so getting them from healthy fats is much better way to go because healthy fats burns fat anyway like peanut butter, walnuts, avocado,
    my diet is full of fats and protein with vegetables only as my main source of carbs unless im working out

    hopes that help, as for my results, i been seeing amazing results and i actually have tons of energy because i eat a lot of fats to compensate when i go low carb on nonworkout days
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,157 Member
    Hey, the search feature works......nice to see.:flowerforyou:
  • Easy solutions.... Tuna, lemon juice, dollop of Greek yogurt
    Taco in cabbage no tortilla (tastes better this way to me)
    Fried egg over spinach sautéed in garlic
    Fried egg over Pepper onions and steak
    Stuffed peppers (no rice)
    Chicken parm with spaghetti sauce
    In & out double double protein style animal style
    Chipotle bowl no rice (watch the quac and corn)
    Corned beef and cabbage