I lose weight only if I work out but...

But I have an unknown condition that is like chronic fatigue but not. I am going to a doctor, but they don't know what I can and can't do, they just say "Do what feels comfortable." But the problem is, not much feels "comfortable." I want to push myself at least a bit so I see results. There are certain exercises that I would love to do like pushups and burpees that I actually start blacking out when doing them. Also my coordination is slightly impaired, so things like squats are hard to do with weights but bodyweight is no longer enough. I can't afford Personal Training sessions, I can barely afford the gym since this unknown illness has me off work. I fatigue quickly on weights and I feel like lead with running. Anyone with a fatigue type condition or who knows anything, could you please help me? I really want to do weights, I do do some, just only on machines. I used to be a weights godess but now I barely lift anything. If I make myself puff with cardio I start blacking out too, but how effective is working out without losing some breath?

If you need me to answer some more questions then go ahead ask them.


  • arabellaflagg
    arabellaflagg Posts: 28 Member
    How did this come on you, was it sudden, after an illness/virus?
    Any pain in the body?
    Have you had bloodwork? Any deficiencies?
    Do you have any issues with orthostatic hypotension - changing body position causing changes in blood pressure - because that may cause the near blackout sensation.
    How's the heartrate? Has this condition caused any changes?

    I suffer from fatigue, but it's post viral fatigue after I was positive for Epstein Barr virus . This virus causes mono ( sadly I hadn't been kissed for months before and had no traditional 'mono' symptoms) but felt terrible , weak, tired etc... Still recovering and trying to re-train to my previous fitness level.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    How accurate is your diary? Because just looking at it, it looks incomplete, but if it is complete, then you need to seriously eat ALOT more calories. It would be no wonder why you're blacking out and having horrible workouts. You need to fuel your body to you know... function. Calories, protein, carbs, fat... your body NEEDS all of that.

    So yeah.. I sincerely hope you're just not logging some stuff. Otherwise.... eat waaaaaaaaay more.
  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 167 Member
    How accurate is your diary? Because just looking at it, it looks incomplete, but if it is complete, then you need to seriously eat ALOT more calories. It would be no wonder why you're blacking out and having horrible workouts. You need to fuel your body to you know... function. Calories, protein, carbs, fat... your body NEEDS all of that.

    So yeah.. I sincerely hope you're just not logging some stuff. Otherwise.... eat waaaaaaaaay more.

    Agreed. If today's log represents pretty much everyday, you are way malnourished. A Starbucks coffee for lunch? Really? Your body is trying to tell you something...
  • arabellaflagg
    arabellaflagg Posts: 28 Member
    Hadn't looked at your diary but the Diet is bad, if you want to get over fatigue it will be 80% diet and 20% exercise. Processed food, candy bars, Frappes, ice-cream have to go. You can either eat crap or feel good. Maybe not what you want to hear but as someone once said - 'the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off'!
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    I have to echo what others are saying. Your diary shows you eat very little fruits, vegetables and whole grains...you seem to subsist on a lot of junk/packaged food, you don't eat regularly and you're not eating enough calories on most days. Have you always eaten like this?
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Oh I should have said, the last week or so I have been going through something really traumatic emotionally and so it's not a good representation of what I usually eat. Often I don't have breakfast because I sleep until lunch, I need a lot of sleep. I live a very sedentary life apart from workouts. My blood pressure is normal, my bloods are normal, my hormones levels are normal, I don't know about the moving around blood pressure thing your were talking about will get that looked into. My heart rate is extremely irregular and has been my whole life which has not caused problems. I have been sick for 7 years, I have doctors all doing the investigative work on that, I am more here for ideas on getting the workouts I need without blackouts.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    What about water? It sounds like at least part of it could be dehydration. I know I feel very fatigued and dizzy if I don't drink enough water.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I really don't know how any of us can give you advice if the doctors don't know what are causing these problems.

    EDIT: I will add that when I had an illness that caused fatigue I exercised by walking. Maybe just try going for a long walk.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I am drinking lots of water I don't log it.

    Yeah I am not looking for a diagnosis, just ideas. Walking doesn't make me lose weight unfortunately. Swimming leisurely is ok but not freestyle as the breathing makes me black out. It's ok if no one has ideas just thought I would put it out there.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    It's hard to recommend something if you're that sick. Blacking out is NOT good as you well know. Have you seen any specialists? Endocrinologist? Neurologist? Cardiology workup with an event monitor to see what's happening during those blackouts? Have your doctor said it is safe to exercise even though you're blacking out?

    Okay, with that out of the way, when I was at my sickest, I did exercises on the couch. Exercise bands, pedaling my feet in the air, etc. Looking up exercises for the elderly or something might help give you ideas (I know you're not elderly, but the limitations you have may be suited to those programs). First and foremost, finding out what is wrong is vital. The rest will eventually fall into place.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I am drinking lots of water I don't log it.

    Yeah I am not looking for a diagnosis, just ideas. Walking doesn't make me lose weight unfortunately. Swimming leisurely is ok but not freestyle as the breathing makes me black out. It's ok if no one has ideas just thought I would put it out there.

    I know it's hard, but losing weight might not be the best priority to have right now (unless your doctor feels it is part of the illness or causing serious risks). Work on getting nutritious food as much as possible and getting a diagnosis, and when you are more able, start working on the weight again.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    You're not going to want to hear this...

    This is not a one-week thing, Char. I took my time to go through your diary all the way back to October... and you need a damned reality check before you starve yourself into an eating disorder, (many anorexics, started out fat or chubby. You’re on Tumblr; you should know that one all too well).

    Char, you eat terribly! Your diary shows that you're overloading on sugar yet under-eating, especially in whole foods (yes, you had a few servings of veggies per day in early Dec, with some quinoa here and some chicken there).

    Simply put, you can't exercise because you have the energy and habits of an anorexic, without the sickly stick figure to accompany it. I wish your physician luck in his/her diagnostics, give them access to your food diary and they'll likely tell you that you have no energy because you starve and then binge. EDNOS, maybe?

    Does the following sound familiar? You have a hard time getting out of bed in the am, so in order to gain energy, you load up on sugars, caffeine and/or fat (in your coffee & snacks throughout the day). Fat provides the feeling of satiety and sugar or caffeine perks you up...UNTIL your blood sugar comes crashing down and you feel worn out again...JUST exhausted! You know you should eat something of substance, but you don't want to eat more, because you ate something sh*tty that day and feel guilty, or you've been starving yourself for so long that you know you'll gain no matter what you eat (and rapidly too). So, you start starving a little more, but with no energy, you reach for more candy and junk. It's a classic beginning to an ED story; Anorexics often consume a lot of coffee & candy, because they're SO tired, weak, dizzy and cloudy in the mind all the time; and those two things are the only things that they PERCEIVE to give them energy/clarity (when it just messes them up more). It's truly a vicious cycle.

    I notice you don't normally eat breakfast, what time do you sleep and wake? That is likely another reason why you're not losing and have no energy. If you don’t sleep, you don’t lose.

    Char, you need to suck it up, set up a normal routine, plan your weekly meals, cut the crap out of your diet, start to exercise (start slowly, like a brisk walk and some yoga), and aim for 8 hours of sleep, (I say this as I type at 2:30am). If you do these things, you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your energy levels & dizziness. Nutrient rich food fuels your workouts and gives you energy. You're likely to gain at first, because you’ve been eating like this for so long, but HOLD ON, because in time, if you stay on track, exercise will become easier, you'll be less tired/dizzy and you’ll feel SO much better.

    That’s just one outsider’s observation and perception of your situation. Take care of yourself, because you only have one body. Have fun with that body, but try not to *kitten* it up too much, because at 32, you’re reaching the age where the body doesn’t handle these bad habits (or disorders so well).
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    You're not going to want to hear this...

    This is not a one-week thing, Char. I took my time to go through your diary all the way back to October... and you need a damned reality check before you starve yourself into an eating disorder, (many anorexics, started out fat or chubby. You’re on Tumblr; you should know that one all too well).

    Char, you eat terribly! Your diary shows that you're overloading on sugar yet under-eating, especially in whole foods (yes, you had a few servings of veggies per day in early Dec, with some quinoa here and some chicken there).

    Simply put, you can't exercise because you have the energy and habits of an anorexic, without the sickly stick figure to accompany it. I wish your physician luck in his/her diagnostics, give them access to your food diary and they'll likely tell you that you have no energy because you starve and then binge. EDNOS, maybe?

    Does the following sound familiar? You have a hard time getting out of bed in the am, so in order to gain energy, you load up on sugars, caffeine and/or fat (in your coffee & snacks throughout the day). Fat provides the feeling of satiety and sugar or caffeine perks you up...UNTIL your blood sugar comes crashing down and you feel worn out again...JUST exhausted! You know you should eat something of substance, but you don't want to eat more, because you ate something sh*tty that day and feel guilty, or you've been starving yourself for so long that you know you'll gain no matter what you eat (and rapidly too). So, you start starving a little more, but with no energy, you reach for more candy and junk. It's a classic beginning to an ED story; Anorexics often consume a lot of coffee & candy, because they're SO tired, weak, dizzy and cloudy in the mind all the time; and those two things are the only things that they PERCEIVE to give them energy/clarity (when it just messes them up more). It's truly a vicious cycle.

    I notice you don't normally eat breakfast, what time do you sleep and wake? That is likely another reason why you're not losing and have no energy. If you don’t sleep, you don’t lose.

    Char, you need to suck it up, set up a normal routine, plan your weekly meals, cut the crap out of your diet, start to exercise (start slowly, like a brisk walk and some yoga), and aim for 8 hours of sleep, (I say this as I type at 2:30am). If you do these things, you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your energy levels & dizziness. Nutrient rich food fuels your workouts and gives you energy. You're likely to gain at first, because you’ve been eating like this for so long, but HOLD ON, because in time, if you stay on track, exercise will become easier, you'll be less tired/dizzy and you’ll feel SO much better.

    That’s just one outsider’s observation and perception of your situation. Take care of yourself, because you only have one body. Have fun with that body, but try not to *kitten* it up too much, because at 32, you’re reaching the age where the body doesn’t handle these bad habits (or disorders so well).

    Thank you for saying that. I do know I struggle with food, I haven't got a proper diagnosis yet, but unfortunately it's not apparently the cause of the ailments, as I was with a control freak husband for the beginning stages of it and ate perfectly fine then, he watched everything I ate; i WILL TAKE HEED THOUGH. I have been wondering whether I am bad enough to ask for help? cos honestly food anxiety is huge in my life. The other unfortunate thing is I because I don't work I don't always get to choose what I eat as I live on charity a bit, but I do have some power so I can try harder during those times. The last week is definitely what I get like under stress, starving then eating junk. When I say stress I mean I a whole lotta stress, extreme trauma kinda stress. I do need to learn to deal with this sort of thing better though. I sleep a lot, but I need to or my body literaly starts shutting down. I don't think that's a food thing though cos I will eat a smoothie and still no better.
    I am generally keeping within the sugar limits of MFP and not often over in that or fat. I am mostly eatin 1500 calories, how is that not enough? I am in two minds about what you are saying to me. One other thing, Whole foods are extremely expensive in NZ, the best you can do is eat salad mix and a piece of fruit or you will go bankrupt. I eat bananas almost daily, oats almost daily, natural peanut butter is not processed...Sorry I am not arguing I am genuinely confused. You are making out like I hardly eat veges, I don't get to eat many daily but December is not the last time I had them!
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    It's hard to recommend something if you're that sick. Blacking out is NOT good as you well know. Have you seen any specialists? Endocrinologist? Neurologist? Cardiology workup with an event monitor to see what's happening during those blackouts? Have your doctor said it is safe to exercise even though you're blacking out?

    Okay, with that out of the way, when I was at my sickest, I did exercises on the couch. Exercise bands, pedaling my feet in the air, etc. Looking up exercises for the elderly or something might help give you ideas (I know you're not elderly, but the limitations you have may be suited to those programs). First and foremost, finding out what is wrong is vital. The rest will eventually fall into place.

    Hi, yeah I am seeing a Neurologist. With free medical assistance comes a choice of one specialist at a time for one case. Hence it taking 7 years almost 8!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If your diary is accurate the reason your exhausted is the lack of nutrition. Not just calories but vitamins and many other things. Fruit and veg eat some. Also go and see a doctor
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    If your diary is accurate the reason your exhausted is the lack of nutrition. Not just calories but vitamins and many other things. Fruit and veg eat some. Also go and see a doctor

    Please read whole thread :wink:
  • laurenh729
    laurenh729 Posts: 16 Member
    i have fibromyalgia which is very similar to chronic fatigue. when i eat clean and started with low intensity exercise, i have seen excellent results and am now able to up my workouts
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Ok so be nice to myself, take it slow, eat more whole foods, unprocessed foods when I can afford them. Don't worry too much about weight (easier said then done.) But these are some great pieces of advice guys. Thanks, I will try start doing more of that stuff.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Firstly I congratulate you on wanting to exercise - not many people do!!

    You say walking doesn't make you lose weight and you feel like lead when running? Firstly, how far/fast do you walk? Suggested as one of the best exercise (if done enough of). Perhaps map out a 1mile loop, which starts and ends at home. You could then look at performing some sort of moderate intensity interval training, perhaps fast walk for 1minute, fast run (or sprint if you can) for 30-60secs, then back to fast walk for 1 minute as a 'rest'. Keep doing that. The reason I suggested a small loop is that you are never too far away from home if you begin to fatigue and need to stop. The more you do it, the fitter you will become. I have noticed since I've started exercising more than I actually have more energy - perhaps this will be the same for you?

    *ADDITION - having read some of the previous comments about your diary I had a look. You seem to be doing a fair amount of exercise already? For example, today you have logged 45mins of circuit training, burning over 500kcals. I'm slightly confused how you're able to do this, despite the problems you have described?? Your diary for the last few days indicates you are exercising - circuits, walking, swimming - they all burn calories...
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Sorry yes I do work out, but I can go weeks without being able to do much. I black out while I workout but I still do it. I am a bit naughty like that. But if I don't I put on weight. So if I am having a 'good' day I will still workout.
    I like your idea of interval training. I did that in my last circuit. I still had a few problems but not too bad. I think that's what I will look at doing from now on, gauge my energy levels and adjust the workout intensity from there. I push too hard, I want too much is my problem. I am fearful of not losing weight.